Obama/GM Political Tricks may lose to LAW and ORDER!!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
It looks as if Obama's giveaway to the union goons may be reversed. It seems that the judge has realized he was duped into approving the illegal abandoning of protected investors in the handling of GM's bankruptcy and bailout.

30 billion dollars worth!!

NY judge ruling soon on shady aspects of GM bailout | Washington Free Beacon

A New York federal judge may rule imminently on a case that could reverse the General Motors (GM) bailout and send the company back into bankruptcy, according to sources close to the case.

At issue is a backroom deal hatched by GM to fulfill the Obama administration’s demand for a quick bankruptcy, draining the automaker of nearly all of its cash on hand and leaving it in worse shape than it was when it collapsed in 2009.


Gerber, the federal judge who initially approved the sale with little hesitation, now has the power to reverse the entire auto bailout. He has expressed deep frustration with the company for failing to disclose the deal, leading some to speculate that he may overturn one of President Barack Obama’s signature achievements.

“When I approved the sale agreement and entered the sale approval order I mistakenly thought that I was merely saving GM, the supply chain, and about a million jobs. It never once occurred to me, and nobody bothered to disclose, that amongst all of the assigned contracts was this lock-up agreement, if indeed it was assigned at all,” Gerber said in July.

“The judge has made it very clear that he is greatly dissatisfied with the process,” one analyst told the Washington Free Beacon in October. “He’s basically implying that GM hid it from him and that reopening the sale is a possibility.”

If Gerber takes that course the company could be forced to return the $30 billion taxpayer bailout that it received through the course of bankruptcy, on top of the new liabilities.


The bankruptcy expert said if the two sides cannot come to an agreement on Thursday, Gerber could preside over one of the most historic rulings in bankruptcy court history.

“This has tremendous implications for future of American business and bankruptcy precedent,” he said. “It means more than just GM—this is the rule of law and how creditors are treated in the United States legal system.”
that isn't quite what he's deciding... it's the distribution of pre-bankruptcy GM's liabilities that is troubling the judge.

well, at least they appointed a judge to the case whose expertise is in bankruptcy.

will be interesting.

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