Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew.Clapper knew.Schiff knew.FBI,CIA,DOJ knew...

Five years later, Rosenstein’s decision to appoint Mueller faces even harsher scrutiny after a new special counsel, John Durham, declared in his final report last week the FBI and DOJ did not have, and never had, evidence that Trump conspired with Russia to hijack the 2016 election.

For Republicans and their allies, the Russia scandal became the “Russia hoax” quite a while ago, but in the wake of the special counsel’s report reaching the public on Monday, the party is acting as if the case is now officially closed — and Donald Trump was right all along.

“The Russian hoax was a figment of Hillary Clinton’s imagination,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee declared on Monday night. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas condemned reality-based observers for “breathlessly spreading these ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ lies.”

“[T]he Durham Report provides fuel for the false claim that the Russia probe was a hoax. Don’t fall for it.” A Washington Post fact-check report added this morning that, in reality, “Russia sought to change the outcome of the [2016 presidential] election, and the Republican candidate welcomed that help.” The same report concluded that the FBI had good reason to investigate the ties between the Trump campaign and its Russian benefactors.

Circling back to our earlier coverage, I’m mindful of the fact that Republicans have spent years trying to dismiss the Russia scandal, largely out of partisan necessity: The truth was a disaster for Trump and his political operation, so their allies set out to assure Americans that we need not trust our lying eyes.

What’s more, it’s quite possible that for those living in a conservative bubble — folks, for example, who were led to believe former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report "exonerated" Trump, reality be damned — this public-relations strategy will prove wildly effective. I have no doubt that a painfully large chunk of the population is now absolutely certain that the underlying controversy is “fake.”

But the allegations at the heart of the Russia scandal remain fundamentally unchanged. Now seems like a good time to review anew some core truths.
Special Counsel Durham's 'Hillary Hoax report majes it clear tbere was never any evidence and the investifation should never have been started.

CIA Director Brennan's declassified hand-written notes prove FBI Director Comey and his FBI, as did Obama and Biden, already knew 'Russian Collusion' was a 'Hillary Hoax'.
No it doesn't. They are lying, again.
For Republicans and their allies, the Russia scandal became the “Russia hoax” quite a while ago, but in the wake of the special counsel’s report reaching the public on Monday, the party is acting as if the case is now officially closed — and Donald Trump was right all along.

“The Russian hoax was a figment of Hillary Clinton’s imagination,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee declared on Monday night. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas condemned reality-based observers for “breathlessly spreading these ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ lies.”

“[T]he Durham Report provides fuel for the false claim that the Russia probe was a hoax. Don’t fall for it.” A Washington Post fact-check report added this morning that, in reality, “Russia sought to change the outcome of the [2016 presidential] election, and the Republican candidate welcomed that help.” The same report concluded that the FBI had good reason to investigate the ties between the Trump campaign and its Russian benefactors.

Circling back to our earlier coverage, I’m mindful of the fact that Republicans have spent years trying to dismiss the Russia scandal, largely out of partisan necessity: The truth was a disaster for Trump and his political operation, so their allies set out to assure Americans that we need not trust our lying eyes.

What’s more, it’s quite possible that for those living in a conservative bubble — folks, for example, who were led to believe former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report "exonerated" Trump, reality be damned — this public-relations strategy will prove wildly effective. I have no doubt that a painfully large chunk of the population is now absolutely certain that the underlying controversy is “fake.”

But the allegations at the heart of the Russia scandal remain fundamentally unchanged. Now seems like a good time to review anew some core truths.
The WP cannot check facts that do not exist.
It's now confirmed they all knew. Bottom line, Durham has just explained and proved who the real insurrectionists are! Bottom line, they were actually trying to overthrow Trump’s 2016 election, and influence his 2020 loss with all their lies that they knew were lies! Trump was completely innocent.

This is just a horseshit Report!

White Adam knows this!
For Republicans and their allies, the Russia scandal became the “Russia hoax” quite a while ago, but in the wake of the special counsel’s report reaching the public on Monday, the party is acting as if the case is now officially closed — and Donald Trump was right all along.

“The Russian hoax was a figment of Hillary Clinton’s imagination,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee declared on Monday night. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas condemned reality-based observers for “breathlessly spreading these ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ lies.”

“[T]he Durham Report provides fuel for the false claim that the Russia probe was a hoax. Don’t fall for it.” A Washington Post fact-check report added this morning that, in reality, “Russia sought to change the outcome of the [2016 presidential] election, and the Republican candidate welcomed that help.” The same report concluded that the FBI had good reason to investigate the ties between the Trump campaign and its Russian benefactors.

Circling back to our earlier coverage, I’m mindful of the fact that Republicans have spent years trying to dismiss the Russia scandal, largely out of partisan necessity: The truth was a disaster for Trump and his political operation, so their allies set out to assure Americans that we need not trust our lying eyes.

What’s more, it’s quite possible that for those living in a conservative bubble — folks, for example, who were led to believe former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report "exonerated" Trump, reality be damned — this public-relations strategy will prove wildly effective. I have no doubt that a painfully large chunk of the population is now absolutely certain that the underlying controversy is “fake.”

But the allegations at the heart of the Russia scandal remain fundamentally unchanged. Now seems like a good time to review anew some core truths.
Fucking retarded leftard asswipes....

Listen to these fucktards backpedal.

Now it's gone from Trump's fault to Russia's fault.

Oh but - Trump still welcomed the help.

What a bunch of low life scumbags the Democraps are.
haha so you just simply want to go on continuing to ignore the conclusions of actual investigations and simply parrot russian disinformation clinton paid for and parody from adam shifty

Kushner said the reason for so many calls to the Russian embassy was to try to establish a back channel to the Kremlin.
Kushner said the reason for so many calls to the Russian embassy was to try to establish a back channel to the Kremlin.
link to him saying that?

Or are you referring to the transition team, where Jared said he was trying to set up discussion with the Krelim to disucc Syria? Nothing wrong with that at all.

Kushner has disputed that characterization, telling lawmakers in July that he asked Kislyak whether there was "an existing communications channel at his embassy" that could be used to discuss Syria. It had not been reported, however, that the matter was discussed again in emails that Kushner "also forwarded," the senators said.

You just seem to be repeating now debunked Clinton/Putin paid for disinformation.
The briefing was over a Russian Intel report on Clinton. Furthermore it was a lie. They had no plans, it was Russian Psyopts.
Wrong again. More lies and more blind allegiance to the criminal government installed in 2020.
link to him saying that?

Or are you referring to the transition team, where Jared said he was trying to set up discussion with the Krelim to disucc Syria? Nothing wrong with that at all.

Kushner has disputed that characterization, telling lawmakers in July that he asked Kislyak whether there was "an existing communications channel at his embassy" that could be used to discuss Syria. It had not been reported, however, that the matter was discussed again in emails that Kushner "also forwarded," the senators said.

You just seem to be repeating now debunked Clinton/Putin paid for disinformation.

No, this was during Trump's campaign before he was elected president. Didn't have anything to do
Now it's gone from Trump's fault to Russia's fault.
MAGA-MUCHO-MACHO confirmed it in his second post.

Then there is this from ya'll old friend....

"In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russians' hacking of the Democratic National Committee," wrote Ratcliffe.

"The IC does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication," he added.

Ratcliffe went on to say that former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan briefed former President Barack Obama on the claims garnered from Russian intelligence.

It's no wonder the sheep bleetleave it. They're stupid.
MAGA-MUCHO-MACHO confirmed it in his second post.

Then there is this from ya'll old friend....

"In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russians' hacking of the Democratic National Committee," wrote Ratcliffe.

"The IC does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication," he added.

Ratcliffe went on to say that former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan briefed former President Barack Obama on the claims garnered from Russian intelligence.

It's no wonder the sheep bleetleave it. They're stupid.
So now you are posting what Durham just proved are lies? You are on a roll, you stupid fuck.
So now you are posting what Durham just proved are lies? You are on a roll, you stupid fuck.
Durham didn't prove anything. You're being lied too, the briefing intel gave the president and others about the Clinton campaign was a Russian Intelligence analysis. Durham noted that fact his report. it's your press and your party that are lying about the origin of that report and briefing as if it were a smoking bong I mean gun.......
He, like the entire left, is TRYING (and failing) to claim Durham's 'Hillary Hoax' report is a lie.
It is not a lie. The Rabid right is lying about Durham's findings. He found nothing and couldn't get a conviction from anything he found.

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