Obama Health Care Plan Will Provide Taxpayer-Funded Abortion on Demand

What a bunch of crap.

Who here has ever heard a woman say "I wish I had gotten an abortion"?

I know I've heard many who said they wished they hadn't.

And abortions do not prevent child abuse, unwanted children, or lead to the elevation of the human race. Nor are abortion factories the only answer to the rare cases of incest- or rape-caused pregnancy.

Now if you can speak the truth and stop spouting rhetoric...

oh wait, you have to have the rhetoric or there's no argument for abortion. Other than it kills kids YOU don't think should be born.

A la eugenics.

Oh what sheer umitigated blather.

The women is the decider here, Allie, not you and not me either.

And that is exactly as it should be.

As to making that right part of every woman's HC?

I see no reason to allow the better off women to have a right that the poor women won't have just because they're too poor to afford it.

HOW have they managed so far? The federal government or insurance companies have NOT covered the cost previously?

Insurance companies do not even cover gastric bypass surgery for the obese, yet they should pay for abortions?

I don't think so....
What part of the crap is misleading you?

Try the opening salvo. Show me quoted material from any Democrat, asshole, not from some right-wing internet rag's interpretation.

I see....those Democrats are misleading you.....that I can believe....if they don't talk about it openly that means it's not in the plans?....or do you really think they are planning to have a separate health care plan for abortion....? :rolleyes:

....sponsors of the Freedom of Choice Act include Senators Barbara Boxer, Jon Corzine, Patty Murray, Frank Lautenberg, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Maria Cantwell, Jim Jeffords, Joseph Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Paul Sarbanes, and Barbara Mikulski...


PS: in the article it says "On June 25, 19 Democrats, 11 of whom are Catholic, sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) saying they will not vote for the health care plan unless it explicitly excludes abortion funding."

...tell me why would some Democrats write a letter about something that is not happening......???

Mainly because, as I've pointed out a gazillion times, THERE IS NO BILL YET. Plus the latest House version won't make it down the hall to the Senate chambers. The article is misleading because it implies that this is a done deal with provision for abortions contained therein. It sucked you in, no?

Neither Medicare nor Medicaid (nor most private insurance) will cover abortions, period, and any new health care package won't either.
oh my god...the boogie man is bringing free abortions.

Give me a break... This is yet another scare tatic to further seperate us citizens from agreeing on anything.

I don't trust CNSNews.com anymore then I would trust Huffington Post.

Why not? Because they dare to report news that leftists don't want people to know? Can you cite us one time that CNSNews.com has done ANYTHING to bring their credibility into question?

Well, when their logo contains the words "THE RIGHT NEWS, RIGHT NOW," that would appear to the casual viewer as a pretty good indication which "side" their reporting will favor.
Try the opening salvo. Show me quoted material from any Democrat, asshole, not from some right-wing internet rag's interpretation.

I see....those Democrats are misleading you.....that I can believe....if they don't talk about it openly that means it's not in the plans?....or do you really think they are planning to have a separate health care plan for abortion....? :rolleyes:

....sponsors of the Freedom of Choice Act include Senators Barbara Boxer, Jon Corzine, Patty Murray, Frank Lautenberg, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Maria Cantwell, Jim Jeffords, Joseph Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Paul Sarbanes, and Barbara Mikulski...


PS: in the article it says "On June 25, 19 Democrats, 11 of whom are Catholic, sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) saying they will not vote for the health care plan unless it explicitly excludes abortion funding."

...tell me why would some Democrats write a letter about something that is not happening......???

Mainly because, as I've pointed out a gazillion times, THERE IS NO BILL YET. Plus the latest House version won't make it down the hall to the Senate chambers. The article is misleading because it implies that this is a done deal with provision for abortions contained therein. It sucked you in, no?

Neither Medicare nor Medicaid (nor most private insurance) will cover abortions, period, and any new health care package won't either.

And there IS a federal law, preventing such from happening.

States, if they wish, can fund abortions for the poor if they wish, which some of them do....but not with federal money because it is against the law.

I agree, it will NOT be in the bill once it makes it through.
What part of the crap is misleading you?

Try the opening salvo. Show me quoted material from any Democrat, asshole, not from some right-wing internet rag's interpretation.

Actually, it seems that Obama's presidential campaign itself told the pro-abortion website RHRealityCheck.org that "Senator Obama believes that reproductive health care is basic health care. His health care plan will create a new public plan, which will provide coverage of all essential medical services. Reproductive health care is an essential service - just like mental health care and disease management and other preventive services under his plan.

And private insurers that want to participate will have to treat reproductive care in the same way."

So it's not that crazy an idea that the health care plan he wants contains the provisions he said he wanted it to contain, now is it?

Huh? Reproductive care covers a whole wide range of women's health issues, are you kidding? Just as people automatically see ABORTION when they see any reference to Planned Parenthood, it's hogwash that ALL they do is abortions.
i don't think tax payer's money should pay for the 1 or 2 million people who MAKE THE CHOICE to have an abortion, this is an elective surgery in most all circumstances, thus the label of CHOICE, it is the woman's choice.

Abortion is a hell lot more than just a choice to have "elective surgery".....as you libs so neatly put it...:evil:

Well, what is the alternative to abortion? Teaching kids how to avoid pregnancy. As in birth control. Abstinance? Who are you kidding? Has worked in our history, never will work. There are many methods of birth control, it should be manditory that they be taught to every girl as soon as she starts menstrating. As should the dangers and consequences, physical and emotional, of sexual activity.

The alternative to abortion is having the child you make.....teaching kids that their choices in life have consequences is of utmost importance....otherwise they learn to become irresponsible and callous toward life...

If teens are not prepared to raise a child....then teens are not ready to engage in sex....simple as that...

Human beings....even teenagers!.....can learn to make intelligent CHOICES in life....such as not to have sex until they are ready....

.....they should be taught all kinds of CHOICES regarding their sexual life.....but they should NOT be taught that they have a CHOICE to kill an innocent human life....as this is murder....and against all sane and humane teachings regarding humanity...

...Believe it or not....there have been many times in history (probably more oft than not) when when young women as a whole chose to not engage in frivolous and casual sex like teens do in our sex-saturated society today....which liberals caused....you reap what you sow...but that is another argument...
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Obama Health Care Plan Will Provide Taxpayer-Funded Abortion on Demand


First....abortion is a whole separate issue from ordinary health care....this is a dirty leftie approach to institutionalizing it on a national level...

Second....the majority of Americans are against abortion....

US abortion views shift, majority are 'pro-life'
May 15, 2009

WASHINGTON (AFP) — US opinion on abortion has shifted with, for the first time in nearly 15 years, a narrow 51-percent majority identifying themselves as "pro-life," according to a new Gallup poll published Friday.

The "pro-life," anti-abortion opinion has risen from 44 percent a year ago, while the number of Americans who described themselves as "pro-choice" fell from 50 percent a year ago to 42 percent now.


What a woman does with her own body is non of yours or "the majorities" business.

But what she does with the innocent baby's body is...
in American marriages in the 1950's, of those that had children within the first year of marriage, 70% of these children were born within 7 months of when they were married....

I don't think women kept their legs closed as much as you think in the past, men just owned up to the pregnancy and married them if they were pregnant.
What a bunch of crap.

Who here has ever heard a woman say "I wish I had gotten an abortion"?

I know I've heard many who said they wished they hadn't.

And abortions do not prevent child abuse, unwanted children, or lead to the elevation of the human race. Nor are abortion factories the only answer to the rare cases of incest- or rape-caused pregnancy.

Now if you can speak the truth and stop spouting rhetoric...

oh wait, you have to have the rhetoric or there's no argument for abortion. Other than it kills kids YOU don't think should be born.

A la eugenics.

Interestingly enough, the legalization of abortion has actually led to MORE unwanted pregnancies, both those that are then terminated and those that go on to lead to live births.

Check some facts. Abortions are at their lowest rate since 1974. Statistics and that story here:

An Overview of Abortion in the United States
i don't think tax payer's money should pay for the 1 or 2 million people who MAKE THE CHOICE to have an abortion, this is an elective surgery in most all circumstances, thus the label of CHOICE, it is the woman's choice.

ALL surgery is ELECTIVE surgery in that sense, Care.

This nation is facing a choice of paying an abortionist now, or paying for a mother and unwanted child for the next 18 years in so many cases that this strikes me as nothing more than a sensible policy.

It just boils down to $$$$ for you....doesn't it...?

....how much are YOU worth....? ....how much will YOU be worth when YOU are old and gray and not a $$$$ producer any more.....will it be OK then to just snuff YOU out.....?

If and when I become a drain on my family, both for care and financial support, I would definitely hope one of them would quietly snuff me out while I'm sleeping.
Try the opening salvo. Show me quoted material from any Democrat, asshole, not from some right-wing internet rag's interpretation.

I see....those Democrats are misleading you.....that I can believe....if they don't talk about it openly that means it's not in the plans?....or do you really think they are planning to have a separate health care plan for abortion....? :rolleyes:

....sponsors of the Freedom of Choice Act include Senators Barbara Boxer, Jon Corzine, Patty Murray, Frank Lautenberg, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Maria Cantwell, Jim Jeffords, Joseph Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Paul Sarbanes, and Barbara Mikulski...


PS: in the article it says "On June 25, 19 Democrats, 11 of whom are Catholic, sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) saying they will not vote for the health care plan unless it explicitly excludes abortion funding."

...tell me why would some Democrats write a letter about something that is not happening......???

Mainly because, as I've pointed out a gazillion times, THERE IS NO BILL YET. Plus the latest House version won't make it down the hall to the Senate chambers. The article is misleading because it implies that this is a done deal with provision for abortions contained therein. It sucked you in, no?

Neither Medicare nor Medicaid (nor most private insurance) will cover abortions, period, and any new health care package won't either.

Well then....it sucked in 11 Democrat Congressmen as well....:eusa_shhh:
Abortion is a hell lot more than just a choice to have "elective surgery".....as you libs so neatly put it...:evil:

Well, what is the alternative to abortion? Teaching kids how to avoid pregnancy. As in birth control. Abstinance? Who are you kidding? Has worked in our history, never will work. There are many methods of birth control, it should be manditory that they be taught to every girl as soon as she starts menstrating. As should the dangers and consequences, physical and emotional, of sexual activity.

The alternative to abortion is having the child you make.....teaching kids that their choices in life have consequences is of utmost importance....otherwise they learn to become irresponsible and callous toward life...

If teens are not prepared to raise a child....then teens are not ready to engage in sex....simple as that...

Human beings....even teenagers!.....can learn to make intelligent CHOICES in life....such as not to have sex until they are ready....

.....they should be taught all kinds of CHOICES regarding their sexual life.....but they should NOT be taught that they have a CHOICE to kill an innocent human life....as this is murder....and against all sane and humane teachings regarding humanity...

...Believe it or not....there have been many times in history (probably more oft than not) when when young women chose to not engage in frivolous and casual sex like teens do in our sex-saturated society today....which liberals caused....you reap what you sow...but that is another argument...

Oh gawd...like abstinence really works, especially with teenagers whose raging hormones are on fire 24/7. All the abstinence only crap funded by the federal government during Bush's terms succeeded in doing was making liars out of teenagers. How many whose parents forced them to sign a contract not to have intercourse before marriage then decided that oral sex wasn't part of the deal?

At least teenagers are used to using condoms, unlike most people over 30 who will fiercely avoid using them because they grew up knowing the difference.
in American marriages in the 1950's, of those that had children within the first year of marriage, 70% of these children were born within 7 months of when they were married....

I don't think women kept their legs closed as much as you think in the past, men just owned up to the pregnancy and married them if they were pregnant.

Yes, and that ultimately created all sorts of emotional problems in later years. My sister was born out of wedlock when my dad was serving in WWII, and to this day (age 70), she still believes that "Mom liked you best..." Seriously, the fact that she might not have been wanted has affected a lot of her own decisions in her adult life.
ALL surgery is ELECTIVE surgery in that sense, Care.

This nation is facing a choice of paying an abortionist now, or paying for a mother and unwanted child for the next 18 years in so many cases that this strikes me as nothing more than a sensible policy.

It just boils down to $$$$ for you....doesn't it...?

....how much are YOU worth....? ....how much will YOU be worth when YOU are old and gray and not a $$$$ producer any more.....will it be OK then to just snuff YOU out.....?

If and when I become a drain on my family, both for care and financial support, I would definitely hope one of them would quietly snuff me out while I'm sleeping.

Maybe they'll do it sooner......:lol:.....sorry....bad joke....

When exactly do people have a right to kill you.....? When they are "burdened" ? How much burden are we talking about exactly? Whatever happened to being "my brother's keeper" and all that compassion and helping of others you liberals like to talk so much about.....?
Well, what is the alternative to abortion? Teaching kids how to avoid pregnancy. As in birth control. Abstinance? Who are you kidding? Has worked in our history, never will work. There are many methods of birth control, it should be manditory that they be taught to every girl as soon as she starts menstrating. As should the dangers and consequences, physical and emotional, of sexual activity.

The alternative to abortion is having the child you make.....teaching kids that their choices in life have consequences is of utmost importance....otherwise they learn to become irresponsible and callous toward life...

If teens are not prepared to raise a child....then teens are not ready to engage in sex....simple as that...

Human beings....even teenagers!.....can learn to make intelligent CHOICES in life....such as not to have sex until they are ready....

.....they should be taught all kinds of CHOICES regarding their sexual life.....but they should NOT be taught that they have a CHOICE to kill an innocent human life....as this is murder....and against all sane and humane teachings regarding humanity...

...Believe it or not....there have been many times in history (probably more oft than not) when when young women chose to not engage in frivolous and casual sex like teens do in our sex-saturated society today....which liberals caused....you reap what you sow...but that is another argument...

Oh gawd...like abstinence really works, especially with teenagers whose raging hormones are on fire 24/7. All the abstinence only crap funded by the federal government during Bush's terms succeeded in doing was making liars out of teenagers. How many whose parents forced them to sign a contract not to have intercourse before marriage then decided that oral sex wasn't part of the deal?

At least teenagers are used to using condoms, unlike most people over 30 who will fiercely avoid using them because they grew up knowing the difference.

I see....you give bad teen behavior a pass because they have "raging hormones on fire 24/7"....

...what a wimp limp liberal attitude....as if human beings can't learn to control themselves....

...besides.... the "raging 24/7" applies mainly to boys.....ultimately it is the girls that usually control things....as they are not typically as "raging" as the boys....:lol:
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The alternative to abortion is having the child you make.....teaching kids that their choices in life have consequences is of utmost importance....otherwise they learn to become irresponsible and callous toward life...

If teens are not prepared to raise a child....then teens are not ready to engage in sex....simple as that...

Human beings....even teenagers!.....can learn to make intelligent CHOICES in life....such as not to have sex until they are ready....

.....they should be taught all kinds of CHOICES regarding their sexual life.....but they should NOT be taught that they have a CHOICE to kill an innocent human life....as this is murder....and against all sane and humane teachings regarding humanity...

...Believe it or not....there have been many times in history (probably more oft than not) when when young women chose to not engage in frivolous and casual sex like teens do in our sex-saturated society today....which liberals caused....you reap what you sow...but that is another argument...

Oh gawd...like abstinence really works, especially with teenagers whose raging hormones are on fire 24/7. All the abstinence only crap funded by the federal government during Bush's terms succeeded in doing was making liars out of teenagers. How many whose parents forced them to sign a contract not to have intercourse before marriage then decided that oral sex wasn't part of the deal?

At least teenagers are used to using condoms, unlike most people over 30 who will fiercely avoid using them because they grew up knowing the difference.

I see....you give bad teen behavior a pass because they have "raging hormones on fire 24/7"....

...what a wimp limp liberal attitude....as if human beings can't learn to control themselves....

...besides.... the "raging 24/7" applies mainly to boys.....ultimately it is the girls that usually control things....as they are not typically as "raging" as the boys....:lol:

Teenagers having sex isn't evil, it's a biological function taking instructions from the brain. Most teenagers' brains aren't developed enough to have the "control" button in ON position all the time.
Eagle, may I make and observation after reading your posts? First, while I agree that making the right choices would be a big help in offsetting the problem. However it occurs to me that all of this boils down to education and self respect that is clearly lacking in a society that holds up praises those who want something for nothing. We have an educational system that basically encourages children to engage in by passing out sexual acitvity and teaches laziness. We have entertainment that celebrates those that do nothing more than sit around on TV and do nothing more but get filmed. So is it any wonder then that a majority of those that are products of this lazy, me first society would elect those who would take your money to pay for their own lack of good judgement and their parents lack of good teaching at home?
Eagle, may I make and observation after reading your posts? First, while I agree that making the right choices would be a big help in offsetting the problem. However it occurs to me that all of this boils down to education and self respect that is clearly lacking in a society that holds up praises those who want something for nothing. We have an educational system that basically encourages children to engage in by passing out sexual acitvity and teaches laziness. We have entertainment that celebrates those that do nothing more than sit around on TV and do nothing more but get filmed. So is it any wonder then that a majority of those that are products of this lazy, me first society would elect those who would take your money to pay for their own lack of good judgement and their parents lack of good teaching at home?

Totally agree....I earlier commented that you reap what you sow...society has been disintegrating for some time now...with liberals in charge...
Eagle, may I make and observation after reading your posts? First, while I agree that making the right choices would be a big help in offsetting the problem. However it occurs to me that all of this boils down to education and self respect that is clearly lacking in a society that holds up praises those who want something for nothing. We have an educational system that basically encourages children to engage in by passing out sexual acitvity and teaches laziness. We have entertainment that celebrates those that do nothing more than sit around on TV and do nothing more but get filmed. So is it any wonder then that a majority of those that are products of this lazy, me first society would elect those who would take your money to pay for their own lack of good judgement and their parents lack of good teaching at home?

Totally agree....I earlier commented that you reap what you sow...society has been disintegrating for some time now...with liberals in charge...

somehow you missed the 12 years the republicans were in charge of congress's agenda from 1994 elections- january of 2007?

WHY is that SE?:eusa_whistle:

are you an apologist for your own party's actions and behaviors?
If you think I am going to for one moment apologize for the republicans being in charge of congress and the job they did Care then don't hold your breath. My feelings are though that when a party takes up the mantra of change and then elects the same people who have been there before i.e. Pelosi, Reed, Obama etc. it doesn't represent change it represents more of the same with a different letter after the name. While it's easy for democrats to say we have a right to spend the nation into oblivion because the republicans spent unwisly thats rather like saying let me crash this jet because the other aviator couldn't fly it. When all one needs to do is take the time to learn to fly it properly. Since Duch left office last year, you may want to look in one year what the deficit will be at the end of thise year. Obama in fact will triple what Bush did in one year what Bush did in his entire term So is this change you really want? I will say it once again, one day our bill is going to come due and on that day, it's not going to be a good day for this nation unless we get this spending under control and and proposing 2 bills in a row each of which will cost over a Trillion dollars is not a good way to start. In fact if Obama gets his way, at the end of his first year in just 3 bills alone he would have indebted this nation to China to the tune of 3 Trillion Dollars. I'm sorry care but that is not a legacy I wish to leave my daughter in the name of socially norming everyone, when there are clearly better ways to solve these issues.

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