Obama Legacy: Aiding & Abetting the Enemy

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

The best words to define Obama's legacy should be "aiding and abetting the enemy." Whether or not an investigation learns the truth about the Hellfire missile that was lost, American's already realize that they've lost a lot more than that under this Administration. About that Hellfire missile that was "accidentally" sent to Cuba.....

During a recent press conference, a State Department Spokesman refused to deny that the Obama Administration had sold a Hellfire missile to the Cuban Government. Instead, he responded by stating that under the Arms Export Control Act, the State Department licenses both permanent and temporary exports by US companies of regulated defense articles.

While earlier reports indicated Lockheed was responsible for the shipping error, the State Department Spokesman attributed the error to US companies by stating that it was their responsibility to report any shipping deviations to the federal government.

Here are a few questions that need answers:

Why would the POTUS authorize a commercial airliner to deliver a Hellfire Missile when the USAF has a fleet of cargo aircraft at his disposal to transport it? The transport of the Hellfire missile originated at Orlando International Airport on a commercial airline flight to Rota, Spain for a NATO training exercise.

Form there, NATO authorized a ground shipment of the missile to Frankfurt, Germany. It was then scheduled to be placed on another commercial flight back to Orlando International Airport. It never arrived.

Later it was discovered that the hellfire missile was taken to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France. It was then placed on an Air France flight to Cuba. According to officials it was loaded onto a "mixed pallet" of cargo and that is where the error occurred.

Sources investigating the story disagree. They do not believe this was a case of human error. US companies cannot authorize transportation of military weapons such as a Hellfire missile, on their own. High Security military transportation was available. Why wasn't it used?

Who was the NATO official that authorized the ground shipment of a US Hellfire Missile from Lisbon to Frankfort? How did the missile end up in Paris, France?

There is suspicion that President Obama managed the transport of the Hellfire missile to Cuba so that they could reverse engineer it and reproduce it.

Lockheed Martin didn't give the authorization to transport the Hellfire missile onto a commercial plane. That authorization had to come from President Obama who oversees the State Department, the Pentagon and the Joint Chief's of staff.

NATO never contacted Lockheed Martin requesting a Hellfire missile to conduct their military exercises. Lockheed Martin manufactures Hellfire missiles. They have no authorization to grant such a request. NATO would have had to have made their request to President Obama and he would have authorized and directed the procedure on shipment of the missile.
In 2014, President Obama was working with the State Department to have Cuba removed from the list of terrorist nations. Knowing that Cuba was in possession of the Hellfire missile, Obama moved forward with plans to “normalize” relations with Cuba.

How could President Obama announce to the American people that our relations with Cuba had been normalized when they were refusing to return a Hellfire Missile? The President should have stipulated that the missile be returned prior to any discussions about normalization.


One news source reported that in Article III of the Constitution, it is said that, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

An investigation is under way to find out whether the re-routing was a deliberate act of espionage or something else.

Listening to the State Department Spokeman's response, it is likely that Obama did sell this weapon to Cuba. It would be one more act to add to a very long list of Obama aiding and abetting the enemy.

It's his legacy.
News Sources:
Many thanks to a Texas Patriot who informed me about this story.
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Perhaps the military should be keeping a close eye on our nuclear arsenal and nuclear production facilities so a nuclear warhead isn't 'accidentally' shipped to Iran.

Of course that probably won't work either since the CINC is having top military officials who most likely 'disagree' with him fired.



The best words to define Obama's legacy should be "aiding and abetting the enemy." Whether or not an investigation learns the truth about the Hellfire missile that was lost, American's already realize that they've lost a lot more than that under this Administration. About that Hellfire missile that was "accidentally" sent to Cuba.....

During a recent press conference, a State Department Spokesman refused to deny that the Obama Administration had sold a Hellfire missile to the Cuban Government. Instead, he responded by stating that under the Arms Export Control Act, the State Department licenses both permanent and temporary exports by US companies of regulated defense articles.

While earlier reports indicated Lockheed was responsible for the shipping error, the State Department Spokesman attributed the error to US companies by stating that it was their responsibility to report any shipping deviations to the federal government.

Here are a few questions that need answers:

Why would the POTUS authorize a commercial airliner to deliver a Hellfire Missile when the USAF has a fleet of cargo aircraft at his disposal to transport it? The transport of the Hellfire missile originated at Orlando International Airport on a commercial airline flight to Rota, Spain for a NATO training exercise.

Form there, NATO authorized a ground shipment of the missile to Frankfurt, Germany. It was then scheduled to be placed on another commercial flight back to Orlando International Airport. It never arrived.

Later it was discovered that the hellfire missile was taken to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France. It was then placed on an Air France flight to Cuba. According to officials it was loaded onto a "mixed pallet" of cargo and that is where the error occurred.

Sources investigating the story disagree. They do not believe this was a case of human error. US companies cannot authorize transportation of military weapons such as a Hellfire missile, on their own. High Security military transportation was available. Why wasn't it used?

Who was the NATO official that authorized the ground shipment of a US Hellfire Missile from Lisbon to Frankfort? How did the missile end up in Paris, France?

There is suspicion that President Obama managed the transport of the Hellfire missile to Cuba so that they could reverse engineer it and reproduce it.

Lockheed Martin didn't give the authorization to transport the Hellfire missile onto a commercial plane. That authorization had to come from President Obama who oversees the State Department, the Pentagon and the Joint Chief's of staff.

NATO never contacted Lockheed Martin requesting a Hellfire missile to conduct their military exercises. Lockheed Martin manufactures Hellfire missiles. They have no authorization to grant such a request. NATO would have had to have made their request to President Obama and he would have authorized and directed the procedure on shipment of the missile.
In 2014, President Obama was working with the State Department to have Cuba removed from the list of terrorist nations. Knowing that Cuba was in possession of the Hellfire missile, Obama moved forward with plans to “normalize” relations with Cuba.

How could President Obama announce to the American people that our relations with Cuba had been normalized when they were refusing to return a Hellfire Missile? The President should have stipulated that the missile be returned prior to any discussions about normalization.


One news source reported that in Article III of the Constitution, it is said that, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

An investigation is under way to find out whether the re-routing was a deliberate act of espionage or something else.

Listening to the State Department Spokeman's response, it is likely that Obama did sell this weapon to Cuba. It would be one more act to add to a very long list of Obama aiding and abetting the enemy.

It's his legacy.
News Sources:
Many thanks to a Texas Patriot who informed me about this story.

What a bunch of fucking rot.
Anything to try to paint the president as unpatriotic.
You people really are sick, very, very, VERY sick.

The best words to define Obama's legacy should be "aiding and abetting the enemy." Whether or not an investigation learns the truth about the Hellfire missile that was lost, American's already realize that they've lost a lot more than that under this Administration. About that Hellfire missile that was "accidentally" sent to Cuba.....

During a recent press conference, a State Department Spokesman refused to deny that the Obama Administration had sold a Hellfire missile to the Cuban Government. Instead, he responded by stating that under the Arms Export Control Act, the State Department licenses both permanent and temporary exports by US companies of regulated defense articles.

While earlier reports indicated Lockheed was responsible for the shipping error, the State Department Spokesman attributed the error to US companies by stating that it was their responsibility to report any shipping deviations to the federal government.

Here are a few questions that need answers:

Why would the POTUS authorize a commercial airliner to deliver a Hellfire Missile when the USAF has a fleet of cargo aircraft at his disposal to transport it? The transport of the Hellfire missile originated at Orlando International Airport on a commercial airline flight to Rota, Spain for a NATO training exercise.

Form there, NATO authorized a ground shipment of the missile to Frankfurt, Germany. It was then scheduled to be placed on another commercial flight back to Orlando International Airport. It never arrived.

Later it was discovered that the hellfire missile was taken to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France. It was then placed on an Air France flight to Cuba. According to officials it was loaded onto a "mixed pallet" of cargo and that is where the error occurred.

Sources investigating the story disagree. They do not believe this was a case of human error. US companies cannot authorize transportation of military weapons such as a Hellfire missile, on their own. High Security military transportation was available. Why wasn't it used?

Who was the NATO official that authorized the ground shipment of a US Hellfire Missile from Lisbon to Frankfort? How did the missile end up in Paris, France?

There is suspicion that President Obama managed the transport of the Hellfire missile to Cuba so that they could reverse engineer it and reproduce it.

Lockheed Martin didn't give the authorization to transport the Hellfire missile onto a commercial plane. That authorization had to come from President Obama who oversees the State Department, the Pentagon and the Joint Chief's of staff.

NATO never contacted Lockheed Martin requesting a Hellfire missile to conduct their military exercises. Lockheed Martin manufactures Hellfire missiles. They have no authorization to grant such a request. NATO would have had to have made their request to President Obama and he would have authorized and directed the procedure on shipment of the missile.
In 2014, President Obama was working with the State Department to have Cuba removed from the list of terrorist nations. Knowing that Cuba was in possession of the Hellfire missile, Obama moved forward with plans to “normalize” relations with Cuba.

How could President Obama announce to the American people that our relations with Cuba had been normalized when they were refusing to return a Hellfire Missile? The President should have stipulated that the missile be returned prior to any discussions about normalization.


One news source reported that in Article III of the Constitution, it is said that, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

An investigation is under way to find out whether the re-routing was a deliberate act of espionage or something else.

Listening to the State Department Spokeman's response, it is likely that Obama did sell this weapon to Cuba. It would be one more act to add to a very long list of Obama aiding and abetting the enemy.

It's his legacy.
News Sources:
Many thanks to a Texas Patriot who informed me about this story.

What a bunch of fucking rot.
Anything to try to paint the president as unpatriotic.
You people really are sick, very, very, VERY sick.

This from a far left drone that supports Obama without question or hesitation..

The best words to define Obama's legacy should be "aiding and abetting the enemy." Whether or not an investigation learns the truth about the Hellfire missile that was lost, American's already realize that they've lost a lot more than that under this Administration. About that Hellfire missile that was "accidentally" sent to Cuba.....

During a recent press conference, a State Department Spokesman refused to deny that the Obama Administration had sold a Hellfire missile to the Cuban Government. Instead, he responded by stating that under the Arms Export Control Act, the State Department licenses both permanent and temporary exports by US companies of regulated defense articles.

While earlier reports indicated Lockheed was responsible for the shipping error, the State Department Spokesman attributed the error to US companies by stating that it was their responsibility to report any shipping deviations to the federal government.

Here are a few questions that need answers:

Why would the POTUS authorize a commercial airliner to deliver a Hellfire Missile when the USAF has a fleet of cargo aircraft at his disposal to transport it? The transport of the Hellfire missile originated at Orlando International Airport on a commercial airline flight to Rota, Spain for a NATO training exercise.

Form there, NATO authorized a ground shipment of the missile to Frankfurt, Germany. It was then scheduled to be placed on another commercial flight back to Orlando International Airport. It never arrived.

Later it was discovered that the hellfire missile was taken to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France. It was then placed on an Air France flight to Cuba. According to officials it was loaded onto a "mixed pallet" of cargo and that is where the error occurred.

Sources investigating the story disagree. They do not believe this was a case of human error. US companies cannot authorize transportation of military weapons such as a Hellfire missile, on their own. High Security military transportation was available. Why wasn't it used?

Who was the NATO official that authorized the ground shipment of a US Hellfire Missile from Lisbon to Frankfort? How did the missile end up in Paris, France?

There is suspicion that President Obama managed the transport of the Hellfire missile to Cuba so that they could reverse engineer it and reproduce it.

Lockheed Martin didn't give the authorization to transport the Hellfire missile onto a commercial plane. That authorization had to come from President Obama who oversees the State Department, the Pentagon and the Joint Chief's of staff.

NATO never contacted Lockheed Martin requesting a Hellfire missile to conduct their military exercises. Lockheed Martin manufactures Hellfire missiles. They have no authorization to grant such a request. NATO would have had to have made their request to President Obama and he would have authorized and directed the procedure on shipment of the missile.
In 2014, President Obama was working with the State Department to have Cuba removed from the list of terrorist nations. Knowing that Cuba was in possession of the Hellfire missile, Obama moved forward with plans to “normalize” relations with Cuba.

How could President Obama announce to the American people that our relations with Cuba had been normalized when they were refusing to return a Hellfire Missile? The President should have stipulated that the missile be returned prior to any discussions about normalization.


One news source reported that in Article III of the Constitution, it is said that, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

An investigation is under way to find out whether the re-routing was a deliberate act of espionage or something else.

Listening to the State Department Spokeman's response, it is likely that Obama did sell this weapon to Cuba. It would be one more act to add to a very long list of Obama aiding and abetting the enemy.

It's his legacy.
News Sources:
Many thanks to a Texas Patriot who informed me about this story.

What a bunch of fucking rot.
Anything to try to paint the president as unpatriotic.
You people really are sick, very, very, VERY sick.

Just like Obama to arm his fellow communists the same way he arms HIS islamic terrorists. With any luck President Trump will have him convicted of treason and shot.

Then we can down to the real work of having the DNC listed as a terrorist group and NOT a political one.
IF, Mrs M is correct in what she writes, and I neither doubt nor accept the information, I would suppose Mr. Obama did it for the same reason Ms Clinton had a private server. Because She/He both could. And if he did take it upon himself and helpers, what honestly do any of you think will come of it? You may feel the Clinton affairs are being drawn out? You have seen nothing yet! Remember, when all else fails, deny, deny, deny! The RIGHT hand will simply fall back on not knowing what the LEFT hand was doing.
"Obama Legacy: Aiding & Abetting the Enemy"

The right's legacy: contriving and propagating idiotic lies.

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