Obama grants amnesty to 1/2 mil. illegal aliens, crowding out 1/2 M legal applicants


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Remember when Congress voted down the DREAM act a few years ago, that contained various amnesty measures for different groups of illegal aliens? Obama had said at the time, that he might use Executive Orders to start implementing it a piece at a time, anyway.

People who respected the Constitution said that that was even worse than his implementing new things by Executive Order, that had not been voted on by Congress as required by the Constitution. In this case, they pointed out, he would be implementing things that had specifically been DISAPPROVED by Congress.

Well, he did it. Just before the 2012 election, he put in place a piece of the disapproved DREAM Act that granted amnesty to 500,000 illegal aliens. And he gave the Federal Citizenship and Immigration Services just two months to get it going, to get half a million more potential voters their amnesty in time for the election.

That agency normally deals with legal applicants such as foreign-born citizens who have gotten married to American citizens, assigning them green cardfs and visas to enter the U.S. But this new "emergency" program put all such normal business on the back burner, as CIS struggled to process the huge mass of demands from Obama's favored group of illegal aliens. According to the New York Times, 500,000 applications from foreign-born spouses of U.S. citizens etc., were delayed a year or more, despite their being completely legal.

Such behavior from a government is usually restricted to third-world countries, where corruption of normal government processes to satisfy political aims, is demanded by banana-republic dictators to pay off bribes or sway the outcome of corrupt elections.

Welcome to the New World Order, as described by the Daily Caller:

Daily Caller said:

President Barack Obama’s 2012 unilateral legalization of 500,000 young illegal immigrants helped him win the 2012 election — at the cost of splitting 500,000 innocent, law-abiding American families for months on end, according to a New York Times article.

The ruthless political calculation was buried deep in the low-key article, which was published on page 20 of the local “New York edition” of the national newspaper.

Obama directed officials to award work-permits to the illegal immigrants, preventing them from preparing green cards for Americans’ foreign-born spouses and children.



Program Benefiting Some Immigrants Extends Visa Wait for Others

FEB. 8, 2014

Many thousands of Americans seeking green cards for foreign spouses or other immediate relatives have been separated from them for a year or more because of swelling bureaucratic delays at a federal immigration agency in recent months.

The long waits came when the agency, Citizenship and Immigration Services, shifted attention and resources to a program President Obama started in 2012 to give deportation deferrals to young undocumented immigrants, according to administration officials and official data.

The trouble that American citizens have faced gaining permanent resident visas for their families raises questions about the agency’s priorities and its readiness to handle what could become a far bigger task. After Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio said on Thursday that the House was not likely to act on an immigration overhaul this year, immigrant advocates are turning up their pressure on Mr. Obama to expand the deferral program to include many more of the 11.7 million immigrants in the country illegally.

Mr. Bachert’s wife, Debra, and their two children in a Skype session. She stayed in her native Australia to wait for a green card.

Andrew Bachert is one citizen caught in the slowdown. After he moved back to this country in August for work, he thought he and his wife, who is Australian, would be settled by now in a new home in New York State, shoveling snow and adjusting to the winter chill. Instead his wife, Debra Bachert, is stranded, along with the couple’s two teenagers and two dogs, in a hastily rented house in Adelaide, where the temperature rose in January to 115 degrees.

At loose ends, Mr. Bachert, 48, spent Halloween and Thanksgiving without his wife and children, and he opened his Christmas presents for them himself — on a Skype call so at least they could see what he had gotten for them.

“I’m sitting over here on my own, and it’s unbearably hard,” Mr. Bachert said. At the current pace, Mrs. Bachert will probably not travel to the United States before August.

Until recently, an American could obtain a green card for a spouse, child or parent — probably the easiest document in the immigration system — in five months or less. But over the past year, waits for approvals of those resident visas stretched to 15 months, and more than 500,000 applications became stuck in the pipeline, playing havoc with international moves and children’s schools and keeping families apart.
Now I'm already a dual citizen but hey let me drive down a quizzillion conservatives to get amnesty. Lets rock it. Canucks take over Washington. Let's give er!

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