Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew.Clapper knew.Schiff knew.FBI,CIA,DOJ knew...

We have ample evidence that Dems are lying lowlife scheming trash who conspire to RIG elections and LIE to the American people. Whether that's criminal or not doesn't change the fact that Dems are total douchebags.
Ample evidence? Jesus fucking Chryst, hand it to a court that matters or are they all corrupt too?

Anti Americans like you are just that.


Standing right next to him, newly elected President Trump had no idea this traitor had already started a coup attempt based on the Hillary Hoax, that he amd Democrats were already attempting to overthrow the US government by illegally trying to remove him from office ... and he had even entered the WH.
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Standing right next to him, newly elected President Trump had no idea this traitor had already started a coup attempt based on the Hillary Hoax, that he amd Democrats were already attempting to overthrow the US government by illegally trying to remove him from office ... and he had even entered the WH.

The Neo-GOP has to continue to lie this way because when they say stupid shit like this in court or under oath, their lawyers get sanctioned.
The warrant, which contained a one paragraph “lie” out of 70 pages, What is the fourth FISA warrant application for Carter Page. Page was under surveillance and renewed twice prior to his signing on with it the Trump Campaign. Surveillance was dropped while he was with the Trump campaign, and then the FBI reapplied after he quit the campaign.

It was the fourth application, third re-application, which contain the so-called “lie”.
a one paragraph lie?? geez...amazing.

Yes, we are aware the Obama admin lied to spy on the campaign...and like clock work, the demafascsit like yourself run to the defense of this abuse
Stop crying, it's right there in the Durham report go read it snowflake.
No it's not. That all opinions, and innuendos based on Durham's marching orders to find fault with the investigation into Trumps ties with Russia. Like the obvious lie about the briefing. It was a briefing on a Russian assessment of the Clinton Campaign. Durham says it was a Russian assessment. Why does the Rabid Right continue to insist that it was a Clinton plan not a Russian assessment of Clinton. I Know the Trumpsters trust Russian intel more than American intel. So maybe that's why so many of the Neo-GOP believe.
Wrong!!! Trump hired the guy not Obama. And Trump fired him after he wrote this report. That’s why Durham was careful to please his boss.
Like are you just openly lying and hoping someone will believe you? Are you just following the examples from MSDNC and Xiden? Or are you really this dumb?

Michael E. Horowitz​

He was appointed by Obama, and he still works for the IG Office...he was never fired.
Ample evidence? Jesus fucking Chryst, hand it to a court that matters or are they all corrupt too?

Anti Americans like you are just that.
Anti Americans are the people who do not want the government held accountable. You are one of them.
Anti Americans are the people who do not want the government held accountable. You are one of them.
Your complaints have little to do with accountability and everything to do with inventing reasons to go after political enemies.
Your complaints have little to do with accountability and everything to do with inventing reasons to go after political enemies.
Inventing reasons to go after political opponents is exactly what the illegitimate administration is doing. Have you noticed?
Inventing reasons to go after political opponents is exactly what the illegitimate administration is doing. Have you noticed?
No, because I don’t believe the right wing media lies used to craft your alternate reality.

The right has a very long list of enemies it demands prosecutions for, but fail to come up with actual reasons to prosecute them.

It’s not about law. It’s politics.
No, because I don’t believe the right wing media lies used to craft your alternate reality.

The right has a very long list of enemies it demands prosecutions for, but fail to come up with actual reasons to prosecute them.

It’s not about law. It’s politics.
People in jail for over 2 years without a trial is not a lie. Putting someone in jail for meme is not a lie.

Recently you have been shown who is doing the lying. The Twitter files and the Durham report do that very nicely.
People in jail for over 2 years without a trial is not a lie. Putting someone in jail for meme is not a lie.

Recently you have been shown who is doing the lying. The Twitter files and the Durham report do that very nicely.
Yes, being in jail for a long time is a fact of life in the US judicial system, especially when the defendant has exacerbated the problem by filing many meritless motions and changing lawyers repeatedly which delays the ability to go to trial.
Lying to a Court is not a process crime.

It's an actual crime.

Lying to Congress under oath is an actual crime too. Perjury is a felony.

Makes one wonder why Clapper and Comey aren't sitting in jail RIGHT NOW.

He didn't issue indictments, a grand jury did....I don't know why or why he didn't ask for more...Nor do I really care. I am just glad we know the truth, and ensure that these abuses don't happen again.
Ditto. But I'm afraid they WILL happen again, because there were no consequences this time.
It's all Gaslight Theatre at this point.
The demented LEFT will declare that it's all in your head.
These fuckers are COLD BUSTED in their maleficence!
What will be done about it all?
Knew what? Trump is a one man crime wave?

Trump may have strange values, but he knows the law and never violated it.
Both impeachments and the Mar-a-lago search were all completely made up and illegal.
Ample evidence? Jesus fucking Chryst, hand it to a court that matters or are they all corrupt too?

Anti Americans like you are just that.

Since the impeachments never went anywhere, there is no real recourse left anymore, but the point is they were still based on lies and caused harm.
Everyone involved with both impeachments and the Mar-a-lago raid should all be in jail.

I do not like Trump, but he was illegally abused.
Trump may have strange values, but he knows the law and never violated it.
Both impeachments and the Mar-a-lago search were all completely made up and illegal.
Dag nammbit, I agree with you, but you are a lunatic that espouses the "virtues of communism" (paraphrased).
Strange values indeed!

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