Obama, Holder conspire against republicans in battleground states

The Koch Brothers say they will spend $400 million in the midterms to help Republicans. Are they conspiring against Democrats? Holder and Obama have every right to do so because they are Americans.

If my neighbors and I get together and develop a plan to systemically eliminate the local gopher population ... We would be conspiring.
Conspiracy is not necessarily a crime ... Nor an undesirable method.

So the Romanians (Soros) is allowed to meddle in our elections
Soros is an American citizen and he's Hungarian, not Romanian!
ie Dracula
i.e., you're an idiot. Dracula WAS Romanian, but Soros isn't.
you're right. Soro's is a man of integrity and honor How thoughtless of me to attack a man of such sobriety.
And you Kon should be commended for coming to the defense
of a man known the world over for his philanthropy and ensuring justice and peace for the down trodden.K
Keep up the good work, you'll be admired.
Holder, like most of the Retard Race, is such a loathsome, aborted, decaying thing that immediately after America became the first white-majority in recorded history to elect a black leader, he declared white Americans "racist cowards." This is why I'm convinced that gratitude simply doesn't exist in a Crybaby-American's catalog of emotions. Blacks are a race with no respect for anything or anyone and I've never seen one of these humanoids show any appreciation for anything. Only vindictive, sniveling entitlement. Because their brains are too primitive to feel empathy for others, or to comprehend anything more advanced than eating, shitting, fucking and killing.
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An organization founded by former President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder has pledged to pour millions of dollars into key races in several battleground states as part of a plan to erode Republican control over the critical redistricting process.
Obama, Holder Conspire Against Republicans in Battleground States

Oh yes Holder, he is another leftist pos lying bastard one of O losers puppets who sold his soul and was willing to sacrifice the lives of our Border patrol agent (s ) on name of a former BP comes to mind his name Brian Terry they used his life to cover up gun running. Guns we provided you bastards that support and voted these killers into office are just as sickening as these lying cuck gov losers.
Nothing wrong with that.
From your link

EDITOR’S NOTE: An earlier version of this piece claimed President Obama specifically requested to be informed of developments in the Clinton investigation. Fox’s original reporting implied the texts raised questions into Obama’s role in the Clinton investigation, but after reviewing the texts released by the Senate Wednesday, The Daily Caller deemed it is not clear which specific investigation Obama is discussing.

Dan Bongino on Twitter

An organization founded by former President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder has pledged to pour millions of dollars into key races in several battleground states as part of a plan to erode Republican control over the critical redistricting process.

All other things aside ... If President Obama and Eric Holder have millions to pour into a campaigns ...
It's obvious they are not sending the money through the currently broke assed Democrat party ... :thup:


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glenn beck.png
jon stewert beck parody.jpg
they hate America and the police
obama sent holder to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a white cop
the AG is supposed to be ANTI-criminal--yes??!!???

Why don't you catch the next plane to Moscow and kiss the ass of Putin? If you like Trump, you'll love Putin.

I love Putin
seems like a no-nonsense person

Correct, you oppose him, and you disappear. Of course I take your remarks as sarcasm, for if you truly believe what you posted, you are not the biddable hack I've considered you to be, you're evil.

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