Obama greatly expanded the power of the NSA two weeks before leaving office.

...the same NSA that illegally spied on millions of Americans, run by James Clapper, who lied under oath by claiming it did not happen...before being allowed to 'amend' his testimony.
How do you like him now? In his lame attempt to undermine Trump, Obama handed ALL the security agencies direct access to YOUR private information. And now we know, the CIA has some very clever ways of getting their hands on it. Isn't Obama wonderful? A real President of the people. BWAAAHAHAHAHA.


Yupp! :clap::clap:

Obie amplified the espionage game and there seems to be a lot of takers.
A purge is in order!!!
How do you like him now? In his lame attempt to undermine Trump, Obama handed ALL the security agencies direct access to YOUR private information. And now we know, the CIA has some very clever ways of getting their hands on it. Isn't Obama wonderful? A real President of the people. BWAAAHAHAHAHA.


I was thinking about this today... The government basically knows everything about you through DMV, Social Security, Credit Cards, hospital and school records..
They have cameras on the streets to watch you, and camera in stores to study how you shop, so they learn better how to scam you into buying more or a certain brand..
They have had access to cell phones since Bush and Cheney.
They see how you spend your money via taxes

The only way to be rid of spying is to go live off the grid way out in timbucktoo and live off the land like the cavemen did..
How do you like him now? In his lame attempt to undermine Trump, Obama handed ALL the security agencies direct access to YOUR private information. And now we know, the CIA has some very clever ways of getting their hands on it. Isn't Obama wonderful? A real President of the people. BWAAAHAHAHAHA.


Yupp! :clap::clap:

Obie amplified the espionage game and there seems to be a lot of takers.
A purge is in order!!!

All created by GOP lead legislation.

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