Obama Given Free Pass For 'Gay' Comment


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
Leaders of an organization threatened for posting a message on a billboard that essentially was affirmed by Barack Obama in a YouTube interview after his State of the Union address – that homosexuality is a “lifestyle choice” – say they are glad to have the president’s endorsement.

But “gay” groups have remained virtually silent about Obama’s language, and one “gay” publication charged he was “getting a pass.”

Obama given free pass for 8216 gay 8217 comment

And of course, next the Democrats will want to marry their donkeys, goats, and pigs. Just another day at the Democrat funny farm. Hey, better yet, what has government have to do with "marriages", other than finding a way to take more of our money.
38 States now have marriage equality and gays can openly serve in the military now.

Yes, when you bring those kinds of results, you get a pass on one careless comment.
It would be nice to see someone pin him down on the comment.
If he thinks being gay is a "choice", then that's a big deal to the gay community and the entire argument about being gay.
It would be nice to see someone pin him down on the comment.
If he thinks being gay is a "choice", then that's a big deal to the gay community and the entire argument about being gay.

Not really. Being a Mormon is a "lifestyle" choice? Should we have laws banning Mormonism because they can choose to not be Mormons?
Leaders of an organization threatened for posting a message on a billboard that essentially was affirmed by Barack Obama in a YouTube interview after his State of the Union address – that homosexuality is a “lifestyle choice” – say they are glad to have the president’s endorsement.

But “gay” groups have remained virtually silent about Obama’s language, and one “gay” publication charged he was “getting a pass.”

Obama given free pass for 8216 gay 8217 comment

And of course, next the Democrats will want to marry their donkeys, goats, and pigs. Just another day at the Democrat funny farm. Hey, better yet, what has government have to do with "marriages", other than finding a way to take more of our money.
Government should get out of the marriage business and leave that to churches, and get into the civil contract business for those who do not want traditional marriage.

I don't care what combination of humans wants to cohabitate, if they want the legal protections of "marriage", they should sign a contract., not subvert marriage as the world knows it.
Government should get out of the marriage business and leave that to churches, and get into the civil contract business for those who do not want traditional marriage.

I don't care what combination of humans wants to cohabitate, if they want the legal protections of "marriage", they should sign a contract., not subvert marriage as the world knows it.

Well, you've already lost that argument. Gays are getting married and the government is calling it marriage.
As one of a very few openly LGBT members here, I believe all sexual behaviour is a 'lifestyle choice.' We're not automotons with no free will to choose what we do, or who we do it with. Every action is the result of making a choice. The myth that sexuality isn't a choice is so some in the LGBT community can rebut claims of immorality by the religious zealot types. "It's not our fault, we're not immoral, it's genetic and not our choice." But it is our choice and "fault." But so what? Their gods don't exist anyway so I can't say it being a choice and my "fault" means much to me. Your objection to my enjoyment of my body and sexuality means less to me than how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Leaders of an organization threatened for posting a message on a billboard that essentially was affirmed by Barack Obama in a YouTube interview after his State of the Union address – that homosexuality is a “lifestyle choice” – say they are glad to have the president’s endorsement.

But “gay” groups have remained virtually silent about Obama’s language, and one “gay” publication charged he was “getting a pass.”

Obama given free pass for 8216 gay 8217 comment

And of course, next the Democrats will want to marry their donkeys, goats, and pigs. Just another day at the Democrat funny farm. Hey, better yet, what has government have to do with "marriages", other than finding a way to take more of our money.
I disagree that it is just a lifestyle choice, but he can believe that if he wishes as long as he isn't trying to block equal rights. See how that works?
Not really. Being a Mormon is a "lifestyle" choice? Should we have laws banning Mormonism because they can choose to not be Mormons?

You make the mistake of believing that opinions should be granted some acceptability simply because they exist. YES many different beliefs and belief systems should be banned and punishable by immediate death sans trial.

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