Obama just Blinked

Not "gay" enought for ya, Loretta? :eusa_eh:
Hah hah, still butt-hurt from, that humiliating pasting you got in the econ forum. Don't blame you... let your hatred flow, little pretend marine boy.

Ran you and the other queers ragged so no, I don't have to "pretend" anything...Seems anal sex rots your brain as fast as your guts....maybe you should choose a different path in life....become a Catholic priest maybe.....wait, that's not a different path. :lol:
no he didn't blink, he cleverly used boehner as a prop.

hes got the bully pulpit. after just spending the last couple of days vilifying the gop, then today he says his rhetoric has never been demeaning ( yea , I am paraphrasing but thats what he said).....he had the meeting, he took the heat off himself for not appearing to negotiate then, does not negotiate, but nancy and harry had their time with their media in front of the WH so the message they crafted go out....
He is doing no such thing.
A "blink" would be to be Presidential and seek a deal rather than to just meet and tell Republicans they should do what he wants.
Nope. This is a media play. The media tomorrow night will talk about how he is "reaching out to Republicans in an effort to end the stalemate, but the Republicans still refuse...meanwhile the suffering continues in the shutdown, now let's turn to Carl who has lined up 3-4 anecdotal examples of suffering minorities...Carl..."

No blinking occurred.

At White House meeting, Obama tells top lawmakers he won't negotiate - The Washington Post

Pelosi added that “It was a worthwhile meeting. I’m glad we held it. We had some, shall we say, candid discussion, but we won’t get into that.”

Ahead of the meeting, Obama expressed exasperation with Republicans.

“During the course of my presidency, I have bent over backwards to work with the Republican Party and have purposely kept my rhetoric down,” the president said in an interview with CNBC. “I think I’m pretty well known for being a calm guy; sometimes people think I’m too calm. But am I exasperated? Absolutely, I’m exasperated. Because this is entirely unnecessary.”

Obama also warned investors they should take the threat of a default seriously — after markets had brushed off for weeks the brinksmanship in Washington as the usual partisan theatrics.

“This time, I think Wall Street should be concerned,” Obama said on CNBC. “When you have a situation in which a faction is willing to default on U.S. obligations, then we are in trouble.”
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I just tuned in. Did Obama cave yet? Oh, he told Republicans to go fuck themselves? Ok. Carry on.
Yea, he called a meeting to tell Boehner, "You guys are toast".

Boehner came out of the meeting very upset, cried for a minute and then took off without answering any questions.

Pelosi and Reid stayed around after making their statement and answered reporters questions.

Yea, he called a meeting to tell Boehner, "You guys are toast".

Boehner came out of the meeting very upset, cried for a minute and then took off without answering any questions.

Pelosi and Reid stayed around after making their statement and answered reporters questions.


Obama is to weak to tell anyone anything except for those of you who want for free or subsidized what everyone else works their ass off for


Yea, he called a meeting to tell Boehner, "You guys are toast".

Boehner came out of the meeting very upset, cried for a minute and then took off without answering any questions.

Pelosi and Reid stayed around after making their statement and answered reporters questions.


Obama is to weak to tell anyone anything except for those of you who want for free or subsidized what everyone else works their ass off for



Really? He's that weak? Really???

So how weak are the people he just told to go fuck themselves.
Yea, he called a meeting to tell Boehner, "You guys are toast".

Boehner came out of the meeting very upset, cried for a minute and then took off without answering any questions.

Pelosi and Reid stayed around after making their statement and answered reporters questions.


Obama is to weak to tell anyone anything except for those of you who want for free or subsidized what everyone else works their ass off for



Really? He's that weak? Really???

So how weak are the people he just told to go fuck themselves.

Doubt that happened, because of what I just said. Here is what think should happen. Let the dummies that want to sign up now sign up, then delay for a year the mandate for those that DO NOT want to sign up.

If the Republicans were smart, they would say they aren't going to open discussions until Obamacare waivers are gone for Congress. If Obamacare is so good and fair, it should be good and fair for lawmakers.

If it isn't, then the Senate has to acknowledge deep changes have to be made. Take Obamacare apart and get rid of the problems. We will work with you to make a fair plan for ALL Americans. We CAN do it together.
If the Republicans were smart, they would say they aren't going to open discussions until Obamacare waivers are gone for Congress. If Obamacare is so good and fair, it should be good and fair for lawmakers.

If it isn't, then the Senate has to acknowledge deep changes have to be made. Take Obamacare apart and get rid of the problems. We will work with you to make a fair plan for ALL Americans. We CAN do it together.

Of course we can, and that's all anybody has been looking for. But did we get that? No. We got - what? Forty attempted repeals? No effort to tinker with it, make it better. Just attempts to make it go away.

Maybe now they can stop dickin and get to fixin.
If the Republicans were smart, they would say they aren't going to open discussions until Obamacare waivers are gone for Congress. If Obamacare is so good and fair, it should be good and fair for lawmakers.

If it isn't, then the Senate has to acknowledge deep changes have to be made. Take Obamacare apart and get rid of the problems. We will work with you to make a fair plan for ALL Americans. We CAN do it together.

that and suspension of the individual mandate.
If the Republicans were smart, they would say they aren't going to open discussions until Obamacare waivers are gone for Congress. If Obamacare is so good and fair, it should be good and fair for lawmakers.

If it isn't, then the Senate has to acknowledge deep changes have to be made. Take Obamacare apart and get rid of the problems. We will work with you to make a fair plan for ALL Americans. We CAN do it together.

Of course we can, and that's all anybody has been looking for. But did we get that? No. We got - what? Forty attempted repeals? No effort to tinker with it, make it better. Just attempts to make it go away.

Maybe now they can stop dickin and get to fixin.

Why do we need to fix something that wasn't broke in the first place?
If the Republicans were smart, they would say they aren't going to open discussions until Obamacare waivers are gone for Congress. If Obamacare is so good and fair, it should be good and fair for lawmakers.

If it isn't, then the Senate has to acknowledge deep changes have to be made. Take Obamacare apart and get rid of the problems. We will work with you to make a fair plan for ALL Americans. We CAN do it together.

Sure you will. Just like you did last time.

So it goes from, kill Obamacare before it kills you - to hey let's just delay it for a year so we can fix it - to hey let's work together to make a better law. We'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today. Just trust us this time.
If the Republicans were smart, they would say they aren't going to open discussions until Obamacare waivers are gone for Congress. If Obamacare is so good and fair, it should be good and fair for lawmakers.

If it isn't, then the Senate has to acknowledge deep changes have to be made. Take Obamacare apart and get rid of the problems. We will work with you to make a fair plan for ALL Americans. We CAN do it together.

Of course we can, and that's all anybody has been looking for. But did we get that? No. We got - what? Forty attempted repeals? No effort to tinker with it, make it better. Just attempts to make it go away.

Maybe now they can stop dickin and get to fixin.

Why do we need to fix something that wasn't broke in the first place?


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