Obama kicks WWII vets out into the streets.

And this is why human services provided by government should never ever be privatized.

Business does not care about the people for whom they are supposed to care; business only cares about profit.
You got that right Jake.
Much ado about nothing. Again.

The V.A. says they’ll look for space at other V. A. nursing homes, war veterans homes, or veteran community living centers.

Gamble’s Machen says the company will try to keep its veterans in place by looking for other forms of reimbursement, such as Medicare and Medicaid. He says only about one percent of their residents are affected.

Nursing home care is paid for through VA benefits and health care through Tricare, VA, Medicare, or Medicaid.

So essentially this is more bullshit.

Nice try.
Much ado about nothing. Again.

The V.A. says they’ll look for space at other V. A. nursing homes, war veterans homes, or veteran community living centers.

Gamble’s Machen says the company will try to keep its veterans in place by looking for other forms of reimbursement, such as Medicare and Medicaid. He says only about one percent of their residents are affected.

Nursing home care is paid for through VA benefits and health care through Tricare, VA, Medicare, or Medicaid.

So essentially this is more bullshit.

Nice try.

No, no, no, no...this is a concerted effort by the liberals, Obama, anti-Americans and terrorists to take their vengeance out on old white men (of course, there were no minority veterans and if they were, they don't matter...just a bunch of *******, spics and Jews that don't vote tea party anyhow). :doubt: THIS IS RACISM!
Don't blame the real root of the problem just go with your gut reaction

Once again, in the search for the "Feeling" of doing something, thanks to Obama and the Democrats who cheer him, people are getting hurt.

This time it's WWII vets who are being kicked out of Assisted Living places to live in the streets if they don't have a family to move in with.

Minimum wage order sends veterans packing from nursing homes - Tea Party

Some military veterans are being forced to leave their nursing home. It’s an unintended consequence of President Obama’s executive order in February to raise the minimum wage for new federal contract workers from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour.

Sandy Franks, public affairs officer at Shreveport’s Overton Brooks V. A. Medical Center, explains that nursing homes that have contracts for subsidized care from the Veterans Administration become federal contractors. If they refuse to raise their wages, their contracts will not be renewed.

Former Marine A.J. Crain just wheeled himself into his new room at Shreveport Manor on Mansfield Road when he got the news that the home’s contract will end this month

“We fought all your wars, and now we’re broke. Where do we go from here?” Crain asks.

“We gotta go. Simple as that. We gotta go,” says Vietnam War Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient John Washington.

“I think it’s very wrong. I think it’s very distasteful,” Washington goes on to say about Shreveport Manor’s decision. ”I mean some of these people here work their backsides off to keep this place going,” he said, pointing to a woman changing his bed.

Shreveport Manor is owned by Gamble Guest Care. Their Chief Operating Officer says if they raise wages for workers there, they have to do that at all eight of their facilities.

In a statement, Gamble COO Matt Machen said, in part, “The additional labor expenses are simply unaffordable. As such, many long term care providers have indicated that they will no longer seek or renew V.A. contracts.”

Franks at the V.A. agrees that this has the potential to be a national problem as more V.A. contracts with nursing homes expire.

“We will deal with it on a case by case basis,” Franks says. “We will work the families and try to provide the most convenient, and the nursing homes that are up to our standards to take care of our veterans.”

“I’m not too happy over the situation,” grumbles former Navy sailor Charles Shufflin at Shreveport Manor.

Shufflin hasn’t even bothered unpacking his boxes of belongings since he has a place to go. His daughter Vickie Carrington is making room at her house.

“For my dad, I love him,” she says, kissing him on the forehead.

“I’m not so worried about myself,” Shufflin says, “but the veterans that have no place to live.”

“There’s a lot of people out there that have fought for our country,” Carrington adds, choking back tears. “And the ones that don’t have family members to take them in to take care of them, where are they going to go?”

The V.A. says they’ll look for space at other V. A. nursing homes, war veterans homes, or veteran community living centers.

Gamble’s Machen says the company will try to keep its veterans in place by looking for other forms of reimbursement, such as Medicare and Medicaid. He says only about one percent of their residents are affected.

Shufflin and Crain had just moved into Shreveport Manor from Rose View Nursing Center across the street, after the V.A. recently deemed Rose View had fallen below V. A. standards. So those vets would be moving for the second time in as many months.

Way to go Obama.. In trying to buy votes for the Democrats this fall, you've managed to hurt those who have already served this country...

I know... I know.. They're Veterans. You don't give a damned about them. They are just old white people.
Much ado about nothing. Again.

The V.A. says they’ll look for space at other V. A. nursing homes, war veterans homes, or veteran community living centers.

Gamble’s Machen says the company will try to keep its veterans in place by looking for other forms of reimbursement, such as Medicare and Medicaid. He says only about one percent of their residents are affected.

Nursing home care is paid for through VA benefits and health care through Tricare, VA, Medicare, or Medicaid.

So essentially this is more bullshit.

Nice try.

And also, the new mandate doesn't go into effect until next year.

(i) $10.10 per hour beginning January 1, 2015; and

The full text of the EO:

Executive Order -- Minimum Wage for Contractors | The White House
This is the VA. They will solve the problem by killing off the vets and reducing demand.
The GOP cares so much about Veterans:

Republicans Thank Veterans for Their Service By Cutting Food Stamps - US News

GOP's Claim That House Passed 30 Jobs Bills? Bogus

Meet the 40 Senate Republicans Who Betrayed Veterans By Killing $1 Billion in Jobs

Republicans pretending to care about veterans just sickens me. They don't care about anyone. And to use veterans or the deaths of Americans for what they think is political gain is despicable.

When Democrats say Republicans don't care about veterans, it's only the truth. And it is easily proven.
The truth is sometimes hard to find in a media that seems determined to get democrats elected but it's no secret that the federal government kicked 80 and 90 year old WW2 Vets off the WW2 memorial by force when the government closed but opened federal property up for left wing demonstrations.
The truth is sometimes hard to find in a media that seems determined to get democrats elected but it's no secret that the federal government kicked 80 and 90 year old WW2 Vets off the WW2 memorial by force when the government closed but opened federal property up for left wing demonstrations.

Oh please. If the truth was on the side of Democrats, the media would report about these bills Republicans block. Or how Republicans blocked health care for first responders for 10 years. Or how Republicans blocked the Obama administration from investigating BP after the gulf spill. In fact, it takes a right wing conservative site to even get the news sometimes:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

How can Republicans not know of riots all across the Arab world that took place after the video was posted? How can they not know of the more than 50 people that died in deadly riots?

The news doesn't like to report this stuff because if they report what Republicans are actually doing, they feel it makes them look partisan.

Do you personally believe it's OK to hold millions of unemployed hostage? Do you personally believe that it was OK to protect BP after what they did? Do you personally believe it's OK to cut food stamps for disabled veterans? And yet, all they report is Benghazi. A completely made up scandal. I haven't heard a single news station mention all the Americans who died from embassy attacks under Bush. What about the soldiers that died in Halliburton substandard housing? Where was the investigation on that? That's right. When did Republicans care about soldiers?
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If Obama would only reduce the minimum wage think of the care the vets would get then.

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