Obama is stupid

put someone with some intelligence in the WH

one of the worst presidents ever
Well, ginny, looks like you switched from wine to the hard stuff.
Really? When did you move to Seattle? Thought you lived in the midwest...
I ve lived in Seattle area since the early 50s ...................................../
I ve lived in Seattle area since the early 50s ...................................../

Are you sure...?

Yeah Im sure

Seattle 1st Ave didnt hold any candles to SF terderloin dist or NY Times Square in seedines , (Couldn't wait to get int o the places when I was under 21)

Since around the mid 90s became gentrified and boring
I don't think Obama's stupid at all. But he is just a puppet, either willingly or by coersion.
I won't mince words.

I am calling Obama S-T-U-P-I-D.

The left said the same thing about Bush. So were they right? Disagreeing with a politician doesn't make them stupid. It makes you stupid for calling them stupid.
Obama is not stupid at all...He has done everything he has done on purpose. He likely has 20 iq points on Herman Cain and will flush him down the toilet come Nov 2nd.
lol - you are predicting Cain will be the GOP nominee?

Lets see- Ford was stupid, Reagan was stupid, both Bushes was stupid - and Nixon was smart but he was evil.

Quayle was stupid and a draft-dodger............................

I actually think Biden has early -stage dementia.............................................
Not only is he stupid but he smells and looks funny!
What a dumby bumby!!!

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