Obama Invokes NDAA, Declares Threat From Iran "A National Emergency"


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
Obama Invokes NDAA, Declares Threat From Iran "A National Emergency"

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.
That was Reagan's Plaaaaa aaaa aaannnn!

We're gonna Rock those Ayotollahs
Gonna Bomb the Hell out of Iran.

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.





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The sooner we kill off all the Radical Islamics the better off the world will be. Everybody knows that.

We go to church and that message is always preached from the pulpits all across this great land.

We have a calling from God to "Get 'er done!"

Praise God and Pass the ammunition.

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.
That was Reagan's Plaaaaa aaaa aaannnn!

We're gonna Rock those Ayotollahs
Gonna Bomb the Hell out of Iran.

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.
Iran and al-Qaida in cahoots together...
Iran strengthening ties with Al Qaida: Report
Thursday 16th February, 2012 - Iran is planning a major strike in Europe with the help of Al Qaida militants, possibly during the London Olympics, The Daily Telegraph reported Thursday citing intelligence officials.
The London based newspaper alleged that the Islamic republic has improved its ties with Al Qaida "as part of a campaign to target Western interests around the world that could lead to a spectacular attack in Europe." The startling newspaper report comes amid accusations that Iran had attempted to assassinate Israeli diplomats in India, Georgia and Thailand this week.

Tehran "is seeking to expand the network of Western enemies it assists", the newspaper said quoting unnamed officials. "As a result, Tehran has loosened restrictions on high level Al Qaida operatives under its controls as well as offering financing and training to the terrorist group's senior planners."

The newspaper said security experts believed that recent intelligence suggested Iran and Al Qaida could attempt to find a common project in Europe, "possibly targeting the London Olympics", which opens in July. "This is a warning to the West that 'if you consider attacking our facilities then there will be consequences'," said Anthony Skinner, the director of the political risk consultants, Maplecroft. "This would be a significant development that would represent a massive upgrade in Al Qaida's capacity to strike."

The Telegraph report comes a day after Sky News reported Wednesday that Iran had sealed a deal with the core Al Qaida leadership to provide advanced explosives training and "some funding and a safe haven" two years ago, a pact that had become "operational".


See also:

Iranian Missile, Nuclear Program a Direct Threat to the US
Sat, Feb 4, 2012 | The Christian Science Monitor suggests Iran is working on a missile that can deliver a nuclear warhead at a distance of 6,000 miles, therefore hitting targets within the U.S., which the leaders of Iran considered "the Great Satan."
An explosion took place in November at the military base where the missile was being developed under mysterious circumstances. Some have suggested sabotage, as part of a covert war against Iran's nuclear and missile program being waged by so far unidentified parties, but widely assumed to be Israel, the United States, or both. Other analysts believe the event was the result of an accident. The claim that Iran was working on a missile with enough range to reach the United States was made by Moshe Yaalon, vice prime minister of Israel and that country's minister of strategic affairs. According to the Jerusalem Post, Iran is working with Turkey to bypass economic sanctions that have been imposed on that country by the United States and Europe. Iran and Hezbollah are working with Mexican drug cartels to learn how to smuggle materials into the United States.

The speech by Yaalon suggests a number of things. First, it casts a new light on Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's assertion, reported in the Washington Post, that Israel might launch a full scale military strike on Iran to destroy its nuclear and missile program. If he thought his statement would scare the Iranians into seriously negotiating an end to their weapons program, he is sadly mistaken. Second, the intelligence about an alliance between Middle Eastern terrorists and the Mexican drug cartels provides a new perspective on the border security issue. The problem may not be so much Juan slipping across the border to find work but rather Mohammed slipping across the border to park a nuclear weapon inside an American city.

One might also imagine the embarrassment of Rep. Ron Paul, who has publicly stated on a number of occasions that Iran having a nuclear weapon was not a problem for the United States. Now, apparently, it is a big problem. Finally, Obama administration foot dragging on missile defense has been revealed to be a threat to the national security of the United States, not to mention its reluctance to launch a strike at Iran or support Israel doing so. Iran wants us dead and will not be deterred by a threat of a counter strike as was the Soviet Union.

Proof Isreal are the real terrorists.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnT8bTMN4oU]Israel Betrays America into War with Iran - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZjavMEeXF4]Todd Rundgren Bang The Drum All Day (HQ) - YouTube[/ame]
It was already show in one of the other 87 threads on this, that the part of the NDAA that was invoked was FINANCIAL in nature. NOTHING MILITARY was invoked.
Iran is not the threat here. Isreal is pushing us into a war. There is no Nuclear missle program in Iran.
It was already show in one of the other 87 threads on this, that the part of the NDAA that was invoked was FINANCIAL in nature. NOTHING MILITARY was invoked.
The Admin court cited much of the bizarre evidence the crazed Taitz woman offered to be such. She is dodging the costs levied against in her string of insane lawsuits.
Iran is not the threat here. Isreal is pushing us into a war. There is no Nuclear missle program in Iran.
Iran really HAS nukes; the threat is to Israel. Unlike Iraq, Iran has rudimentary delivery systems. Iraq had no nuke, NO delivery system.
Granny says, "Dat's right - smite dat Abberjabberjob severely about the head an' shoulders...
U.N. Agency Returns to Inspect Iran Nuclear Program
February 20, 2012 — A team of United Nations inspectors arrived in Iran on Monday for its second visit in three weeks, saying its highest priority remained “the possible military dimensions” of Iran’s nuclear program, which Tehran insists that the program does not have and which the inspectors’ previous visit did nothing to resolve.
International tensions, pressures and counterpressures over the nuclear program have been rising steadily, as Iran claims significant technological advances in uranium enrichment and threatens retaliation against countries that pursue sanctions against it, including a boycott of its oil. Shortly after the International Atomic Energy Agency team arrived for talks with Iranian officials, the Iranian government signaled that it might expand the ban on oil shipments to Britain and France, announced on Sunday, to cover other European powers that it deems “hostile” because of broader economic sanctions by the European Union that are scheduled to come into force on July 1. The ban was apparently announced to pre-empt those sanctions, which include a boycott on new purchases.

Iran’s deputy oil minister, Ahmad Qalebani, said that oil exports to Spain, the Netherlands, Greece, Germany, Italy and Portugal might also be banned, state media reported. “Undoubtedly, if the hostile actions of certain European countries continue, oil exports to these countries will be stopped,” Mr. Qalebani, who is also the managing director of the National Iranian Oil Company, was quoted as saying by the Mehr News Agency. The threat reflected speculation that Iran may be trying to sow division in the 27-nation European Union between the members that do not rely heavily on Iranian oil and those that do.

Over all, the European Union buys about 18 percent of the oil that Iran exports. But those exports are much more important to Italy and Spain, which each get about one-eighth of their oil supplies from Iran, or to Greece, which gets one-third, than they are to Britain and Germany, which get only 1 percent of their oil from Iran, or to France, which gets only 3 percent. Despite Mr. Qalebani’s remarks, Iran may hesitate to compound the economic harm it suffers from existing sanctions by forfeiting significant revenue from oil sales to Europe now. Even so, the standoff between Iran and the West sometimes resembles a poker game with potentially lethal stakes, as both Iran and its adversaries maneuver for advantage with no way of knowing their opponent’s ultimate intentions.


See also:

Iran Warns of Pre-Emptive Action in Nuclear Dispute
February 21, 2012 — As tension grew in its nuclear dispute with the West, Iran was reported on Tuesday to have struck an increasingly bellicose tone, warning that it would take pre-emptive action against perceived foes if it felt its national interests were threatened.
The warning by the deputy head of its armed forces, quoted by a semi-official news agency, came as Tehran also appeared to place limits on a visit by a team of United Nations nuclear officials, saying the investigators would not go to nuclear facilities, despite earlier reports that its members had sought permission to inspect a military complex outside Tehran. Growing tensions over Iran’s disputed nuclear program have provoked speculation that Israel may be contemplating a military strike against nuclear facilities, which Tehran says are for peaceful purposes but which the West suspects are inching toward the capability to produce nuclear weapons.

Without mentioning Israel directly, Mohammed Hejazi, the deputy armed forces head, said on Tuesday: “Our strategy now is that if we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran’s national interests, and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions,” Reuters reported. Divisions in Iran’s leadership make it difficult to interpret the government’s intentions, but the statement showed a new level of aggressiveness in Iran’s rhetoric. The statement came a day after a team from the International Atomic Energy Agency arrived in Tehran for the second time in three weeks. The Associated Press quoted the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, as saying the investigators from the International Atomic Energy Agency, who arrived in Tehran on Monday, had no plans to visit the contentious nuclear sites, which the West maintains are part of a covert weapons program.

The inspectors did ask on Monday to see a military complex outside Tehran that is a suspected secret weapons-making location, Iranian radio said, according to The A.P. It was not clear whether the Iranian authorities had specifically turned down the reported request. I.A.E.A. officials did not immediately return calls seeking clarification. As the I.A.E.A. delegation left its headquarters in Vienna late Sunday, its leader, Herman Nackaerts, said the delegation wished to investigate “the possible military dimensions” that Tehran insists the program does not have and which the inspectors’ previous visit did nothing to resolve.


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