Obama is an example of USA exceptionalism..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
that he doesn't believe in as evidenced by these comments...
During the 2008 presidental campaign, Barack Obama was asked whether he believed in American exceptionalism. Sure, he said, "just like the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."
Mr. President, Is America Exceptional? You Betcha! | Fox News

Obama like many people constantly critical of the USA is a perfect example though of WHY the USA is exceptional.

Obama is exceptional no question. He's able to move millions of people to actions and decisions.. as wrong as they are.. and that is an exceptional talent.

Obama's father was an exceptional person from Kenya.... again no matter his positions were 100% against the USA but his father was exceptional.

And this is the MAJOR point of WHY the USA is exceptional and Obama completely misses this by detracting American exceptionalism.
America welcomes legally more people than any other country in the world.
The reason more people want to come to America and most of those that come legally are exceptional is because these "exceptional" people see America as having
more opportunities to use their "exceptionalism" then in their own countries.

This is why America is exceptional. The exceptional people that have immigrated were for the most part exceptional people in their countries but they couldn't
become the exceptional in their countries environment.
America has more resources, more exceptional people and more freedom to grow exceptional people's talents, drive and desires then almost all countries.
Hence Obama etc. that don't comprehend that THIS is what makes America exceptional should of ALL people comprehend that!
Exceptional people from around the world immigrating to America legally make the USA an exceptional country!
I just hope readers of the above understand what this thread is about and maybe the reader will if jaundiced by people that hate the USA comprehend that the major point I'm intending to make is "The USA is an exceptional country" because we are made up of exceptional people that have legally immigrated to the USA so they can grow in their exceptionalism!
"Some may disagree, but I believe that America is exceptional," Obama told the gathering of world leaders. "In part because we have shown a willingness, through the sacrifice of blood and treasure, to stand up not only for our own narrow self-interest, but for the interests of all."

"...[W]e’ve still got the best workers in the world. We’ve got the best entrepreneurs in the world. We’ve got the best scientists and researchers in the world, the best colleges, and the best universities in the world. We’re still a young nation, and we’ve got the greatest diversity of talent and ingenuity, and people want to come here from every corner of the globe. So no matter what the naysayers tell us, no matter how dark the other side tries to make things look, the fact is there is not another country on earth that would not gladly trade places with the United States of America."

"I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism. I'm enormously proud of my country and its role and history in the world. If you think about the site of this summit and what it means, I don't think America should be embarrassed to see evidence of the sacrifices of our troops, the enormous amount of resources that were put into Europe postwar, and our leadership in crafting an Alliance that ultimately led to the unification of Europe. We should take great pride in that.

And if you think of our current situation, the United States remains the largest economy in the world. We have unmatched military capability. And I think that we have a core set of values that are enshrined in our Constitution, in our body of law, in our democratic practices, in our belief in free speech and equality, that, though imperfect, are exceptional.

Now, the fact that I am very proud of my country and I think that we've got a whole lot to offer the world does not lessen my interest in recognizing the value and wonderful qualities of other countries, or recognizing that we're not always going to be right, or that other people may have good ideas, or that in order for us to work collectively, all parties have to compromise and that includes us.

And so I see no contradiction between believing that America has a continued extraordinary role in leading the world towards peace and prosperity and recognizing that that leadership is incumbent, depends on, our ability to create partnerships because we create partnerships because we can't solve these problems alone."
"I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism. "
To me and others when he said this he made the concept of "American exceptionalism" a jingoist premise.. My country is better then your country!!
Just as Brits believe Britain is better,etc...

That was the point.
How many people have immigrated to Great Britain, Greece,etc.. in the volume that they have immigrated to America?
You missed the point as I tried to reiterate Obama missed!
The point you and Obama missed is America IS exceptional not because we as Obama mouthed" believe" but because more exceptional people have come to America.
It is not a belief but a FACT. More exceptional people from all countries have come to America because they can practice their exceptionalism!
And Obama is a perfect example of the person that desired America's exceptional people i.e. Obama's father was attracted to Obama's American mother and why???Love? I am sure because his father hated countries like America and Great Britain so he had to have found something attractive about Obama's mom!
America, historically, has been "exceptional" in a very good way. Obama is "exceptional" in a very negative way. I know that's what the OP is saying and I agree.

However, I believe that America's willingness to "allow more people" onto her shores is only a "good" thing if the folks they allow on her shores learn, know, and fully accept America's political philosophy and structure. They need to recognize that we're a Constitutional Republic -- not a Democracy (in the true sense of the word). If they're coming here to suck off of America's welfare system without contributing something in return then I don't believe they should be welcome. Weak people contribute to a weak nation.
America, historically, has been "exceptional" in a very good way. Obama is "exceptional" in a very negative way. I know that's what the OP is saying and I agree.

However, I believe that America's willingness to "allow more people" onto her shores is only a "good" thing if the folks they allow on her shores learn, know, and fully accept America's political philosophy and structure. They need to recognize that we're a Constitutional Republic -- not a Democracy (in the true sense of the word). If they're coming here to suck off of America's welfare system without contributing something in return then I don't believe they should be welcome. Weak people contribute to a weak nation.

That's why I kept using "legal" immigrants. Most of them have truly been exceptional immigrants that WANT to become Americans and not just for a short term economic relief!
My daughter-in-law was raised in Communist Ukraine before the fall and today is totally an American with a great respect for America and when asked even though she's been back several times for relative visits she feels her home and family is American.

She is an example of one of those "exceptional" people.
ahahahah small small children rejoice in your pettiness
America, historically, has been "exceptional" in a very good way. Obama is "exceptional" in a very negative way. I know that's what the OP is saying and I agree.

However, I believe that America's willingness to "allow more people" onto her shores is only a "good" thing if the folks they allow on her shores learn, know, and fully accept America's political philosophy and structure. They need to recognize that we're a Constitutional Republic -- not a Democracy (in the true sense of the word). If they're coming here to suck off of America's welfare system without contributing something in return then I don't believe they should be welcome. Weak people contribute to a weak nation.

That's why I kept using "legal" immigrants. Most of them have truly been exceptional immigrants that WANT to become Americans and not just for a short term economic relief!
My daughter-in-law was raised in Communist Ukraine before the fall and today is totally an American with a great respect for America and when asked even though she's been back several times for relative visits she feels her home and family is American.

She is an example of one of those "exceptional" people.

She's the exceptionally "good" kind. :D
At one time people immigrated here because they were exceptional and wanted an opportunity and liberty to reach their potential. Now people immigrate here for the generous public benefits. They become citizens, not because they love this country so much, but because social workers are on hand during every oath of citizenship ceremony to sign everyone up for benefits immediately.
The concept of American "exceptionalism" is goofy.

ex·cep·tion·al·ism (ĭk-sĕp′shə-nə-lĭz′əm)
1. The condition of being exceptional or unique.
2. The theory or belief that something, especially a nation, does not conform to a pattern or norm.


American exceptionalism is a meaningless phrase used by right wing wanks to determine who is STUPID enough to think this concept makes sense.

The phrase is (and I think was specifically designed to be) a kind of linguistic political litmus test
The concept of American "exceptionalism" is goofy.

ex·cep·tion·al·ism (ĭk-sĕp′shə-nə-lĭz′əm)
1. The condition of being exceptional or unique.
2. The theory or belief that something, especially a nation, does not conform to a pattern or norm.


American exceptionalism is a meaningless phrase used by right wing wanks to determine who is STUPID enough to think this concept makes sense.

The phrase is (and I think was specifically designed to be) a kind of linguistic political litmus test

It's a lot like that Master Race crap Hitler was selling back in the 30's.
At one time people immigrated here because they were exceptional and wanted an opportunity and liberty to reach their potential. Now people immigrate here for the generous public benefits. They become citizens, not because they love this country so much, but because social workers are on hand during every oath of citizenship ceremony to sign everyone up for benefits immediately.

Good POINT!!!
Sad but true and that is more the fault of a president that has TOLD US...
"we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
In an October 2008 campaign visit to Columbia, Mo:
The concept of American "exceptionalism" is goofy.

ex·cep·tion·al·ism (ĭk-sĕp′shə-nə-lĭz′əm)
1. The condition of being exceptional or unique.
2. The theory or belief that something, especially a nation, does not conform to a pattern or norm.


American exceptionalism is a meaningless phrase used by right wing wanks to determine who is STUPID enough to think this concept makes sense.

The phrase is (and I think was specifically designed to be) a kind of linguistic political litmus test

I agree! "American exceptionalism" is always used to accuse right wing nuts of "jingoism".. (I know you don't know that word so look it up!)
But that connection is ALWAYS used by people that "hate america".. think America is the world's villain. Very very wrong when considering..
A) Over 600,000 died freeing millions of people from Nazism, from Saddam, from China (vietnam,Korea..)...
B) Over $50 billion a year given by USA Government...
C) giving Money and time...
C) For example, in 1995 (the most recent year for which data are available), Americans gave, per capita, three and a half times as much to causes and charities as the French, seven times as much as the Germans, and 14 times as much as the Italians. Similarly, in 1998, Americans were 15 percent more likely to volunteer their time than the Dutch, 21 percent more likely than the Swiss, and 32 percent more likely than the Germans.
A Nation of Givers ? The American Magazine
NOW the above facts show other EXCEPTIONAL characteristics of Americans!
And Obama is a perfect example of the person that desired America's exceptional people i.e. Obama's father was attracted to Obama's American mother and why???Love? I am sure because his father hated countries like America and Great Britain so he had to have found something attractive about Obama's mom!

Or, he was drunk and wanted to get laid.
The USA IS NOT a perfect example, far from it.

But we do good at times.
I just hope readers of the above understand what this thread is about and maybe the reader will if jaundiced by people that hate the USA comprehend that the major point I'm intending to make is "The USA is an exceptional country" because we are made up of exceptional people that have legally immigrated to the USA so they can grow in their exceptionalism!

even poor and disenfranchised people huh

we started freedom with democracy.

Now there are other democracys.

can they ever be equal with us?
I just hope readers of the above understand what this thread is about and maybe the reader will if jaundiced by people that hate the USA comprehend that the major point I'm intending to make is "The USA is an exceptional country" because we are made up of exceptional people that have legally immigrated to the USA so they can grow in their exceptionalism!

even poor and disenfranchised people huh

we started freedom with democracy.

Now there are other democracy's.

can they ever be equal with us?

We stared freedom with a Constitutional Federal Republic, not a Democracy.
No Democracies are not equal with our American Federal Republic.

A federal republic is a federation of states with a republican form of government.

In a federal republic, there is a division of powers between the national ("federal") government, and the government of the individual subdivisions. While each federal republic manages this division of powers differently, national security and defense, monetary policy, and other issues of a "national" scope are handled at the "federal" level while more local issues such as road and infrastructure maintenance and education policy are handled at the local level.

In the United States, a federal republic is a Constitutional Republic which seeks to ensure the rights of individuals and groups within the republic.

In contrast, we are moving towards a unitary republic whereby the national government has complete sovereignty over all aspects of political life. Control over the States as well as the people.
This is totally opposite of what our Founders envisioned.

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