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Obama is setting an example for us today

Apparently Obama and lot of 'liberals' feel a need to lecture us on how we should be. In his mind he thinks he is setting a good example for the rest of us dumb racist Americans who hate Muslims. Thank God he is visiting a mosque today so he can inspire us to throw off our racist ways. The problem with his strategy is that he doesn't realize that no one gives a shit what this man has to say. I guess if he was an actual American citizen then I might be inclined to listen a little bit more but until he gets in line with the rest of the illegals at the southern border I don't see a reason to give a shit about what foreigner think of us.
God damn it but I hate threads like this. Shallow minded conspiracy theorists like you serve no purpose. Sure, there is a handful of like minded idiots who insist that the President of the United States is not at all like you. It's true, he is not at all like you. He lacks the utter and unredeemable lack of curiously you have. He lacks the shallowness of your intellectual capacity. He lacks the intolerance you have. For all those qualities, you find him contemptible

You will call me a "Libtard", a "commie", a "secret Muslim" as you accuse the President. I know you will because that's all the further your intellect will allow you.

Each and everything the President does to make for unity, you will lustily deny. Every aspect of the American experience as a land of freedom and opportunity for everyone you deride out of your addled, mindless fears and suspicions.

There is a small handful of folks who will agree with you. You're preaching to that simple minded choir. Every other mature, thinking adult, be they Liberal,or,Conservative, cringes at the thought that knuckle draggers like you spout your divisive claptrap. We will never be rid of the likes of you. We will continue to endure your stupidity, your disdain for our country and your simple political dogma. In short, other than those who are similarly stunted in thinking and understanding will weep for you and pity you and henceforth ignore you.
"MAKE FOR UNITY"?? Tell me one thing he did to unify America? Was it making everyone poor? The Fundamental Transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation so those coming from other 3rd world would feel at home? Don't pity or weep for me, I saw the writings on the wall, before you dipshits elected him the 1st time. But was worse was when you voted for the tard the 2nd time. The first vote you were duped, the 2nd time you are just plain EVIL.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Immorality , liberalism in a nutshell.
Obama grandstanding at a mosque is just another of his tacky moves that shames our nation. The prick is clearly attempting to build his bona fides with the Muslim scum so he can garner support to become the next UN Sec. General.
He knows that with World War 4, that has started in the Middle East and slowly enveloping Europe, soon those Muslims will be on the Eastern Shores of America, and he will surrender to them, that way he might not be beheaded. Of course when they find out he and his partner are homosexuals, they will be tossed off the tallest building in Washington Dc or Chicago. That is what Muslims do to immoral liberal people.
ISIS barbarians throw yet another 'gay' man off a building
Hurled to his death in front of a baying mob: ISIS barbarians throw 'gay' man off building in another sickening day in Jihadi capital of Raqqa
  • Young man was thrown from a building in the terror group's 'capital city'
  • He was accused of being gay by the ISIS militants that control Raqqa
  • Huge crowds gathered at the foot of the building to watch the atrocity
  • Some climbed on buildings to get a better view of the gruesome scene
Liberals say Conservatives are intolerant to gays, but condones the actions of Muslims to gays. ROTFLMAO on how stupid liberals are.
Apparently Obama and lot of 'liberals' feel a need to lecture us on how we should be. In his mind he thinks he is setting a good example for the rest of us dumb racist Americans who hate Muslims. Thank God he is visiting a mosque today so he can inspire us to throw off our racist ways. The problem with his strategy is that he doesn't realize that no one gives a shit what this man has to say. I guess if he was an actual American citizen then I might be inclined to listen a little bit more but until he gets in line with the rest of the illegals at the southern border I don't see a reason to give a shit about what foreigner think of us.

No one gives a shit? You gave a shit enough to start a thread about it. And make a fool of yourself again.
Apparently Obama and lot of 'liberals' feel a need to lecture us on how we should be. In his mind he thinks he is setting a good example for the rest of us dumb racist Americans who hate Muslims. Thank God he is visiting a mosque today so he can inspire us to throw off our racist ways. The problem with his strategy is that he doesn't realize that no one gives a shit what this man has to say. I guess if he was an actual American citizen then I might be inclined to listen a little bit more but until he gets in line with the rest of the illegals at the southern border I don't see a reason to give a shit about what foreigner think of us.

I agree. Obama speaks its like the tree that fell in the forest

He increased the hits on ISIL.

And, he already holds the record for killing the most terrorists. More than 65 other countries have joined him in killing terrorists.

Meanwhile, the right continues to side with ISIL by attacking the very same people the terrorists do.

We can always count on the right to be wrong.
Funny how we are supposed to show tolerance to Muslims yet here he is blowing them up Muslims without a trial. Those killers in Gitmo get released because they were captured on the battle field killing our soldiers, but the Killer in Chief snuffs them out on the battle field or not on the battle field. Hypocrisy at its finest.
We have lived with the enemy within for seven long and disgusting years. and yet they still here and make excuses for the traitor of us and our country
Apparently Obama and lot of 'liberals' feel a need to lecture us on how we should be. In his mind he thinks he is setting a good example for the rest of us dumb racist Americans who hate Muslims. Thank God he is visiting a mosque today so he can inspire us to throw off our racist ways. The problem with his strategy is that he doesn't realize that no one gives a shit what this man has to say. I guess if he was an actual American citizen then I might be inclined to listen a little bit more but until he gets in line with the rest of the illegals at the southern border I don't see a reason to give a shit about what foreigner think of us.
God damn it but I hate threads like this. Shallow minded conspiracy theorists like you serve no purpose. Sure, there is a handful of like minded idiots who insist that the President of the United States is not at all like you. It's true, he is not at all like you. He lacks the utter and unredeemable lack of curiously you have. He lacks the shallowness of your intellectual capacity. He lacks the intolerance you have. For all those qualities, you find him contemptible

You will call me a "Libtard", a "commie", a "secret Muslim" as you accuse the President. I know you will because that's all the further your intellect will allow you.

Each and everything the President does to make for unity, you will lustily deny. Every aspect of the American experience as a land of freedom and opportunity for everyone you deride out of your addled, mindless fears and suspicions.

There is a small handful of folks who will agree with you. You're preaching to that simple minded choir. Every other mature, thinking adult, be they Liberal,or,Conservative, cringes at the thought that knuckle draggers like you spout your divisive claptrap. We will never be rid of the likes of you. We will continue to endure your stupidity, your disdain for our country and your simple political dogma. In short, other than those who are similarly stunted in thinking and understanding will weep for you and pity you and henceforth ignore you.
"MAKE FOR UNITY"?? Tell me one thing he did to unify America? Was it making everyone poor? The Fundamental Transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation so those coming from other 3rd world would feel at home? Don't pity or weep for me, I saw the writings on the wall, before you dipshits elected him the 1st time. But was worse was when you voted for the tard the 2nd time. The first vote you were duped, the 2nd time you are just plain EVIL.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Immorality , liberalism in a nutshell.
Compare and contrast these two statements. Tell us which speaks more of unity and American values:

"I want a total stop to any Muslim immigrants to America."


"You belong here. Muslims belong in America"


You know NOTHING about conditions in the Third World. You do know about ginning up fear and suspicions with mindless hyperbole. Who taught you that? My bet it was some rodeo clown turned extremist Right Wing self proclaimed pundit. Bear this in mind, he is only losing two more sponsors before he becomes the midnight to six an in a shithole market. My money is on Erie, Pennsylvania.
He increased the hits on ISIL.

And, he already holds the record for killing the most terrorists. More than 65 other countries have joined him in killing terrorists.

Meanwhile, the right continues to side with ISIL by attacking the very same people the terrorists do.

We can always count on the right to be wrong.

From 2011:

The Terrorist Notches on Obama’s Belt
September 30, 2011

The list of senior terrorists killed during the Obama presidency is fairly extensive.

There’s Osama bin Laden, of course, killed in May.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader Anwar al-Awlaki as of today.

Earlier this month officials confirmed that al Qaeda’s chief of Pakistan operations, Abu Hafs al-Shahri, was killed in Waziristan, Pakistan.

In August, ‘Atiyah ‘Abd al-Rahman , the deputy leader of al Qaeda was killed.

In June, one of the group’s most dangerous commanders, Ilyas Kashmiri, was killed in Pakistan. In Yemen that same month, AQAP senior operatives Ammar al-Wa’ili, Abu Ali al-Harithi, and Ali Saleh Farhan were killed. In Somalia, Al-Qa’ida in East Africa (AQEA) senior leader Harun Fazul was killed.

Administration officials also herald the recent U.S./Pakistani joint arrest of Younis al-Mauritani in Quetta.

Going back to August 2009, Tehrik e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mahsud was killed in Pakistan.

In September of that month, Jemayah Islamiya operational planner Noordin Muhammad Top was killed in Indonesia, and AQEA planner Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan was killed in Somalia.

Then in December 2009 in Pakistan, al Qaeda operational commanders Saleh al-Somali and ‘Abdallah Sa’id were killed.

In February 2010, in Pakistan, Taliban deputy and military commander Abdul Ghani Beradar was captured; Haqqani network commander Muhammad Haqqaniwas killed; and Lashkar-e Jhangvi leader Qari Zafar was killed.

In March 2010, al Qaeda operative Hussein al-Yemeni was killed in Pakistan, while senior Jemayah Islamiya operative Dulmatin - accused of being the mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombings – was killed during a raid in Indonesia.

In April 2010, al Qaeda in Iraq leaders Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi were killed.

In May, al Qaeda’s number three commander, Sheik Saeed al-Masri was killed.

In June 2010 in Pakistan, al Qaeda commander Hamza al-Jawfi was killed.

Remember when Rudy Giuliani warned that electing Barack Obama would mean that the U.S. played defense, not offense, against the terrorists?

If this is defense, what does offense look like?

-Jake Tapper"""""
The Terrorist Notches on Obama’s Belt... Notch on Obama's Belt??? More like the Military's Belt. Barry probably heard about it from the news...unless Valerie told him about missions...
Apparently Obama and lot of 'liberals' feel a need to lecture us on how we should be. In his mind he thinks he is setting a good example for the rest of us dumb racist Americans who hate Muslims. Thank God he is visiting a mosque today so he can inspire us to throw off our racist ways. The problem with his strategy is that he doesn't realize that no one gives a shit what this man has to say. I guess if he was an actual American citizen then I might be inclined to listen a little bit more but until he gets in line with the rest of the illegals at the southern border I don't see a reason to give a shit about what foreigner think of us.
God damn it but I hate threads like this. Shallow minded conspiracy theorists like you serve no purpose. Sure, there is a handful of like minded idiots who insist that the President of the United States is not at all like you. It's true, he is not at all like you. He lacks the utter and unredeemable lack of curiously you have. He lacks the shallowness of your intellectual capacity. He lacks the intolerance you have. For all those qualities, you find him contemptible

You will call me a "Libtard", a "commie", a "secret Muslim" as you accuse the President. I know you will because that's all the further your intellect will allow you.

Each and everything the President does to make for unity, you will lustily deny. Every aspect of the American experience as a land of freedom and opportunity for everyone you deride out of your addled, mindless fears and suspicions.

There is a small handful of folks who will agree with you. You're preaching to that simple minded choir. Every other mature, thinking adult, be they Liberal,or,Conservative, cringes at the thought that knuckle draggers like you spout your divisive claptrap. We will never be rid of the likes of you. We will continue to endure your stupidity, your disdain for our country and your simple political dogma. In short, other than those who are similarly stunted in thinking and understanding will weep for you and pity you and henceforth ignore you.
"MAKE FOR UNITY"?? Tell me one thing he did to unify America? Was it making everyone poor? The Fundamental Transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation so those coming from other 3rd world would feel at home? Don't pity or weep for me, I saw the writings on the wall, before you dipshits elected him the 1st time. But was worse was when you voted for the tard the 2nd time. The first vote you were duped, the 2nd time you are just plain EVIL.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Immorality , liberalism in a nutshell.
Compare and contrast these two statements. Tell us which speaks more of unity and American values:

"I want a total stop to any Muslim immigrants to America."


"You belong here. Muslims belong in America"


You know NOTHING about conditions in the Third World. You do know about ginning up fear and suspicions with mindless hyperbole. Who taught you that? My bet it was some rodeo clown turned extremist Right Wing self proclaimed pundit. Bear this in mind, he is only losing two more sponsors before he becomes the midnight to six an in a shithole market. My money is on Erie, Pennsylvania.
I spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia. I think I have a pretty good idea on how the 3rd world operates. I know that there were some Muslims who were educated in Europe or America and lived a western way of life. Then there were those who never left the middle east and were educated to BELIEVE that anyone other than a Muslim was an infidel. Those people treated the ex patriots with disdain. When you have an attitude(Like the Southern White Democrats of the KKK) where people are slaves to the elites, then those people do very bad things, as we see around the world. If America didn't have the 2nd amendment the liberal elites would treat us the same way.
Apparently Obama and lot of 'liberals' feel a need to lecture us on how we should be. In his mind he thinks he is setting a good example for the rest of us dumb racist Americans who hate Muslims. Thank God he is visiting a mosque today so he can inspire us to throw off our racist ways. The problem with his strategy is that he doesn't realize that no one gives a shit what this man has to say. I guess if he was an actual American citizen then I might be inclined to listen a little bit more but until he gets in line with the rest of the illegals at the southern border I don't see a reason to give a shit about what foreigner think of us.
God damn it but I hate threads like this. Shallow minded conspiracy theorists like you serve no purpose. Sure, there is a handful of like minded idiots who insist that the President of the United States is not at all like you. It's true, he is not at all like you. He lacks the utter and unredeemable lack of curiously you have. He lacks the shallowness of your intellectual capacity. He lacks the intolerance you have. For all those qualities, you find him contemptible

You will call me a "Libtard", a "commie", a "secret Muslim" as you accuse the President. I know you will because that's all the further your intellect will allow you.

Each and everything the President does to make for unity, you will lustily deny. Every aspect of the American experience as a land of freedom and opportunity for everyone you deride out of your addled, mindless fears and suspicions.

There is a small handful of folks who will agree with you. You're preaching to that simple minded choir. Every other mature, thinking adult, be they Liberal,or,Conservative, cringes at the thought that knuckle draggers like you spout your divisive claptrap. We will never be rid of the likes of you. We will continue to endure your stupidity, your disdain for our country and your simple political dogma. In short, other than those who are similarly stunted in thinking and understanding will weep for you and pity you and henceforth ignore you.
"MAKE FOR UNITY"?? Tell me one thing he did to unify America? Was it making everyone poor? The Fundamental Transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation so those coming from other 3rd world would feel at home? Don't pity or weep for me, I saw the writings on the wall, before you dipshits elected him the 1st time. But was worse was when you voted for the tard the 2nd time. The first vote you were duped, the 2nd time you are just plain EVIL.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Immorality , liberalism in a nutshell.
Compare and contrast these two statements. Tell us which speaks more of unity and American values:

"I want a total stop to any Muslim immigrants to America."


"You belong here. Muslims belong in America"


You know NOTHING about conditions in the Third World. You do know about ginning up fear and suspicions with mindless hyperbole. Who taught you that? My bet it was some rodeo clown turned extremist Right Wing self proclaimed pundit. Bear this in mind, he is only losing two more sponsors before he becomes the midnight to six an in a shithole market. My money is on Erie, Pennsylvania.
I spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia. I think I have a pretty good idea on how the 3rd world operates. I know that there were some Muslims who were educated in Europe or America and lived a western way of life. Then there were those who never left the middle east and were educated to BELIEVE that anyone other than a Muslim was an infidel. Those people treated the ex patriots with disdain. When you have an attitude(Like the Southern White Democrats of the KKK) where people are slaves to the elites, then those people do very bad things, as we see around the world. If America didn't have the 2nd amendment the liberal elites would treat us the same way.
Excluding Muslims from the United States. Where do you think such an attitude comes from? Perhaps those who think this way also think that Muslims are infidels and should be submissive to a xenophobic line of thinking.


See the parallel? Right Wing extremists think the exact same way as Muslim extremists! Congratulations!
It was never said to exclude Muslims from the US. It was said that no NEW Muslims should be allowed in unless they are vetted. That means if you came from Syria or Libya, you need to be cleared of not being an liberal extremist, before you can enter.

I personally would prefer if all borders were closed and no new immigrants were allowed into the country until we can get a grip with all those who have crossed here already under control. But alas, with liberal compassion to people who break the law, that wont happen even if it kills American citizens in San Fran and San Berd, like we have seen before. Shame more liberals like Obama or Biden aren't murdered by the illegals, for then there would be a cry to close the borders, but as long as the chicken shits have ARMED security, they feel safe, while the rest of US have to look over our shoulder.
He's the last person I would use for the example to follow my life after. I just wish we never heard of this disgusting and nasty human being
It was never said to exclude Muslims from the US. It was said that no NEW Muslims should be allowed in unless they are vetted. That means if you came from Syria or Libya, you need to be cleared of not being an liberal extremist, before you can enter.

I personally would prefer if all borders were closed and no new immigrants were allowed into the country until we can get a grip with all those who have crossed here already under control. But alas, with liberal compassion to people who break the law, that wont happen even if it kills American citizens in San Fran and San Berd, like we have seen before. Shame more liberals like Obama or Biden aren't murdered by the illegals, for then there would be a cry to close the borders, but as long as the chicken shits have ARMED security, they feel safe, while the rest of US have to look over our shoulder.
Which immigrant group did not include a criminal element? The Irish? The Italians? Yhe Scots?

Every immigrant group includes the criminal element. Why? Because each and every segment of human society includes the criminal element.
It was never said to exclude Muslims from the US. It was said that no NEW Muslims should be allowed in unless they are vetted. That means if you came from Syria or Libya, you need to be cleared of not being an liberal extremist, before you can enter.

I personally would prefer if all borders were closed and no new immigrants were allowed into the country until we can get a grip with all those who have crossed here already under control. But alas, with liberal compassion to people who break the law, that wont happen even if it kills American citizens in San Fran and San Berd, like we have seen before. Shame more liberals like Obama or Biden aren't murdered by the illegals, for then there would be a cry to close the borders, but as long as the chicken shits have ARMED security, they feel safe, while the rest of US have to look over our shoulder.
Which immigrant group did not include a criminal element? The Irish? The Italians? Yhe Scots?

Every immigrant group includes the criminal element. Why? Because each and every segment of human society includes the criminal element.
The difference between the criminal elements then and now, is that then, it was a small group. Today, there are over 1 million criminals with the intent to RAPE little girls, enslave women and kill the men who do not conform to the Muslim way. But hey, if that is your idea of utopia in the near future, then vote for the vagina, or the white old socialist guy.
Obama grandstanding at a mosque is just another of his tacky moves that shames our nation. The prick is clearly attempting to build his bona fides with the Muslim scum so he can garner support to become the next UN Sec. General.
lol. you'll believe anything, but specifically tell us what part of the visit 'shamed our nation'

All of it

We like easy questions

Obama grandstanding at a mosque is just another of his tacky moves that shames our nation. The prick is clearly attempting to build his bona fides with the Muslim scum so he can garner support to become the next UN Sec. General.
lol. you'll believe anything, but specifically tell us what part of the visit 'shamed our nation'

All of it

We like easy questions

and apparently you're good at failing. that was not terribly specific, was it?
Liberals say Conservatives are intolerant to gays, but condones the actions of Muslims to gays. ROTFLMAO on how stupid liberals are.

Truly funny. Please name some of the liberals who condone the killing of gays by those freaky religionist, I'll wait!
Liberals say Conservatives are intolerant to gays, but condones the actions of Muslims to gays. ROTFLMAO on how stupid liberals are.

Truly funny. Please name some of the liberals who condone the killing of gays by those freaky religionist, I'll wait!
Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, seems that with his invitation to Syrian males of fighting age, that is a quick way to watch homosexuals to be tossed off buildings. Oh and when he visits a mosque in Virginia, did he bring along any gay friends of his? Or is he too embarrassed to have an gay escort for a Muslim event?
Liberals say Conservatives are intolerant to gays, but condones the actions of Muslims to gays. ROTFLMAO on how stupid liberals are.

Truly funny. Please name some of the liberals who condone the killing of gays by those freaky religionist, I'll wait!
Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, seems that with his invitation to Syrian males of fighting age, that is a quick way to watch homosexuals to be tossed off buildings. Oh and when he visits a mosque in Virginia, did he bring along any gay friends of his? Or is he too embarrassed to have an gay escort for a Muslim event?

Actually he condemned the vile pieces of vermin who abuse people like that. Got anyone else, or shall we conclude that you were simply letting your asshole talk for you?
Liberals say Conservatives are intolerant to gays, but condones the actions of Muslims to gays. ROTFLMAO on how stupid liberals are.

Truly funny. Please name some of the liberals who condone the killing of gays by those freaky religionist, I'll wait!
Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, seems that with his invitation to Syrian males of fighting age, that is a quick way to watch homosexuals to be tossed off buildings. Oh and when he visits a mosque in Virginia, did he bring along any gay friends of his? Or is he too embarrassed to have an gay escort for a Muslim event?

Actually he condemned the vile pieces of vermin who abuse people like that. Got anyone else, or shall we conclude that you were simply letting your asshole talk for you?
Yeah he condemns the actions, but then invites them into this country, in the name of liberal compassion, which in San Bernardino ended up killing people who just wanted a Christmas party. Oh yeah, also killed those in Tennessee, Fort Hood, New York City, and around the world. Only asshole talking is you, but maybe if you got your head out of that asshole, you would see who the TRUE enemy of the US really is.


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