Obama law suit: Seeks to inhibit military's voting rights

More voter suppresion from the left. They should say the National Guard has some black panter members to make em drop the lawsuit
Same thing every cycle, illegals and nonliving get the Democrat full support and the military can go get fucked
Obamaturd and the dimwits hate the military vote and love illegal voting practices. Any other way and they would lose every time.
The OP is a liar. The suit doesn't attempt to inhibit military voters. It attempts to extend voting opportunities for all people, arguing that if early voting is good for people in the military, it's good for the rest of the general populace. I tend to agree. Other than considerations for deployments, there's no point in giving military members special voting privileges.
F-ing liberal shits. Mercenaries in the military go run off and die, for all I care. But, Obama is making a mockery of the 14th Amendment's "equal protection" clause. It's also completely hypocritical of Obama's Special Rights For Some party.
The OP is a liar. The suit doesn't attempt to inhibit military voters. It attempts to extend voting opportunities for all people, arguing that if early voting is good for people in the military, it's good for the rest of the general populace. I tend to agree. Other than considerations for deployments, there's no point in giving military members special voting privileges.

Obama is using the military as pawns. That is obvious. He wants more time to cheat and get more fake votes in and if he can't do that then he seeks to disenfranchise military members.
Newsmax? I'm sure we'll soon learn this is all twisted wingnut bullshit. Enjoy it until Monday...
This law gives Ohio an early start to reelect Obama with all those votes they'll find in every nook & cranny. They're going to do what's ever necessary to steal this election.

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