Obama just Blinked

If the Republicans were smart, they would say they aren't going to open discussions until Obamacare waivers are gone for Congress. If Obamacare is so good and fair, it should be good and fair for lawmakers.

If it isn't, then the Senate has to acknowledge deep changes have to be made. Take Obamacare apart and get rid of the problems. We will work with you to make a fair plan for ALL Americans. We CAN do it together.

Of course we can, and that's all anybody has been looking for. But did we get that? No. We got - what? Forty attempted repeals? No effort to tinker with it, make it better. Just attempts to make it go away.

Maybe now they can stop dickin and get to fixin.

Why do we need to fix something that wasn't broke in the first place?

You think the ACA is fine as it is?
These Republicans want to use the emergency room for their health care. They are too poor to pay and so pass on the cost to people who don't live in trailers.

It's like Red States and Blue States. Who pays the bills? Blue States. Who get's welfare? Red States. Delusional RepubliKKKans have convinced themselves otherwise.
How many more times? Barry-Care is designed to fail....it's simply the trojan horse to mess up the insurance and healthcare industries.....when it implodes they'll offer us single-payer and hope we grab the life-jacket. It can't be stopped yet, thanks to Justice Roberts idiotic claim it's legal as a TAXING entity. But it can be defunded when the GOP retakes the Senate in such overwhelming numbers, it's defunding can withstand a Barry veto. That will be the end of this crap....the GOP can gloat, the Rats can claim "they tried" and everything gets back to where it is now instead of the sytem being fixed, which would have been fairly easy without our legislators being bought and paid for.

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