Obama is purposely destroying this Country

44%? What happened to the "lowest ever!" poll numbers of 42%...41% and even 39% over the last few years.....methinks your "lowest ever!' poll numbers are working backwards.

"Favorability" and "Job Approval" is two entirely different polls.

and neither have any effect whatsoever on his ability to run for office in 2016

Dude, I was making a clarification to a poster who was confused.:cuckoo:
Never heard of collateral damage, huh?
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I have said it before and I will say it again ...the President has the Midas Touch in reverse:

all he touches turns to shit.
There isn't a single thing he has done domestically or internationally that he can hang his hat on. In fact he's somehow managed to screw up two wars that we were totally winning.
Meanwhile his poll numbers are falling:

President Barack Obama’s favorability ratings hit the lowest point of his presidency in a Bloomberg National Poll, with just 44 percent of Americans saying they have positive feelings about him.

That drop in personal popularity has become a broader drag on the public’s perception of his performance in office.

Obama, already given poor marks on the economy and health care, also gets low ratings on two recent political firestorms: the management of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the deal that freed the last U.S. prisoner of war in Afghanistan, according to the poll.

His job-approval rating fell to 43 percent -- near the level at the end of 2013 after the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, his signature health-care law.

more: Obama Popularity Hits Low in Poll After Prisoner Exchange - Bloomberg
Everything Obama touches domestically and internationally seems to magically turn into a blooming mess. Mostly because he is a radical ideologue with absolutely no experience, with a huge chip on his shoulder against America and white people in general.

As John McCain elegantly said during the 2008 campaign, "this is no time for a president that requires on-the-job training". How true those words ring today. The question is, when will the Democrat party and the media decide to choose their country over their party.

This is the fundamental change he promised, there's nothing magical about it. The Cloward and Pivien strategy is in high gear on the SW border, they are trying to overwhelm and collapse the effectiveness of the border patrol and they are doing a damned good job of it. These children are told to seek out the border patrol knowing it will take them away from their normal enforcement duties. That open the door for the drug cartels, human traffickers and terrorist. Nothing here is happening by accident.
The impetus behind Obama's assault on our country comes from his belief that America ( whites ) unfairly prospered at the expense of others ( browns/blacks ); he is on a crusade to redistribute wealth, and power - by hook, or crook - with Holder as protector, and vanguard :evil:
Meanwhile his poll numbers are falling:

President Barack Obama’s favorability ratings hit the lowest point of his presidency in a Bloomberg National Poll, with just 44 percent of Americans saying they have positive feelings about him.

That drop in personal popularity has become a broader drag on the public’s perception of his performance in office.

Obama, already given poor marks on the economy and health care, also gets low ratings on two recent political firestorms: the management of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the deal that freed the last U.S. prisoner of war in Afghanistan, according to the poll.

His job-approval rating fell to 43 percent -- near the level at the end of 2013 after the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, his signature health-care law.

more: Obama Popularity Hits Low in Poll After Prisoner Exchange - Bloomberg
Everything Obama touches domestically and internationally seems to magically turn into a blooming mess. Mostly because he is a radical ideologue with absolutely no experience, with a huge chip on his shoulder against America and white people in general.

As John McCain elegantly said during the 2008 campaign, "this is no time for a president that requires on-the-job training". How true those words ring today. The question is, when will the Democrat party and the media decide to choose their country over their party.

This is the fundamental change he promised, there's nothing magical about it. The Cloward and Pivien strategy is in high gear on the SW border, they are trying to overwhelm and collapse the effectiveness of the border patrol and they are doing a damned good job of it. These children are told to seek out the border patrol knowing it will take them away from their normal enforcement duties. That open the door for the drug cartels, human traffickers and terrorist. Nothing here is happening by accident.
You called it right. People need to realize this administration and their enablers are fucking traitors to the american way of life. Wake up people, they are overwhelming the system with a scandal every day. The House needs to begin impeachment proceedings as soon as we gain a majority in the Senate.

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