Obama is Cruising!!!

I hate to burst your bubble, Candy but the reason Bill Clinton is campaigning in Minn. today and Joe Biden is stumping in Penn. is that both States have slipped from being "locks" for Barack Obama to being very much in play. That isn't Obama "cruising" to victory...that's Obama desperately trying to keep his ship above water as the campaign winds down. Right now this is anyone's race. I still think it's going to go down to undecideds voting their pocketbooks and the economy...which ISN'T a good thing for Barry!

Obama is cruising. I will say that Clinton going to Minnesota was probably just to make sure nothing burned down--its been ignored by both parties pretty much.

Biden going home to Scranton? No.

Gonna be fun on 11/6 (if I don't have to work late).

Think about what you just posted, Candy...you've got an election a week away and battleground States like Ohio, Florida and Colorado are neck & neck, yet the Obama campaign sends Joe Biden to Penn. and arguably their "ace in the hole", Bill Clinton, to Minn. They didn't send them there on a whim. They were sent because those two States have slipped towards Romney. You're right about Clinton going to Minn. to make sure a fire is put out but you need to think about why that would even need to happen if Barack Obama was indeed "cruising".

My personal opinion is that the Obama negative ads are slowly eroding the undecided vote. People are tired of hearing all the nonsense about what a "bad man" Mitt Romney is...they want to hear what the President is going to do differently to fix the economy than what he tried in his first term and they aren't getting any answers on that topic.
A guy has got to rest at some point. Scranton is as god a place as any.

Fox News has our President ahead in large swing states.
People cannot relate to 1%er Romney
Romney writing off 47 percent of the vote and alienating more voters every day

Economy slowly getting better.
Car sales up.
Optimism up.

Obama campaign hitting on all cylinders
Romney coughing, sputtering, squabbling in the ranks; circling the drain

Cannot wait for election day!!!

I think the OP's real name is Pollyanna.:D

I cannot find a reason to be pessemistic about our President's chances on 11/6

Fox News has our President ahead in large swing states.
People cannot relate to 1%er Romney
Romney writing off 47 percent of the vote and alienating more voters every day

Economy slowly getting better.
Car sales up.
Optimism up.

Obama campaign hitting on all cylinders
Romney coughing, sputtering, squabbling in the ranks; circling the drain

Cannot wait for election day!!!

I think the OP's real name is Pollyanna.:D

I cannot find a reason to be pessemistic about our President's chances on 11/6
Obviously, thus the suggestion. It really isn't that complicated.
Can't be bothered. Pollyanna, you can google the changes in the electoral college predictions over the past few months yourself. If they stayed as they were in September, then Obama would in fact be cruising. But now he's just cruisin' for a bruisin'.
Obama is cruising. I will say that Clinton going to Minnesota was probably just to make sure nothing burned down--its been ignored by both parties pretty much.

Biden going home to Scranton? No.

Gonna be fun on 11/6 (if I don't have to work late).

Think about what you just posted, Candy...you've got an election a week away and battleground States like Ohio, Florida and Colorado are neck & neck, yet the Obama campaign sends Joe Biden to Penn. and arguably their "ace in the hole", Bill Clinton, to Minn. They didn't send them there on a whim. They were sent because those two States have slipped towards Romney. You're right about Clinton going to Minn. to make sure a fire is put out but you need to think about why that would even need to happen if Barack Obama was indeed "cruising".

My personal opinion is that the Obama negative ads are slowly eroding the undecided vote. People are tired of hearing all the nonsense about what a "bad man" Mitt Romney is...they want to hear what the President is going to do differently to fix the economy than what he tried in his first term and they aren't getting any answers on that topic.
A guy has got to rest at some point. Scranton is as god a place as any.

So you're now saying that the Obama campaign sent Joe Biden to Scranton to "rest" on the final week before the election?

LOL...not one of your more intelligent posts, Candy. Admit it...Biden is in Penn. and Clinton is in Minn. because both States have moved toward Romney. If they hadn't...then the Democrats wouldn't be wasting precious time and money there. That's a sign that Obama is in trouble...not that he's "cruising".
Before the election in 2008, it looked like McCain actually had a chance. In fact the polls then looked pretty much as the polls do now -- McCain had a lead in many of the toss-up states, and we all thought it would be pretty close.

What happened from the West Coast perspective is that Obama won by a landslide.

The thing is, a lot of people who will vote for him aren't loud or argumentative, but just quietly thoughtful. You won't hear them on the political boards, you won't see them rushing to cast their vote in online polls, you won't find them trying to skew results... but on election day, they will simply stand quietly in line at the polls and cast their votes... for Obama.

... And no amount of loud GOP histrionics, screaming rhetoric, and voter ID laws are going to stop those quiet people from being counted.

-- Paravani
Think about what you just posted, Candy...you've got an election a week away and battleground States like Ohio, Florida and Colorado are neck & neck, yet the Obama campaign sends Joe Biden to Penn. and arguably their "ace in the hole", Bill Clinton, to Minn. They didn't send them there on a whim. They were sent because those two States have slipped towards Romney. You're right about Clinton going to Minn. to make sure a fire is put out but you need to think about why that would even need to happen if Barack Obama was indeed "cruising".

My personal opinion is that the Obama negative ads are slowly eroding the undecided vote. People are tired of hearing all the nonsense about what a "bad man" Mitt Romney is...they want to hear what the President is going to do differently to fix the economy than what he tried in his first term and they aren't getting any answers on that topic.
A guy has got to rest at some point. Scranton is as god a place as any.

So you're now saying that the Obama campaign sent Joe Biden to Scranton to "rest" on the final week before the election?

LOL...not one of your more intelligent posts, Candy. Admit it...Biden is in Penn. and Clinton is in Minn. because both States have moved toward Romney. If they hadn't...then the Democrats wouldn't be wasting precious time and money there. That's a sign that Obama is in trouble...not that he's "cruising".

No, I think it was a dual purpose; he needed rest as we all do from time to time (they guy is near 70 y/o right?) and why not send him to a state somewhat important at the same time.

Races for President usually tighten as we get closer to Election Day. Minnesota, I'll give you. Few were paying attention to MN. According to the CNN campaign explorer, Obama was last there in June and Romney was last there in August. It's still a blue state as is PA, WI, MI,..... You'll see on election day.

Obama-rama is cruising.
Can't be bothered. Pollyanna, you can google the changes in the electoral college predictions over the past few months yourself. If they stayed as they were in September, then Obama would in fact be cruising. But now he's just cruisin' for a bruisin'.


You can't.

You're dismissed.
It still is a good indicator--state polls. What has failed is that if Republicans don't like a result, they shift the rules.

If the candidate is falling behind in the polls, blame the pollsters.
If the candidate is creating gaffe after gaffe, blame the media.
If the labor numbers are beneficial to the President, accuse the BLS of cooking the books.
If the debate is decided that the President did well, blame the moderator

The polls are fine, Republican supporters are defective.

If you want to be honest you would say the patisans on both sides do this. I've heard it from both the liberal and the conservative voices in our local and national media outlets. Regardless of party if a poll doesn't give the results people want for their canidate they will find a reason for the poll to be invalid.

That being said, current polling, on average from Real Clear Politics, have Romney ahead in the national "popular" vote and a "too close to call" situation for the swing states/electoral college. That is just the overall facts of the averages of all the polls.

Popular vote matters not in the Presidential election.
As for "Too Close to Call"...maybe Florida and Ohio. Two big states, granted but nowhere else of major consequence. NC is Romney's, PA, WI, MI is Obama's. FL and OH...too close but I think the President's chances in OH are much better than Romney's chances in Florida.

One good thing for Romney is that one of the RCP polls cited that has it closer than other polls in Ohio is from Cincy/Hamilton County. Suburban Cincy will likely determine how Ohio goes.

As for "both sides do it", I don't recall many dems complaining about the moderators, the press, the BLS, etc... I did about pollsters with my tongue in cheek but compared to the excuse-a-thon from the right, it barely registers.

I'm confused as to why anyone on either side would complain about the BLS...yes I understand most unemployment reports have been revised after release and revised in such a way that portray's things as "worse for obama" but they have always revised their numbers.

As for the press, well, dems don't complain about a liberal bias in the media for the same reason reps don't complain about FOX news...the bias is in their favor. Do you deny the majority of print and television media outlets have a liberal bias?

The moderators.....well this debate all 3 have shown some liberal leanings but I think all 3 did a very fair job and did not show much bias, the 2nd debate Candy Crowley screwed up on Bengazi (which she later corrected herself on about an hour after the debate) but overall I think they moderators did a fair job this time.

And polling, well, all polling is biased in my opinion BUT if you follow the same polls you can get an idea about trends which is what I do.
Can't be bothered. Pollyanna, you can google the changes in the electoral college predictions over the past few months yourself. If they stayed as they were in September, then Obama would in fact be cruising. But now he's just cruisin' for a bruisin'.


You can't.

You're dismissed.
You're obviously a novice in politics, but If you honestly think Obama's cruising, you're just goofy.
Before the election in 2008, it looked like McCain actually had a chance. In fact the polls then looked pretty much as the polls do now -- McCain had a lead in many of the toss-up states, and we all thought it would be pretty close.

What happened from the West Coast perspective is that Obama won by a landslide.

The thing is, a lot of people who will vote for him aren't loud or argumentative, but just quietly thoughtful. You won't hear them on the political boards, you won't see them rushing to cast their vote in online polls, you won't find them trying to skew results... but on election day, they will simply stand quietly in line at the polls and cast their votes... for Obama.

... And no amount of loud GOP histrionics, screaming rhetoric, and voter ID laws are going to stop those quiet people from being counted.

-- Paravani
That's the most wrong post I've seen in a while.
In fact, McCain was gaining on Obama, although none showed him winning, until the financial crisis hit. Once it became an issue of the economy, which was McCain's weakest area, Obama had it all over him. Not least because there wasn't much difference between them.

To say that people who voted for Obama are quiet and thoughtful is a laugh and a half. They are the most partisan, loudest group out there. These are the same people who went on OWS.
It is the tea partiers who are quiet and collected. The Romney voters. You don't see Mormons rioting in the streets. You don't see entrepreneurs from the middle class staging sit ins.

The crowds and enthusiasm of Obama c.2008 are gone. Yes We Can has become We Maybe Could Have. If it hadn't been for the other guys. Obama promised to change the tone in Washington. All he did was make things worse.
A guy has got to rest at some point. Scranton is as god a place as any.

So you're now saying that the Obama campaign sent Joe Biden to Scranton to "rest" on the final week before the election?

LOL...not one of your more intelligent posts, Candy. Admit it...Biden is in Penn. and Clinton is in Minn. because both States have moved toward Romney. If they hadn't...then the Democrats wouldn't be wasting precious time and money there. That's a sign that Obama is in trouble...not that he's "cruising".

No, I think it was a dual purpose; he needed rest as we all do from time to time (they guy is near 70 y/o right?) and why not send him to a state somewhat important at the same time.

Races for President usually tighten as we get closer to Election Day. Minnesota, I'll give you. Few were paying attention to MN. According to the CNN campaign explorer, Obama was last there in June and Romney was last there in August. It's still a blue state as is PA, WI, MI,..... You'll see on election day.

Obama-rama is cruising.

So explain to me why a "blue State" like Minn. is suddenly in play if Obama really is "cruising"? I'm sorry, Candy but common sense tells you that when the Democrats have to switch major campaign assets like Clinton and Biden to so called "blue States" like Minn. that they are slipping, not "cruising".

Common sense also tells you that if many people now feel Romney will win the popular vote that the electoral college race is going to be tight with just a few key States deciding the contest similar to Gore/Bush.
Before the election in 2008, it looked like McCain actually had a chance. In fact the polls then looked pretty much as the polls do now -- McCain had a lead in many of the toss-up states, and we all thought it would be pretty close.

What happened from the West Coast perspective is that Obama won by a landslide.

The thing is, a lot of people who will vote for him aren't loud or argumentative, but just quietly thoughtful. You won't hear them on the political boards, you won't see them rushing to cast their vote in online polls, you won't find them trying to skew results... but on election day, they will simply stand quietly in line at the polls and cast their votes... for Obama.

... And no amount of loud GOP histrionics, screaming rhetoric, and voter ID laws are going to stop those quiet people from being counted.

-- Paravani

You go ahead and run with that, I know it comforts you.

But it will only last until about 9 e.s.t. next Tuesday.
Can't be bothered. Pollyanna, you can google the changes in the electoral college predictions over the past few months yourself. If they stayed as they were in September, then Obama would in fact be cruising. But now he's just cruisin' for a bruisin'.


You can't.

You're dismissed.
You're obviously a novice in politics, but If you honestly think Obama's cruising, you're just goofy.

She is about 12 years old emotionally.
Before the election in 2008, it looked like McCain actually had a chance. In fact the polls then looked pretty much as the polls do now -- McCain had a lead in many of the toss-up states, and we all thought it would be pretty close.

What happened from the West Coast perspective is that Obama won by a landslide.

The thing is, a lot of people who will vote for him aren't loud or argumentative, but just quietly thoughtful. You won't hear them on the political boards, you won't see them rushing to cast their vote in online polls, you won't find them trying to skew results... but on election day, they will simply stand quietly in line at the polls and cast their votes... for Obama.

... And no amount of loud GOP histrionics, screaming rhetoric, and voter ID laws are going to stop those quiet people from being counted.

-- Paravani

You just described the majority of the conservative movement.. ;) And they won't be voting Obama.
Goofy is thinking Minnesota in play. Or PA or MI.

Romney has just made a panic retreat to play defense in Florida, being that he's slipped behind there. The only swing state where Romney still leads is NC, and there just barely.

Obama has been slowly and consistently gaining all over for the past two weeks. He's got the momentum, and is on track to win comfortably.
Goofy is thinking Minnesota in play. Or PA or MI.

Romney has just made a panic retreat to play defense in Florida, being that he's slipped behind there. The only swing state where Romney still leads is NC, and there just barely.

Obama has been slowly and consistently gaining all over for the past two weeks. He's got the momentum, and is on track to win comfortably.

LOL....uh sure Candy.
Goofy is thinking Minnesota in play. Or PA or MI.

Romney has just made a panic retreat to play defense in Florida, being that he's slipped behind there. The only swing state where Romney still leads is NC, and there just barely.

Obama has been slowly and consistently gaining all over for the past two weeks. He's got the momentum, and is on track to win comfortably.


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