Obama Gives $25 Million In Aid To Libyan Rebels: Yea or Nay?...

25 million is a drop in the bucket these days. I'm okay with it, but no guns, no weapons, and no US boots on the ground.
25 million is a drop in the bucket these days. I'm okay with it, but no guns, no weapons, and no US boots on the ground.

"25 million is a drop in the bucket?" Wow. You know,American Tax Payers worked their asses off for that $25 Million. And our Government just hands it over to Libyan Rebels we know nothing about? That just sucks in my opinion.
I say Nay. I am pretty libertarian in my view of how we should deal with the rest of the world.
I say Nay. I am pretty libertarian in my view of how we should deal with the rest of the world.

Yea i can't believe some people can call it "only 25 mil." That's a whole lot of hard-earned Taxpayer cash. To just hand it over to Libyan Rebels we nothing about just seems ludicrous to me.
I'm surprised beheadings, burning people alive, dragging people behind cars would cost that much.

Maybe they need their machetes sharpened, more lighter fluid, and they're gonna drag bodies around behind mercedes.
Nay..... for one thing we don't belong there for the other this administration is not competent enough to drive the issues involving the ME.
Many on the right really tickle me about the Libya thing.
First it was why sian't Obama doing anything?
Then it was Why is he doing someting?
Then it was about him wussing out to NATO.

Heck we already shot a hundred million or so of cruise missles at em over there.
Many on the right really tickle me about the Libya thing.
First it was why sian't Obama doing anything?
Then it was Why is he doing someting?
Then it was about him wussing out to NATO.

Heck we already shot a hundred million or so of cruise missles at em over there.

Yeah, I dunno what I find more entertaining. When democrats speak out against Iraq and in favor of Libya, or when republicans pretend to be against launching cruise missiles onto arab muslims heads?

Yeah, way to stick to those principles................
Man you know it's bad when some refer to it as "only 25 mil." That's a whole lot of hard-earned Tax Dollars.
OBAMA, (who is NOT "The first Black President of the USA"), takes orders from outside powers just like every other president of the USA has ever done.

Lybia is situated in a very strategic place in the Western Hemisphere. It is in Europe's (NATO's), front yard and it is chuck full of high-grade petrolium. What do you expect the USA to do? The USA must protect and nurture global economic interests in that region.

The Islamic World is slowly falling apart.
Just like the Soviet Block and International Communism fell apart; 10th Century Islamic Fiefdoms around the world are crumbling away. Something must fill the political vacuum, and it is called: "Western Civilization".
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25 million is a drop in the bucket these days. I'm okay with it, but no guns, no weapons, and no US boots on the ground.

I think the opposite. We should trade them or sell them weapons for oil contracts should they win. Any weapons that we sell or trade to other countries should have a predetermined shelf life. Say the weapon becomes totally nonfunctional in 2 years or can be tracked & disabled via satellite in the event it is used against our interest.

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