Obama is Cruising!!!

A good polling day for Obama, so look for an improvement in his EV tallies with the poll aggregaters tomorrow. And after Obama's storm surge/bump hits, things will get even better.

Quinn shows Obama +5 in Ohio, +1 in Florida, +2 in VA. No wonder Romney has given up on Ohio.

Marquette U, who called the Walker recall perfectly, puts Obama at +8 in WI.

PPP shows Obama +5 in Iowa, +5 in WI.

National Journal Poll shows Obama +5 nationally.

Once more, the 10/31/2012 poll aggregator tally. The kooks can rage at me all they want, but that won't change the data. It is what it is.

RCP O281-R257
RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

Pollster.com O253-R206
Pollster: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

Five-thirty-eight.com (Nate Silver) O299-R239
Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

Princeton Election consortium O318-R220

Election Analytics O291.6-R246.4
Presidential Election 2012 | University of Illinois

InTrade O294-R244
2012 Electoral Map - The Intrade Forecast 10/31/2012

BetFair O305-235
US Presidential Election: Seven days to go, where do we stand? | Betting @ Betfair

Electoral Vote O280-R206

270 to Win O275-R263
America's Electoral Map: A 2012 Election Forecast

Votamatic O332-R206
VOTAMATIC | Forecasts and Polling Analysis for the 2012 Presidential Election
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If you want to be honest you would say the patisans on both sides do this. I've heard it from both the liberal and the conservative voices in our local and national media outlets. Regardless of party if a poll doesn't give the results people want for their canidate they will find a reason for the poll to be invalid.

That being said, current polling, on average from Real Clear Politics, have Romney ahead in the national "popular" vote and a "too close to call" situation for the swing states/electoral college. That is just the overall facts of the averages of all the polls.

Popular vote matters not in the Presidential election.
As for "Too Close to Call"...maybe Florida and Ohio. Two big states, granted but nowhere else of major consequence. NC is Romney's, PA, WI, MI is Obama's. FL and OH...too close but I think the President's chances in OH are much better than Romney's chances in Florida.

One good thing for Romney is that one of the RCP polls cited that has it closer than other polls in Ohio is from Cincy/Hamilton County. Suburban Cincy will likely determine how Ohio goes.

As for "both sides do it", I don't recall many dems complaining about the moderators, the press, the BLS, etc... I did about pollsters with my tongue in cheek but compared to the excuse-a-thon from the right, it barely registers.

I'm confused as to why anyone on either side would complain about the BLS...yes I understand most unemployment reports have been revised after release and revised in such a way that portray's things as "worse for obama" but they have always revised their numbers.

As for the press, well, dems don't complain about a liberal bias in the media for the same reason reps don't complain about FOX news...the bias is in their favor. Do you deny the majority of print and television media outlets have a liberal bias?
Yes I do. Absolutely. If there is a bias; it's toward engaged and intelligence; not political ideology.

The moderators.....well this debate all 3 have shown some liberal leanings but I think all 3 did a very fair job and did not show much bias, the 2nd debate Candy Crowley screwed up on Bengazi (which she later corrected herself on about an hour after the debate) but overall I think they moderators did a fair job this time.

And polling, well, all polling is biased in my opinion BUT if you follow the same polls you can get an idea about trends which is what I do.

The moderators were not biased at all unless a bias toward correctness is a baneful to your stance.

As for the polling, the point of the entire thread is that the polls show the EVs clearly in favor of our President.
Can't be bothered. Pollyanna, you can google the changes in the electoral college predictions over the past few months yourself. If they stayed as they were in September, then Obama would in fact be cruising. But now he's just cruisin' for a bruisin'.


You can't.

You're dismissed.
You're obviously a novice in politics, but If you honestly think Obama's cruising, you're just goofy.

Well, prove me wrong then sport. Oh yeah, you couldn't. You're obviously a novice when it comes to making your point.
You're obviously a novice in politics, but If you honestly think Obama's cruising, you're just goofy.

Well, prove me wrong then sport. Oh yeah, you couldn't. You're obviously a novice when it comes to making your point.
Wow. You're really setting yourself up for some serious ribbing come Tues night.

Don't think so...can't find a reason to be doubtful of a convincing Obama victory.
Interesting point. Hurricane Sandy pointed out something critical. When it became apparent that there was going to be a major disaster from this storm, the President started calling the Governors of the states involved, many Republican, and asking what they needed, and where they wanted it staged. The Governors responded in kind, and the state governments and the federal government worked together to create what has so far been an exemplary response to a huge disaster.

Yet what we have seen in Congress and the Senate is the blind opposition to anything at all that the President proposes. So nothing gets done, and there is gridlock. But when the President works with these Governors, we see government working the way it should. And now we have the wingnuts cursing the Republican Governors that worked with the President for the benefit of their citizens. Seems to me that we now know where and with whom the problem with the governance of this nation lies.
Interesting point. Hurricane Sandy pointed out something critical. When it became apparent that there was going to be a major disaster from this storm, the President started calling the Governors of the states involved, many Republican, and asking what they needed, and where they wanted it staged. The Governors responded in kind, and the state governments and the federal government worked together to create what has so far been an exemplary response to a huge disaster.

Yet what we have seen in Congress and the Senate is the blind opposition to anything at all that the President proposes. So nothing gets done, and there is gridlock. But when the President works with these Governors, we see government working the way it should. And now we have the wingnuts cursing the Republican Governors that worked with the President for the benefit of their citizens. Seems to me that we now know where and with whom the problem with the governance of this nation lies.


And that one of the governors involved is planning a run at the WH in 2016, after Obama’s second term, is part of the answer as well.
Well, prove me wrong then sport. Oh yeah, you couldn't. You're obviously a novice when it comes to making your point.
Wow. You're really setting yourself up for some serious ribbing come Tues night.

Don't think so...can't find a reason to be doubtful of a convincing Obama victory.

Would help if you stopped looking here:
Interesting point. Hurricane Sandy pointed out something critical. When it became apparent that there was going to be a major disaster from this storm, the President started calling the Governors of the states involved, many Republican, and asking what they needed, and where they wanted it staged. The Governors responded in kind, and the state governments and the federal government worked together to create what has so far been an exemplary response to a huge disaster.

Yet what we have seen in Congress and the Senate is the blind opposition to anything at all that the President proposes. So nothing gets done, and there is gridlock. But when the President works with these Governors, we see government working the way it should. And now we have the wingnuts cursing the Republican Governors that worked with the President for the benefit of their citizens. Seems to me that we now know where and with whom the problem with the governance of this nation lies.

Well gee..if Obama had chosen to work with the GOP members of Congress when he first took office instead of following Rahm Emanuel's advice of..."We've got the votes...fuck 'em!"...then he probably would have been able to get a lot more accomplished. But he didn't...and now the Republicans he told to go sit in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid wrote the Obama Stimulus and ObamaCare can't stand his guts and nothing is getting done. For some reason, you progressives think that is going to magically CHANGE if Barry wins another term. Why, I have no idea.
Interesting point. Hurricane Sandy pointed out something critical. When it became apparent that there was going to be a major disaster from this storm, the President started calling the Governors of the states involved, many Republican, and asking what they needed, and where they wanted it staged. The Governors responded in kind, and the state governments and the federal government worked together to create what has so far been an exemplary response to a huge disaster.

Yet what we have seen in Congress and the Senate is the blind opposition to anything at all that the President proposes. So nothing gets done, and there is gridlock. But when the President works with these Governors, we see government working the way it should. And now we have the wingnuts cursing the Republican Governors that worked with the President for the benefit of their citizens. Seems to me that we now know where and with whom the problem with the governance of this nation lies.

Well gee..if Obama had chosen to work with the GOP members of Congress when he first took office instead of following Rahm Emanuel's advice of..."We've got the votes...fuck 'em!"...then he probably would have been able to get a lot more accomplished. But he didn't...and now the Republicans he told to go sit in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid wrote the Obama Stimulus and ObamaCare can't stand his guts and nothing is getting done. For some reason, you progressives think that is going to magically CHANGE if Barry wins another term. Why, I have no idea.

Who cares. The GOP can start working with Obama if they lose; again. One would think they would take their 2nd straight loss in presidential politics as a sign that they've been rejected but, we know better.
Interesting point. Hurricane Sandy pointed out something critical. When it became apparent that there was going to be a major disaster from this storm, the President started calling the Governors of the states involved, many Republican, and asking what they needed, and where they wanted it staged. The Governors responded in kind, and the state governments and the federal government worked together to create what has so far been an exemplary response to a huge disaster.

Yet what we have seen in Congress and the Senate is the blind opposition to anything at all that the President proposes. So nothing gets done, and there is gridlock. But when the President works with these Governors, we see government working the way it should. And now we have the wingnuts cursing the Republican Governors that worked with the President for the benefit of their citizens. Seems to me that we now know where and with whom the problem with the governance of this nation lies.

Well gee..if Obama had chosen to work with the GOP members of Congress when he first took office instead of following Rahm Emanuel's advice of..."We've got the votes...fuck 'em!"...then he probably would have been able to get a lot more accomplished. But he didn't...and now the Republicans he told to go sit in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid wrote the Obama Stimulus and ObamaCare can't stand his guts and nothing is getting done. For some reason, you progressives think that is going to magically CHANGE if Barry wins another term. Why, I have no idea.

Who cares. The GOP can start working with Obama if they lose; again. One would think they would take their 2nd straight loss in presidential politics as a sign that they've been rejected but, we know better.
There's that little matter of next Tuesday to consider first.
Interesting point. Hurricane Sandy pointed out something critical. When it became apparent that there was going to be a major disaster from this storm, the President started calling the Governors of the states involved, many Republican, and asking what they needed, and where they wanted it staged. The Governors responded in kind, and the state governments and the federal government worked together to create what has so far been an exemplary response to a huge disaster.

Yet what we have seen in Congress and the Senate is the blind opposition to anything at all that the President proposes. So nothing gets done, and there is gridlock. But when the President works with these Governors, we see government working the way it should. And now we have the wingnuts cursing the Republican Governors that worked with the President for the benefit of their citizens. Seems to me that we now know where and with whom the problem with the governance of this nation lies.

Well gee..if Obama had chosen to work with the GOP members of Congress when he first took office instead of following Rahm Emanuel's advice of..."We've got the votes...fuck 'em!"...then he probably would have been able to get a lot more accomplished. But he didn't...and now the Republicans he told to go sit in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid wrote the Obama Stimulus and ObamaCare can't stand his guts and nothing is getting done. For some reason, you progressives think that is going to magically CHANGE if Barry wins another term. Why, I have no idea.

Who cares. The GOP can start working with Obama if they lose; again. One would think they would take their 2nd straight loss in presidential politics as a sign that they've been rejected but, we know better.

You must have slept through the 2010 mid-term elections then, Candy...because the electorate sent progressives about as strong a message as possible that they didn't like their policies. If you'll recall the Obama line in 2009 was "Elections have consequences...we won!"...a viewpoint which they immediately abandoned once the 2010 elections happened. From 2010 on their NEW line became..."We know better than you so this LAST election doesn't count!"
Interesting point. Hurricane Sandy pointed out something critical. When it became apparent that there was going to be a major disaster from this storm, the President started calling the Governors of the states involved, many Republican, and asking what they needed, and where they wanted it staged. The Governors responded in kind, and the state governments and the federal government worked together to create what has so far been an exemplary response to a huge disaster.

Yet what we have seen in Congress and the Senate is the blind opposition to anything at all that the President proposes. So nothing gets done, and there is gridlock. But when the President works with these Governors, we see government working the way it should. And now we have the wingnuts cursing the Republican Governors that worked with the President for the benefit of their citizens. Seems to me that we now know where and with whom the problem with the governance of this nation lies.

Well gee..if Obama had chosen to work with the GOP members of Congress when he first took office instead of following Rahm Emanuel's advice of..."We've got the votes...fuck 'em!"...then he probably would have been able to get a lot more accomplished. But he didn't...and now the Republicans he told to go sit in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid wrote the Obama Stimulus and ObamaCare can't stand his guts and nothing is getting done. For some reason, you progressives think that is going to magically CHANGE if Barry wins another term. Why, I have no idea.

Interesting spin. But that's ALL this is - spin.
Interesting point. Hurricane Sandy pointed out something critical. When it became apparent that there was going to be a major disaster from this storm, the President started calling the Governors of the states involved, many Republican, and asking what they needed, and where they wanted it staged. The Governors responded in kind, and the state governments and the federal government worked together to create what has so far been an exemplary response to a huge disaster.

Yet what we have seen in Congress and the Senate is the blind opposition to anything at all that the President proposes. So nothing gets done, and there is gridlock. But when the President works with these Governors, we see government working the way it should. And now we have the wingnuts cursing the Republican Governors that worked with the President for the benefit of their citizens. Seems to me that we now know where and with whom the problem with the governance of this nation lies.

Well gee..if Obama had chosen to work with the GOP members of Congress when he first took office instead of following Rahm Emanuel's advice of..."We've got the votes...fuck 'em!"...then he probably would have been able to get a lot more accomplished. But he didn't...and now the Republicans he told to go sit in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid wrote the Obama Stimulus and ObamaCare can't stand his guts and nothing is getting done. For some reason, you progressives think that is going to magically CHANGE if Barry wins another term. Why, I have no idea.

Interesting spin. But that's ALL this is - spin.

Was that NOT Rahm Emanual's response when asked about working with the GOP during the very first few weeks of the Obama Administration? Let's be honest here, George...they DID have the votes...and they DID tell the Republicans that "Elections have consequences...we won!" and then write both ObamaCare and the Obama Stimulus behind closed doors with zero input from Republicans. Hard to see how I've "spun" anything.
Or did you disagree with my premise that Obama has "poisoned the well" to such an extent by his actions in the first two years of his Presidency that it's going to almost impossible for him to forge compromise legislation with an opposition that basically LOATHES him?

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