Obama Imported 300 Terrorist Friends Here

There is actually something to focus on in the information: We need to be looking into how to better slow/stop radicalization of people ALREADY IN THIS COUNTRY. And, imo, how to make sure the FBI's investigations aren't "dropped" prematurely, as a few of the successful terrorists' investigations were.
How would you slow down homegrown terrorism without trampling on rights?
Trample away.
Were you born in Germany by any chance?
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
I just don't understand how people could trust our government farther than they could throw it. They arm/train terrorists, put crack in our streets, let rich people who funnel millions of dollars go free while locking up a poor black man for 15 grams of pot for 12 months, apply sanctions(debatably an act of war) on outlandish claims without offering ANY proof(all for political theater), make the rich richer while screwing the poor and middle class ETC ETC ETC. BLOWS my mind.
You're boring me. I'm sick of listening to people do nothing but criticize everything. I'm watching the giraffe who is still NOT in labor, and maybe writing my grocery list with my left hand for the challenge.
When you come up with something positive that will help the FBI not have to let terrorists like Mateen and Santiago walk off free as a bird under no surveillance until they actually kill people, let me know.
I would love for that to happen. I also don't want to let the government dictate which of my bathrooms I take a shit in.
If this bores you, I sympathize for you. I mean, how fucking DARE I criticize our corrupt government right? Just let them do whatever. Its not like it destabilizes half of a continent or anything that effects people. That would be insane.
There is actually something to focus on in the information: We need to be looking into how to better slow/stop radicalization of people ALREADY IN THIS COUNTRY. And, imo, how to make sure the FBI's investigations aren't "dropped" prematurely, as a few of the successful terrorists' investigations were.
How would you slow down homegrown terrorism without trampling on rights?
Trample away.
Were you born in Germany by any chance?
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
I just don't understand how people could trust our government farther than they could throw it. They arm/train terrorists, put crack in our streets, let rich people who funnel millions of dollars go free while locking up a poor black man for 15 grams of pot for 12 months, apply sanctions(debatably an act of war) on outlandish claims without offering ANY proof(all for political theater), make the rich richer while screwing the poor and middle class ETC ETC ETC. BLOWS my mind.
You're boring me. I'm sick of listening to people do nothing but criticize everything. I'm watching the giraffe who is still NOT in labor, and maybe writing my grocery list with my left hand for the challenge.
When you come up with something positive that will help the FBI not have to let terrorists like Mateen and Santiago walk off free as a bird under no surveillance until they actually kill people, let me know.

It's good to see you finally leave The Democrat Party and join patriotic Americans in fighting for our freedoms.
There is actually something to focus on in the information: We need to be looking into how to better slow/stop radicalization of people ALREADY IN THIS COUNTRY. And, imo, how to make sure the FBI's investigations aren't "dropped" prematurely, as a few of the successful terrorists' investigations were.
How would you slow down homegrown terrorism without trampling on rights?
Trample away.
Were you born in Germany by any chance?
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
I just don't understand how people could trust our government farther than they could throw it. They arm/train terrorists, put crack in our streets, let rich people who funnel millions of dollars go free while locking up a poor black man for 15 grams of pot for 12 months, apply sanctions(debatably an act of war) on outlandish claims without offering ANY proof(all for political theater), make the rich richer while screwing the poor and middle class ETC ETC ETC. BLOWS my mind.
You're boring me. I'm sick of listening to people do nothing but criticize everything. I'm watching the giraffe who is still NOT in labor, and maybe writing my grocery list with my left hand for the challenge.
When you come up with something positive that will help the FBI not have to let terrorists like Mateen and Santiago walk off free as a bird under no surveillance until they actually kill people, let me know.
I would love for that to happen. I also don't want to let the government dictate which of my bathrooms I take a shit in.
If this bores you, I sympathize for you. I mean, how fucking DARE I criticize our corrupt government right? Just let them do whatever. Its not like it destabilizes half of a continent or anything that effects people. That would be insane.
You're still just criticizing, crabbie.
There is actually something to focus on in the information: We need to be looking into how to better slow/stop radicalization of people ALREADY IN THIS COUNTRY. And, imo, how to make sure the FBI's investigations aren't "dropped" prematurely, as a few of the successful terrorists' investigations were.
How would you slow down homegrown terrorism without trampling on rights?
Trample away.
Were you born in Germany by any chance?
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
I just don't understand how people could trust our government farther than they could throw it. They arm/train terrorists, put crack in our streets, let rich people who funnel millions of dollars go free while locking up a poor black man for 15 grams of pot for 12 months, apply sanctions(debatably an act of war) on outlandish claims without offering ANY proof(all for political theater), make the rich richer while screwing the poor and middle class ETC ETC ETC. BLOWS my mind.
You're boring me. I'm sick of listening to people do nothing but criticize everything. I'm watching the giraffe who is still NOT in labor, and maybe writing my grocery list with my left hand for the challenge.
When you come up with something positive that will help the FBI not have to let terrorists like Mateen and Santiago walk off free as a bird under no surveillance until they actually kill people, let me know.

It's good to see you finally leave The Democrat Party and join patriotic Americans in fighting for our freedoms.
I was never in the Democratic Party, but if you want to take credit for turning me, feel free.
How would you slow down homegrown terrorism without trampling on rights?
Trample away.
Were you born in Germany by any chance?
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
I just don't understand how people could trust our government farther than they could throw it. They arm/train terrorists, put crack in our streets, let rich people who funnel millions of dollars go free while locking up a poor black man for 15 grams of pot for 12 months, apply sanctions(debatably an act of war) on outlandish claims without offering ANY proof(all for political theater), make the rich richer while screwing the poor and middle class ETC ETC ETC. BLOWS my mind.
You're boring me. I'm sick of listening to people do nothing but criticize everything. I'm watching the giraffe who is still NOT in labor, and maybe writing my grocery list with my left hand for the challenge.
When you come up with something positive that will help the FBI not have to let terrorists like Mateen and Santiago walk off free as a bird under no surveillance until they actually kill people, let me know.
I would love for that to happen. I also don't want to let the government dictate which of my bathrooms I take a shit in.
If this bores you, I sympathize for you. I mean, how fucking DARE I criticize our corrupt government right? Just let them do whatever. Its not like it destabilizes half of a continent or anything that effects people. That would be insane.
You're still just criticizing, crabbie.
I was also being facetious. IDK I just think its ridiculous to say people shouldn't criticize corruption. Sheep, if you will.
To democrats, terrorists are allies in the war to end the United States as we know it.
Trample away.
Were you born in Germany by any chance?
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
I just don't understand how people could trust our government farther than they could throw it. They arm/train terrorists, put crack in our streets, let rich people who funnel millions of dollars go free while locking up a poor black man for 15 grams of pot for 12 months, apply sanctions(debatably an act of war) on outlandish claims without offering ANY proof(all for political theater), make the rich richer while screwing the poor and middle class ETC ETC ETC. BLOWS my mind.
You're boring me. I'm sick of listening to people do nothing but criticize everything. I'm watching the giraffe who is still NOT in labor, and maybe writing my grocery list with my left hand for the challenge.
When you come up with something positive that will help the FBI not have to let terrorists like Mateen and Santiago walk off free as a bird under no surveillance until they actually kill people, let me know.
I would love for that to happen. I also don't want to let the government dictate which of my bathrooms I take a shit in.
If this bores you, I sympathize for you. I mean, how fucking DARE I criticize our corrupt government right? Just let them do whatever. Its not like it destabilizes half of a continent or anything that effects people. That would be insane.
You're still just criticizing, crabbie.
I was also being facetious. IDK I just think its ridiculous to say people shouldn't criticize corruption. Sheep, if you will.
So I'm a ridiculous sheep? No, I'd like some ideas on how to make our country safer from these jihadi terrorists. I am not at all persuaded that this travel ban of the President's will do it. It will be great if, during the 90 or 120 day "pause," the intelligence agencies actually do come up with some procedures that even better identify dangerous individuals trying to enter our country. Some of that requires a Magic 8 Ball, and it will never be 100%, however.

The bigger ACTUAL threat is from Americans or refugees/immigrants who have been radicalized YEARS AFTER moving here (or were born here). We need a microscope on how this radicalization is happening, and to do that we need close relationships with the Muslim communities in this country. That's where it's happening. It's like trying to stop gangs. You gotta get in there and have the trust of the people. You following me?
I don't see how the travel ban is going to further that, unless at the end of four months the President decides he's learned that it will never be safe to allow them in and makes the ban indefinite. His advisers are already making noise that more countries may be added to the list. I sort of fear that.
Were you born in Germany by any chance?
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
I just don't understand how people could trust our government farther than they could throw it. They arm/train terrorists, put crack in our streets, let rich people who funnel millions of dollars go free while locking up a poor black man for 15 grams of pot for 12 months, apply sanctions(debatably an act of war) on outlandish claims without offering ANY proof(all for political theater), make the rich richer while screwing the poor and middle class ETC ETC ETC. BLOWS my mind.
You're boring me. I'm sick of listening to people do nothing but criticize everything. I'm watching the giraffe who is still NOT in labor, and maybe writing my grocery list with my left hand for the challenge.
When you come up with something positive that will help the FBI not have to let terrorists like Mateen and Santiago walk off free as a bird under no surveillance until they actually kill people, let me know.
I would love for that to happen. I also don't want to let the government dictate which of my bathrooms I take a shit in.
If this bores you, I sympathize for you. I mean, how fucking DARE I criticize our corrupt government right? Just let them do whatever. Its not like it destabilizes half of a continent or anything that effects people. That would be insane.
You're still just criticizing, crabbie.
I was also being facetious. IDK I just think its ridiculous to say people shouldn't criticize corruption. Sheep, if you will.
So I'm a ridiculous sheep? No, I'd like some ideas on how to make our country safer from these jihadi terrorists. I am not at all persuaded that this travel ban of the President's will do it. It will be great if, during the 90 or 120 day "pause," the intelligence agencies actually do come up with some procedures that even better identify dangerous individuals trying to enter our country. Some of that requires a Magic 8 Ball, and it will never be 100%, however.

The bigger ACTUAL threat is from Americans or refugees/immigrants who have been radicalized YEARS AFTER moving here (or were born here). We need a microscope on how this radicalization is happening, and to do that we need close relationships with the Muslim communities in this country. That's where it's happening. It's like trying to stop gangs. You gotta get in there and have the trust of the people. You following me?
I don't see how the travel ban is going to further that, unless at the end of four months the President decides he's learned that it will never be safe to allow them in and makes the ban indefinite. His advisers are already making noise that more countries may be added to the list. I sort of fear that.
My only problem was with you being ok with corruption eroding our rights.
I would like them to come up with a good vetting procedure too. But the FBI says they CANT be vetted properly because those countries aren't advanced enough for record keeping or something to that effect.
There should be communication from communities but you cant FORCE it.
I think the travel ban is redundant because of what FBI said. HOWEVER, I am ok with halting it as there is no way to vet them properly. It could happen for a lot longer and I would be happy as hek.
DHS says 300 refugees are being investigated by FBI for terror ties

During the announcement of the new travel ban executive order, Attorney General Jeff Sessions attempted to make the case for the pause in allowing refugees into the U.S. with a statement warning of the potential national security danger they pose.

“[M]ore than 300 people who came here as refugees are under FBI investigation for potential terrorism-related activities,” Sessions said Monday morning. He also said that those who are “seeking to support or commit terrorist attacks here will try to enter through our refugee program.”

Thanks Obama!
Yeah, just like everyone of the terrorist attacks in the history were the cause of refugees...Especially those Christians during the 17th century...

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