Obama Is "At War With State And Local Law Enforcement"

This is popping up all over the net. Obama and Holder have set up a hotline and email address for illegals to report on State and local law enforcement.

I didn't believe it at first, but hot air just published the phone number and email addy.

Shit man I never thought I'd see this day when the White House and the Administration truly is the enemy of the citizens of the country and instead is the bosom buddy of illegal immigrants. And the administration is at war with the States.

The world is upside down.

Think of how this can be abused. Any complaint by anybody means a lawman will be under investigation by the DOJ. How many calls and emails will start flowing in over Sheriff Joe?

I want to bazooka barf.

Justice Dep’t sets up federal hotline for Arizona immigration civil rights concerns

The Justice Department has set up a hotline for the public to report potential civil rights concerns regarding the Arizona law that requires police to check the immigration status of those they stop for other reasons.

The hotline phone number is 1-855-353-1010. The email is: SB1070(at)usdoj.gov.

whoopsies forgot to add link:

Justice Dep’t sets up federal hotline for Arizona immigration civil rights concerns « Hot Air Headlines

Mark Levin here:

Mark Levin: Obama Is "At War With State And Local Law Enforcement" | RealClearPolitics

This should play right into Mitt Romney's plans to reduce the numbers of police officers, firemen, etc at the state a local levels, so why are you bitching?
Yes its a nuisance the Hispanic American citizens maybe called upon to show ID the situation calls for it. Of course TM would rather have Democratic fraud as usual.
this thread is not about me its about the lie the OP told and the lying assholes who are backing a lie, your one of them
this thread is not about me its about the lie the OP told and the lying assholes who are backing a lie, your one of them

That is all you ever have to offer. It has grown stale to me in the short time I have been here. I don't know how anyone else that has been here longer puts up with your outrageous non sense.
This is popping up all over the net. Obama and Holder have set up a hotline and email address for illegals to report on State and local law enforcement.

I didn't believe it at first, but hot air just published the phone number and email addy.

Shit man I never thought I'd see this day when the White House and the Administration truly is the enemy of the citizens of the country and instead is the bosom buddy of illegal immigrants. And the administration is at war with the States.

The world is upside down.

Think of how this can be abused. Any complaint by anybody means a lawman will be under investigation by the DOJ. How many calls and emails will start flowing in over Sheriff Joe?

I want to bazooka barf.

Justice Dep’t sets up federal hotline for Arizona immigration civil rights concerns

The Justice Department has set up a hotline for the public to report potential civil rights concerns regarding the Arizona law that requires police to check the immigration status of those they stop for other reasons.

The hotline phone number is 1-855-353-1010. The email is: SB1070(at)usdoj.gov.

whoopsies forgot to add link:

Justice Dep’t sets up federal hotline for Arizona immigration civil rights concerns « Hot Air Headlines

Mark Levin here:

Mark Levin: Obama Is "At War With State And Local Law Enforcement" | RealClearPolitics

Justice Dep’t sets up federal hotline for Arizona immigration civil rights concerns

The Justice Department has set up a hotline for the public to report potential civil rights concerns regarding the Arizona law that requires police to check the immigration status of those they stop for other reasons.

The hotline phone number is 1-855-353-1010. The email is: SB1070(at)usdoj.gov.

Where the FUCK does it say illegals?

Accordingly, he said, federal officials will not respond to the scene of state or local traffic stops or similar law enforcement encounters to enforce immigration laws unless the individual meets DHS enforcement priorities. To meet those priorities, the individual must be a convicted criminal or a recent border crosser, or must have been removed from the U.S. previously and re-entered unlawfully.
DHS will continue to comply with its legal requirement to verify, by telephone, the individual's immigration status, officials said.

Obama: Hell No We Won't Enforce - The Daily Beast

So, this administration has openly stated that they will not follow federal laws--that they are picking and choosing what laws they want to enforce.

When we cease being a nation governed by laws, we cease being free.
Yes its a nuisance the Hispanic American citizens maybe called upon to show ID the situation calls for it. Of course TM would rather have Democratic fraud as usual.

Dear fuckng lying idiot.

why did you LIE about what this hot line is for?
this thread proves what lying pieces of shit we have here on the right.

thank you for documenting for all to see how you all lie like dead dogs
you just refuse to face the fact you and the others lied about this announcement huh?

How can you type with your head so far up your own ass?

ah the "your a poopy pants" defense.

that doesnt make you lies dissapear

Are you serious? All you do is call people "fucking liar asshole partisan racists moron idiots" and yet I use the poopy pants defense. All you do is name call. You don't have the high ground to tell someone else that they use the poopy pants defense.
This President declared War on his fellow American Citizens on day one. It's the Saul Alinsky 'Community Organizer' way. It's all about the 'Divide & Conquer.' He's perfectly comfortable taking the side of Illegal Aliens and Mexico over his own People in Arizona. He really does see his fellow Americans in Arizona as the 'Enemy.' It is very shameful, but it is what it is. Hopefully Americans will step up and give him the boot in November. We'll see i guess.
The Federal Government has been at war with State and Local Government since this country was founded. Obama just happens to be the best General the Fed has ever had in this war. Makes FDR look like an amateur.

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