Obama in bed with corporations on TPP deal, so much for helping the little people


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Congress has been briefed on the deal, but barred from discussing it publicly. Open borders, unlimited immigration and a big payday for corporations. No wonder the Obama administration doesn't want it made public. People on both sides of the aisle would reject it. Obama is screwing the little people once again. This time, not all Dems are standing behind him. It's just that bad. Even Warren is openly disagreeing with him. I hope it's not just a ploy to help with her own campaign. Even Ed Shultz is disagreeing with Obama, but of course still lets him know he loves him.



:dunno: What took you so long?

You're on your way to becoming a liberal.

I'm neither conservative or liberal. I don't fit in either party because I form opinions issue by issue.

While I support capitalism, I abhor crony capitalism, which some members of BOTH parties engage in. Obama is just as bad as any of them when it comes to that.

I support helping the poor, but hate the way liberals have people staying on it through victimhood and an entitlement mentality.

I think social security is unsustainable because it's designed like any other pyramid scheme. That said, we have to sustain it until we can replace it because too many people came to rely on it rather than rely on the private sector for a retirement plan.

We should all be concerned about the secrecy and lies coming from Washington, though I won't hold my breath waiting for more liberals to condemn what Obama is doing.

Capitalism is good and helped make this country great. Crony capitalism is destroying it along with liberal policies that redistribute money from the middle class while protecting the deep pockets. Talk of taxing the wealthy has always been a lie from the left, but it gets votes because people believe it.

Don't know who said it, but it's true that workers in denim built the country and people in suits are destroying it.
If it is passed it will destroy millions of jobs, hurt local businesses, and put the TPP above US law and even the Constitution. Though, I think it will pass, as people's lives don't matter to the elite that run the show.
:dunno: What took you so long?

You're on your way to becoming a liberal.

I'm neither conservative or liberal. I don't fit in either party because I form opinions issue by issue.

While I support capitalism, I abhor crony capitalism, which some members of BOTH parties engage in. Obama is just as bad as any of them when it comes to that.

I support helping the poor, but hate the way liberals have people staying on it through victimhood and an entitlement mentality.

I think social security is unsustainable because it's designed like any other pyramid scheme. That said, we have to sustain it until we can replace it because too many people came to rely on it rather than rely on the private sector for a retirement plan.

We should all be concerned about the secrecy and lies coming from Washington, though I won't hold my breath waiting for more liberals to condemn what Obama is doing.

Capitalism is good and helped make this country great. Crony capitalism is destroying it along with liberal policies that redistribute money from the middle class while protecting the deep pockets. Talk of taxing the wealthy has always been a lie from the left, but it gets votes because people believe it.

Don't know who said it, but it's true that workers in denim built the country and people in suits are destroying it.

I can see it's going to be a long road ahead.
Liberalism is not a party.

The Democrats are right wing. We call them Republican-lite for a reason. They are all about corporations. I have no idea how many liberals would call out Obama because I see them having to defend against ridiculous crap.

If all you are doing is kicking out post after post after post of Liberals do or liberals say or liberals are then you won't get what you want. I think you know that.
:dunno: What took you so long?

You're on your way to becoming a liberal.

I'm neither conservative or liberal. I don't fit in either party because I form opinions issue by issue.

While I support capitalism, I abhor crony capitalism, which some members of BOTH parties engage in. Obama is just as bad as any of them when it comes to that.

I support helping the poor, but hate the way liberals have people staying on it through victimhood and an entitlement mentality.

I think social security is unsustainable because it's designed like any other pyramid scheme. That said, we have to sustain it until we can replace it because too many people came to rely on it rather than rely on the private sector for a retirement plan.

We should all be concerned about the secrecy and lies coming from Washington, though I won't hold my breath waiting for more liberals to condemn what Obama is doing.

Capitalism is good and helped make this country great. Crony capitalism is destroying it along with liberal policies that redistribute money from the middle class while protecting the deep pockets. Talk of taxing the wealthy has always been a lie from the left, but it gets votes because people believe it.

Don't know who said it, but it's true that workers in denim built the country and people in suits are destroying it.

I can see it's going to be a long road ahead.
Liberalism is not a party.

The Democrats are right wing. We call them Republican-lite for a reason. They are all about corporations. I have no idea how many liberals would call out Obama because I see them having to defend against ridiculous crap.

If all you are doing is kicking out post after post after post of Liberals do or liberals say or liberals are then you won't get what you want. I think you know that.
How many liberals have called out Obozo here on this board? NONE, nor will they.
:dunno: What took you so long?

You're on your way to becoming a liberal.

I'm neither conservative or liberal. I don't fit in either party because I form opinions issue by issue.

While I support capitalism, I abhor crony capitalism, which some members of BOTH parties engage in. Obama is just as bad as any of them when it comes to that.

I support helping the poor, but hate the way liberals have people staying on it through victimhood and an entitlement mentality.

I think social security is unsustainable because it's designed like any other pyramid scheme. That said, we have to sustain it until we can replace it because too many people came to rely on it rather than rely on the private sector for a retirement plan.

We should all be concerned about the secrecy and lies coming from Washington, though I won't hold my breath waiting for more liberals to condemn what Obama is doing.

Capitalism is good and helped make this country great. Crony capitalism is destroying it along with liberal policies that redistribute money from the middle class while protecting the deep pockets. Talk of taxing the wealthy has always been a lie from the left, but it gets votes because people believe it.

Don't know who said it, but it's true that workers in denim built the country and people in suits are destroying it.

I can see it's going to be a long road ahead.
Liberalism is not a party.

The Democrats are right wing. We call them Republican-lite for a reason. They are all about corporations. I have no idea how many liberals would call out Obama because I see them having to defend against ridiculous crap.

If all you are doing is kicking out post after post after post of Liberals do or liberals say or liberals are then you won't get what you want. I think you know that.
How many liberals have called out Obozo here on this board? NONE, nor will they.

Sure, the man is a neoliberal. He is all about privatization of the education system. He is anti-union. He is all about war. The TPP is simply now being looked at by liberals and conservatives. I have said so.
Congress has been briefed on the deal, but barred from discussing it publicly. Open borders, unlimited immigration and a big payday for corporations. No wonder the Obama administration doesn't want it made public. People on both sides of the aisle would reject it. Obama is screwing the little people once again. This time, not all Dems are standing behind him. It's just that bad. Even Warren is openly disagreeing with him. I hope it's not just a ploy to help with her own campaign. Even Ed Shultz is disagreeing with Obama, but of course still lets him know he loves him.



FYI ----- "ALL" politicians are in bed with corporate America. Where do you think all the money that Lobbyists hand out comes from? Where do you think that a large chunk of campaign funds come from? Can you name any professional politician that does NOT accept money and/or favors from corporate America? Are 99% of the members of Congress professional politicians? Is Mr. Obama a professional politician? Again, "ALL" professional politicians accept money and/or favors from corporate America. If you didn't already know this, then you've slept through the past 100 years or more of American politics.
As I explained earlier, the differences between both parties and even between liberals and conservatives are superficial, i.e., dealing with issues such as gender and religion. In general, both are heavily dependent on consumer spending, financial speculation, and keeping the petrodollar propped up using the military.

That's why what we have is essentially the same type of government operating across several administrations for three decades or so.
:dunno: What took you so long?

You're on your way to becoming a liberal.

I'm neither conservative or liberal. I don't fit in either party because I form opinions issue by issue.

While I support capitalism, I abhor crony capitalism, which some members of BOTH parties engage in. Obama is just as bad as any of them when it comes to that.

I support helping the poor, but hate the way liberals have people staying on it through victimhood and an entitlement mentality.

I think social security is unsustainable because it's designed like any other pyramid scheme. That said, we have to sustain it until we can replace it because too many people came to rely on it rather than rely on the private sector for a retirement plan.

We should all be concerned about the secrecy and lies coming from Washington, though I won't hold my breath waiting for more liberals to condemn what Obama is doing.

Capitalism is good and helped make this country great. Crony capitalism is destroying it along with liberal policies that redistribute money from the middle class while protecting the deep pockets. Talk of taxing the wealthy has always been a lie from the left, but it gets votes because people believe it.

Don't know who said it, but it's true that workers in denim built the country and people in suits are destroying it.

I can see it's going to be a long road ahead.
Liberalism is not a party.

The Democrats are right wing. We call them Republican-lite for a reason. They are all about corporations. I have no idea how many liberals would call out Obama because I see them having to defend against ridiculous crap.

If all you are doing is kicking out post after post after post of Liberals do or liberals say or liberals are then you won't get what you want. I think you know that.
How many liberals have called out Obozo here on this board? NONE, nor will they.

Have you called out the Republicans who support this?

Have you praised the Democrats like Sherrod Brown and Elizabeth Warren who oppose this?

Have you praised Bernie Sanders for opposing this?
I've written to the POTUS to let him know that I don't support trade agreements that don't adequately protect American industry.

For those nutters who think I ought to have a pitchfork in hand over this.....please note that nobody on the right is voicing opposition to this trade deal on the merits. The only opposition being heard from you assholes is due to the fact that. Obama supports it.
I've written to the POTUS to let him know that I don't support trade agreements that don't adequately protect American industry.

For those nutters who think I ought to have a pitchfork in hand over this.....please note that nobody on the right is voicing opposition to this trade deal on the merits. The only opposition being heard from you assholes is due to the fact that. Obama supports it.

Wow something by LL that I agree with.
There have been far worse bills that has past by Republicans that is for sure.
But, alas, leave it to the divided people of America to only be upset when their party is not the current molester.
I've written to the POTUS to let him know that I don't support trade agreements that don't adequately protect American industry.

For those nutters who think I ought to have a pitchfork in hand over this.....please note that nobody on the right is voicing opposition to this trade deal on the merits. The only opposition being heard from you assholes is due to the fact that. Obama supports it.

Wow something by LL that I agree with.
There have been far worse bills that has past by Republicans that is for sure.
But, alas, leave it to the divided people of America to only be upset when their party is not the current molester.

We probably agree on a lot. But you won't know that until you take facts and reason into consideration. If you google "Bill Clinton's biggest mistake" you will find liberal after liberal banging on him for NAFTA and for killing Glass Steagle. You see.....liberals will tell those we support when we don't support their policies. It's very clear.
I've written to the POTUS to let him know that I don't support trade agreements that don't adequately protect American industry.

For those nutters who think I ought to have a pitchfork in hand over this.....please note that nobody on the right is voicing opposition to this trade deal on the merits. The only opposition being heard from you assholes is due to the fact that. Obama supports it.

Wow something by LL that I agree with.
There have been far worse bills that has past by Republicans that is for sure.
But, alas, leave it to the divided people of America to only be upset when their party is not the current molester.
I've written to the POTUS to let him know that I don't support trade agreements that don't adequately protect American industry.

For those nutters who think I ought to have a pitchfork in hand over this.....please note that nobody on the right is voicing opposition to this trade deal on the merits. The only opposition being heard from you assholes is due to the fact that. Obama supports it.

Wow something by LL that I agree with.
There have been far worse bills that has past by Republicans that is for sure.
But, alas, leave it to the divided people of America to only be upset when their party is not the current molester.

We probably agree on a lot. But you won't know that until you take facts and reason into consideration. If you google "Bill Clinton's biggest mistake" you will find liberal after liberal banging on him for NAFTA and for killing Glass Steagle. You see.....liberals will tell those we support when we don't support their policies. It's very clear.

Then what happened with Obamacare?
There was a huge, huge amount of trust by the left placed in the Obama administration and the Democrats in the houses to "fix" the system, or even try to.
Sure there are somethings that were improved. But for the most part it is one of the worst pieces of legislation in the past 30 years.
I've written to the POTUS to let him know that I don't support trade agreements that don't adequately protect American industry.

For those nutters who think I ought to have a pitchfork in hand over this.....please note that nobody on the right is voicing opposition to this trade deal on the merits. The only opposition being heard from you assholes is due to the fact that. Obama supports it.

Wow something by LL that I agree with.
There have been far worse bills that has past by Republicans that is for sure.
But, alas, leave it to the divided people of America to only be upset when their party is not the current molester.
I've written to the POTUS to let him know that I don't support trade agreements that don't adequately protect American industry.

For those nutters who think I ought to have a pitchfork in hand over this.....please note that nobody on the right is voicing opposition to this trade deal on the merits. The only opposition being heard from you assholes is due to the fact that. Obama supports it.

Wow something by LL that I agree with.
There have been far worse bills that has past by Republicans that is for sure.
But, alas, leave it to the divided people of America to only be upset when their party is not the current molester.

We probably agree on a lot. But you won't know that until you take facts and reason into consideration. If you google "Bill Clinton's biggest mistake" you will find liberal after liberal banging on him for NAFTA and for killing Glass Steagle. You see.....liberals will tell those we support when we don't support their policies. It's very clear.

Then what happened with Obamacare?
There was a huge, huge amount of trust by the left placed in the Obama administration and the Democrats in the houses to "fix" the system, or even try to.
Sure there are somethings that were improved. But for the most part it is one of the worst pieces of legislation in the past 30 years.

That is overblown rhetoric. It doesn't go far enough....but it has seen millions gain insurance coverage and millions more gain improved services for their insurance dollar. You've got to tell me WHY you think it's "one of the worst" pieces of legislation. While doing so....please include a discussion of where the framework for the law originated. Thanks.

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