Obama Is Delusional


Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com
"Obama is delusional"
yea, no shit
Barack Hussein Obama has always put foreign interests ahead of American interests. He's a typical Anti-American Globalist. He's only reinforced the belief by many, that he's not even an American Citizen. He serves foreign interests. If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...

Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com
An anti Obama thread by Mudwhistle, how unique.

Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'

Obama tried to make the case that Putin's actions came from a source of weakness, rather than strength. Kroft quickly disagreed.

"He's challenging your leadership, Mr. President," Kroft repeated. "He's challenging your leadership."

Obama cut him off to give his definition of leadership.

"My definition of leadership would be leading on climate change, an international accord that potentially we'll get in Paris," Obama said. "My definition of leadership is mobilizing the entire world community to make sure that Iran doesn't get a nuclear weapon."

Perhaps the most contentious part of the interview was an exchange regarding the program in Syria to train and equip 5,000 moderate Syrian rebels. The Obama administration officially abandoned the program last week after months of setbacks. By the end, according to a top US general, only "four or five" US-trained rebels were active in the fight in Syria.

Kroft called the program an "embarrassment":

Steve Kroft: I want to talk about the — this program, because it would seem to show, I mean, if you expect 5,000 and you get five, it shows that somebody someplace along the line did not — made — you know, some sort of a serious miscalculation.

President Barack Obama: You know, the — the — Steve, let me just say this.

Kroft: It's an embarrassment.

Obama: Look, there's no doubt that it did not work. And, one of the challenges that I've had throughout this heartbreaking situation inside of Syria is, is that — you'll have people insist that, you know, all you have to do is send in a few — you know, truckloads full of arms and people are ready to fight. And then, when you start a train-and-equip program and it doesn't work, then people say, "Well, why didn't it work?" Or, "If it had just started three months earlier, it would've worked."

Kroft: But you said yourself you never believed in this.

Obama: Well — but Steve, what I have also said is, is that surprisingly enough it turns out that in a situation that is as volatile and with as many players as there are inside of Syria, there aren't any silver bullets. And this is precisely why I've been very clear that America's priorities has to be number one, keeping the American people safe. Number two, we are prepared to work both diplomatically and where we can to support moderate opposition that can help convince the Russians and Iranians to put pressure on Assad for a transition. But that what we are not going to do is to try to reinsert ourselves in a military campaign inside of Syria. Let's take the situation in Afghanistan, which I suspect you'll ask about. But I wanted to use this as an example.

Kroft: All right. I feel like I'm being filibustered, Mr. President.

Obama: No, no, no, no, no. Steve, I think if you want to roll back the tape, you've been giving me long questions and statements, and now I'm responding to 'em. So let's — so — if you ask me big, open-ended questions, expect big, open-ended answers.

Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
He does a wonderful job of whipping the opposition into a frenzy of obtuse and obscene name calling that exposes their true intent of lying denigration.
Yup.....Democrats are experts at it.

Well maybe, but nobody gets the GOP frothing mad like President Obama can. The rubes hate him so much that they are willing to believe anything that bounces of the echo chamber's wall.
Yeah people who care about this country and are distressed at how quickly we're achieving banana republic status are real rubes.
Meanwhile the people who voted for "Hope N Change" have moved on to "FeelTheBern."

Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com
He only stopped in Oregon on his way to the richest neighbors in California to raise money and play golf.
achieving banana republic status

"..and willing to believe anything......."
Like "Hope N Change"? Or "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"? Or "a YouTube video caused the riot in Benghazi"? Or......?

Even if believed, none of those rise the the level of denigrating the Republic for the sake of a cheap political shot.
LOL. "AMerica has acted arrogantly in the past." -B.O.
You get pwned every single time.

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