Obama IS the savior!


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
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/ˈseɪvyər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [seyv-yer] Show IPA Pronunciation

1. a person who saves, rescues, or delivers: the savior of the country.

If this story is true, Obama's overturning of over 200 of Bush's executive decisions, including bans on stem cell research, could save millions if not billions of people's lives over the long term. If we pour billions of dollars into stem cell research, disease could be obsolete.


Obama Positioned to Quickly Reverse Bush Action
Stem Cell, Climate Rules Among Targets of President-Elect's Team

Transition advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have compiled a list of about 200 Bush administration actions and executive orders that could be swiftly undone to reverse White House policies on climate change, stem cell research, reproductive rights and other issues, according to congressional Democrats, campaign aides and experts working with the transition team.

Staff writers Juliet Eilperin, Spencer S. Hsu and Carol D. Leonnig and staff researcher Madonna Lebling contributed to this report.
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The other holocaust...

Do you have a problem with saving people's lives? Do you have a problem of ridding this world of disease? Soon, there could be stem cell treatment labs in shopping centers and in hospitals just as we have doctor's offices today. Millions of jobs can be created off of this and hundreds of millions of lives can be saved. Know someone with cancer? Cured. Know someone with Parkinson's? Cured. Know someone with diabetes? Cured. And you oppose this??
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Come now.. A few more posts, please, so I can decide where this is being put, cuz it ain't stayin here...
The country has gone nowhere the last eight years.

No energy policy, no stem cell research, trillions wasted on the bogus "war on terror"......
Come now.. A few more posts, please, so I can decide where this is being put, cuz it ain't stayin here...

This has to do with Obama winning the election and him overturning Bush's executive decisions.
This has to do with Obama winning the election and him overturning Bush's executive decisions.

Well, then it's rather unfortunate you gave it the smarmy bullshit title you did, isn't it? Wouldn't "Obama overturns Bush's Executive Decisions" have worked out better for you? Made it sound like you were interested in an actual conversation? Made you sound slightly intelligent?
The country has gone nowhere the last eight years.

No energy policy, no stem cell research, trillions wasted on the bogus "war on terror"......

Paul Harvey said that if we had only used the money spent on Iraq for alternative energy research, we would be oil-independent by now. He said that about 3 years ago.
Friends of Nancy Reagan say she plans to devote herself to pushing for federal support of stem cell research that scientists believe could lead to a cure for Alzheimer's Disease. With Ronald Reagan's death she's expected to be more aggressive in asking the Bush administration to reverse its ban on federal funding of stem cell research involving human embryos — a policy that led one leading American scientist to move his lab overseas.

Reagan Stem Cells: Science Videos - Science News - ScienCentral
Well, then it's rather unfortunate you gave it the smarmy bullshit title you did, isn't it? Wouldn't "Obama overturns Bush's Executive Decisions" have worked out better for you? Made it sound like you were interested in an actual conversation? Made you sound slightly intelligent?

Change the title if you wish, Shattered.
Paul Harvey said that if we had only used the money spent on Iraq for alternative energy research, we would be oil-independent by now. He said that about 3 years ago.

I said that three years ago as well.

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