Obama Labor Dept Shill Praises Hugo Chavez, Tells Students ‘Republicans Hate Latinos’

I would have to see this somewhere else other than Brietbart.
This administrations unbelievable lack of vetting skills makes it easy to believe they would use someone like this, in fact it would be more of the same.

But Brietbart has proven to be a source that lies.
Liberals have been trying to indoctrinate kids in schools, since *I* was in school. It's never changed.
If that were true, you'd be a drooling Peta member since you're so stupid and easily led.

Neg on it way for lying.

Just because liberals try to indoctrinate kids in school doesn't mean it always works, you loon!

That isn't lying. It's recognizing it.

I mean when you have an assignment in school about the "energy crisis" and there were "no wrong answers" as the teacher told us.

But when I chose that I would keep oil first for the military, and then domestic use, all of a sudden, the "no wrong answers" exercise stopped and the teacher demanded of me, in front of the class why I would do that.

THAT's a teacher indoctrinating liberalism and singling out kids that weren't walking in lockstep with the indoctrination.

And yes that's a true story.

You mindless liberals scream liar, every time you can't deny the truth.

It's like a five year old arguing with a parent.

I would have to see this somewhere else other than Brietbart.
This administrations unbelievable lack of vetting skills makes it easy to believe they would use someone like this, in fact it would be more of the same.

But Brietbart has proven to be a source that lies.

Baloney! The only source that lies are those claiming Breitbart took "out of context" a straight video of that woman's speech.

It was not edited as claimed.

Total nonsense!
It's obvious that Republican love Latinos.

After all, the Republican party has stopped every effort to keep illegals from being deported, has it not?

The Republican party is NOT racist, folks.


Eventually I'm confident that most of you tools are going to figure that out.

Most of you are one pink slip away from understanding how the world really works.
Teapartiers will believe anything. They , for the most part have a faith based belief system as oppossed to a fact based belief system.

Not really.... they didn't vote for Obama. Seems like they saw though that cheap veneer.
If she was praising a Chavez, it was probably Cesar Chavez.

:lol:whatever....she said she went to Venezuela and was speaking to her experiences there, you didn't watch or listen.....yet commented, nice.:clap2:
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I was going to start a thread something on this too, so I am just going to post it anyway, already had the post made.

Dolores Huerta does a commercial for the Dept. of Labor, Sec. Solis, watching it reveals the usual ploy- offer money , some type of remuneration for? Well, making a claim of course…you see, you have a claim you just don’t know it....she says; “you deserve to be paid" (certainly, agreed, is this an issue?) and deserve "housing and safe transportation" ….?really? How does that compute?

Read the link, which contains some very interesting info.on the process once a caller has claimed hes been gyped etc…shakedown time, fostered by the gov.how nice..

Jimmy Smits Joins Socialist Huerta, and Sec. Solis? Crusade to Force Workers ‘Documented or Not’ into Labor Unions - Big Government

I cannot find out if shes being paid to do these ads etc. I’d like to know and I certainly don’t think anyone whom has to use hate speech needs to be a visiting sermonizer to students of any grade.

Her speech at Tuscon High school audio is Communist gold; she riffs on her visit to Venezuela, and the factories where they make shirts, have a dentist next door, you get to see for free and the medial provided buy the 20,000 Cuban doctors etc….all funded by “petro dollars”…

Plus…. “Republicans hate latinos…okay…Republicans hate latinos”….yes she says it twice…

Breitbart.tv Obama Labor Dept Shill Praises Hugo Chavez, Tells Students ‘Republicans Hate Latinos’

Dolores Heurta was to Cesar Chavez what Jesse Hi-Jackson was to Martin Luther King, she cofounded the United Farm Workers etc…….but, to show you just how far today’s dem wing of the left has moved left, and what this president appoints to represent him, one needs to remember Chavez despised illegal immigration, he was very active, he marched against it, funded orgs to fight it etc. yet, Dolores seems to have divorced herself from the cause by tacking in the opposites direction, in short she really reverting to the liberal utopian type, free sot for everyone with the “rich” guys paying . .
And of course theres always a back story…

What this is all about getting the brown man on the Hacienda, like the Dems have put African Americans on the Plantation, there is NO shortage of race hustlers and baiters amongst latinos apparently….and their communist feathers are showing.

Just another Van Jones, only she is more accomplished....
It's obvious that Republican love Latinos.

After all, the Republican party has stopped every effort to keep illegals from being deported, has it not?

what does that mean? deporting folks is automatic symptom(s) of 'caste culture' or latino phobia, racism?...whatever..

Most of you are one pink slip away from understanding how the world really works.

really?I got a pink slip, so tell me swami, how does the world really work?
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I would have to see this somewhere else other than Brietbart.
This administrations unbelievable lack of vetting skills makes it easy to believe they would use someone like this, in fact it would be more of the same.

But Brietbart has proven to be a source that lies.

shes right there in the commercial....:neutral:

shes also a member of Democratic Socialists of America.
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Democratic Socialists of America's Honorary Chairperson Dolores Huerta was used by the Obama Labor Department in advertisements instructing illegal aliens to fight for fair wages. In this recently uncovered audio, Ms. Huerta is speaking to high school students and praising the virtues of Hugo Chavez' Venezuela.

Breitbart.tv Obama Labor Dept Shill Praises Hugo Chavez, Tells Students ‘Republicans Hate Latinos’

You want to know who Obama is, you just have to see the people he chooses to be around him.

No wonder Obama doesn't want to control the borders.

For one, it’s not obvious to me that she is talking to students. Is this another Shirley Sherrod?

Second, she isn’t talking about Chavez political policies.

She is talking about Doctors and clinics for poor people and creating jobs.

Shoes and clothes for children.

Farms to feed the people.

Making Dentists available.

And what are Republicans talking about in this country?

The unemployed need to “sober up” and go get a job?

If you “feed the poor they’ll BREED”?

Vietnam Vets suffering from Agent Orange are a “drag” on America?

The president is a “Fascist/Marxist/Socialist/Racist/man child”?

Insurance companies don’t make enough money?

And Republicans DO seem to hate Hispanics. And not only Hispanics, but gays and the poor and the unemployed and Muslims and a whole list of other minorities.

The best way to fight a message you don’t like is with one you do. What is the Republican message? Send American jobs to communist China to build up their economy? Spend money building Iraq because they hate our guts?

Liberals have been trying to indoctrinate kids in schools, since *I* was in school. It's never changed.
If that were true, you'd be a drooling Peta member since you're so stupid and easily led.

Neg on it way for lying.

Just because liberals try to indoctrinate kids in school doesn't mean it always works, you loon!

That isn't lying. It's recognizing it.

I mean when you have an assignment in school about the "energy crisis" and there were "no wrong answers" as the teacher told us.

But when I chose that I would keep oil first for the military, and then domestic use, all of a sudden, the "no wrong answers" exercise stopped and the teacher demanded of me, in front of the class why I would do that.

THAT's a teacher indoctrinating liberalism and singling out kids that weren't walking in lockstep with the indoctrination.

And yes that's a true story.

You mindless liberals scream liar, every time you can't deny the truth.

It's like a five year old arguing with a parent.

riiight...asking you to explain your reasoning is DEMANDING!!!

Democratic Socialists of America's Honorary Chairperson Dolores Huerta was used by the Obama Labor Department in advertisements instructing illegal aliens to fight for fair wages. In this recently uncovered audio, Ms. Huerta is speaking to high school students and praising the virtues of Hugo Chavez' Venezuela.

Breitbart.tv Obama Labor Dept Shill Praises Hugo Chavez, Tells Students ‘Republicans Hate Latinos’

You want to know who Obama is, you just have to see the people he chooses to be around him.

No wonder Obama doesn't want to control the borders.

For one, it’s not obvious to me that she is talking to students. Is this another Shirley Sherrod?

Second, she isn’t talking about Chavez political policies.

She is talking about Doctors and clinics for poor people and creating jobs.

Shoes and clothes for children.

Farms to feed the people.

Making Dentists available.

And what are Republicans talking about in this country?

The unemployed need to “sober up” and go get a job?

If you “feed the poor they’ll BREED”?

Vietnam Vets suffering from Agent Orange are a “drag” on America?

The president is a “Fascist/Marxist/Socialist/Racist/man child”?

Insurance companies don’t make enough money?

And Republicans DO seem to hate Hispanics. And not only Hispanics, but gays and the poor and the unemployed and Muslims and a whole list of other minorities.

The best way to fight a message you don’t like is with one you do. What is the Republican message? Send American jobs to communist China to build up their economy? Spend money building Iraq because they hate our guts?


Republicans only hear what they want to hear. Where is their message? What is it they want to "improve"? When are they "for the people"?
I would have to see this somewhere else other than Brietbart.
This administrations unbelievable lack of vetting skills makes it easy to believe they would use someone like this, in fact it would be more of the same.

But Brietbart has proven to be a source that lies.

Baloney! The only source that lies are those claiming Breitbart took "out of context" a straight video of that woman's speech.

It was not edited as claimed.

Total nonsense!


Oh man, the frustration and fear of their impending doom come November is just breathing down their throats.

You can hear their frustation from here!

Democratic Socialists of America's Honorary Chairperson Dolores Huerta was used by the Obama Labor Department in advertisements instructing illegal aliens to fight for fair wages. In this recently uncovered audio, Ms. Huerta is speaking to high school students and praising the virtues of Hugo Chavez' Venezuela.

Breitbart.tv Obama Labor Dept Shill Praises Hugo Chavez, Tells Students ‘Republicans Hate Latinos’

You want to know who Obama is, you just have to see the people he chooses to be around him.

No wonder Obama doesn't want to control the borders.

For one, it’s not obvious to me that she is talking to students. Is this another Shirley Sherrod?

Second, she isn’t talking about Chavez political policies.

She is talking about Doctors and clinics for poor people and creating jobs.

Shoes and clothes for children.

Farms to feed the people.

Making Dentists available.

And what are Republicans talking about in this country?

The unemployed need to “sober up” and go get a job?

If you “feed the poor they’ll BREED”?

Vietnam Vets suffering from Agent Orange are a “drag” on America?

The president is a “Fascist/Marxist/Socialist/Racist/man child”?

Insurance companies don’t make enough money?

And Republicans DO seem to hate Hispanics. And not only Hispanics, but gays and the poor and the unemployed and Muslims and a whole list of other minorities.

The best way to fight a message you don’t like is with one you do. What is the Republican message? Send American jobs to communist China to build up their economy? Spend money building Iraq because they hate our guts?


:lol:those farms to feed people are not feeding anyone.

Q- Do you, read?

Thats is are you aware of what has been going on and is going on in Venezula?

Hyper inflation, the capital has stores whose shelves are a throw back to the Soviet 70's.

The 'farms' are not feeding anyone because the people he kicked off that is the folks who actually produced from that land, were replaced by the poor down trodden who knew squat as to producing from the land, they do however know how to sieg heil Chavez, the farm tools, equipment and expertise he promised? Never came....

She was proselytizing,flat out, you want to ignore that hey thats cool, but her message period- sux, and using it in a room full of kids who don't know better is right out of the Lib/progressive playbook- get'em before they can learn how to think, so they won't think.
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The frustration, teapartysamari, is that few believe that the GOP will have better solutions or treat people more fairly. After November, all that'll happen is SSDD.

What "unified party platform" can we expect from a party that fields both Sharon Angle and Bobby Jindal?
Sorry....wandered off-topic. Okie dokie, Ms. Huerta. How did we establish this was her name? Do we know what she does for a living? (Know-know, I mean...not blog-know.)
Democratic Socialists of America's Honorary Chairperson Dolores Huerta was used by the Obama Labor Department in advertisements instructing illegal aliens to fight for fair wages. In this recently uncovered audio, Ms. Huerta is speaking to high school students and praising the virtues of Hugo Chavez' Venezuela.
Breitbart.tv Obama Labor Dept Shill Praises Hugo Chavez, Tells Students ‘Republicans Hate Latinos’

You want to know who Obama is, you just have to see the people he chooses to be around him.

No wonder Obama doesn't want to control the borders.
Sorry....wandered off-topic. Okie dokie, Ms. Huerta. How did we establish this was her name? Do we know what she does for a living? (Know-know, I mean...not blog-know.)

I posted her resume back a page or 2...she's full frontal, face on to the camera...theres no doubt, and as far as the audio, sounds like her but hey if thats where we are gonna go, then NO audio not signed off by an certified expert should ever be posted again, this isn't to you directly, just sayin'.
Frankly, why should that even be a question? She doesn't exactly run from or deny her views...she a true believer. Google her name yourself.
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