David Kicks Goliath In The Nuts

A residents of Russia is interested not in a nationalist cube of scumbags, squealing about their undoubted superiority and banning the russian language, but in a normal, strong country Ukraine, which stands on its own healthy feet, lives richly and generously, respects its citizens regardless of their nationality, respects its neighbors, does not turn to the Americans and Poles for help, but thinks with its own head, defends its own interests, not NATO's interests.
It's simple.
But it is in the past. Ukraine's governance has been completely taken over by NATO, which cannot be tolerated.

So launch the nukes and shut the fuck up.
Hey the Russians keep threading the launch. Stop talking and start launching. I’m not scared.
Isn't it hard for you to talk with your tongue up your ass?

According to the Pentagon, after a nuclear exchange with Russia.
In the U.S., 90 million Americans would die in the first 20 minutes and another 90 million in six months.
No estimated Russian casualties have been reported.

How do you like that prospect, asshole?
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Isn't it hard for you to talk with your tongue up your ass?

According to the Pentagon, after a nuclear exchange with Russia.
In the U.S., 90 million Americans would die in the first 20 minutes and another 90 million in six months.
No estimated Russian casualties have been reported.

How do you like that prospect, asshole?

I’d die in the first strike. I’m close to one of the priority targets. I’m still not scared.

Instead of running your mouth. Launch. Don’t play tough. Launch. Because I’m not afraid.

You don’t get it. Putin doesn’t get it. You can’t just keep threatening. You have to act. So fire the fucking nukes or crawl off with your tail between your legs like the cowardly dogs you Russians always are.
You're a stupid, evil idiot, just like all the Banderite bastards. And you don't need to nuclear missiles to die.
Die of syphilis or alcoholism if you're so eager, disgusting rotter.

I didn’t say eager. I said not afraid.

You are afraid, and so you think if you make the threat others will be afraid too. I’m not. We are not. So your choice is launch, or stop the threats. Because now you are merely an impotent man waving your dick around.
My ass was on the line for nine years in the Army. My ass trained to fight the Russians. My ass opposed the dictatorial thugs, and fought their minions before.

As long as Ukraine wants to fight. I say give them all the weapons and equipment they need. Or want.
Newsflash! The Cold War ended. You folks learned nothing. We backed corrupt scumbags in South and Central America, now those countries are narco-states that kill more Americans every year than Russia ever has. Our 'friends' in Afghanistan killed more Americans than Russia ever did. Now you want to back a corrupt clown in Kiev? What's that going to cost us, besides the hundreds of billions of dollars we already pissed away? Time to follow George Washington's advice and look after America and end long term foreign entanglements, not bumble our way into another Eurotrash war with no benefit to America.
Ukraine is a money laundering operation run by Satan.

Kamala’s “Ukraine joins NATO” speech in Feb 22 left Putin no choice

There was a peace deal in April 22 that was turned down by the despicable American MIC. Biden is absolutely clueless and has no original ideas, he just reads the notes Obama hands him

Not another nickel to Ukraine
“Money laundering”?
“Run by Satan”?

Jesus . Crawl back under your rock moron
A residents of Russia is interested not in a nationalist cube of scumbags, squealing about their undoubted superiority and banning the russian language, but in a normal, strong country Ukraine, which stands on its own healthy feet, lives richly and generously, respects its citizens regardless of their nationality, respects its neighbors, does not turn to the Americans and Poles for help, but thinks with its own head, defends its own interests, not NATO's interests.
It's simple.
But it is in the past. Ukraine's governance has been completely taken over by NATO, which cannot be tolerated.
Thanks for your opinion Vlad
Newsflash! The Cold War ended. You folks learned nothing. We backed corrupt scumbags in South and Central America, now those countries are narco-states that kill more Americans every year than Russia ever has. Our 'friends' in Afghanistan killed more Americans than Russia ever did. Now you want to back a corrupt clown in Kiev? What's that going to cost us, besides the hundreds of billions of dollars we already pissed away? Time to follow George Washington's advice and look after America and end long term foreign entanglements, not bumble our way into another Eurotrash war with no benefit to America.

We keep trying that. World War One. World War Two. Shall I continue?

European wars have a bad habit of spilling over into everyone’s business.
We keep trying that. World War One. World War Two. Shall I continue?

European wars have a bad habit of spilling over into everyone’s business.
Sure, continue.

This country wasn't founded to tell the world what to do, but rather show the world what can be done.

Supporting corrupt monkeys in shithole countries is not to our benefit. It has never worked out before, why would it now?
Sure, continue.

This country wasn't founded to tell the world what to do, but rather show the world what can be done.

Supporting corrupt monkeys in shithole countries is not to our benefit. It has never worked out before, why would it now?

Nobody is perfect. Even our founding documents state we are searching for a more perfect union.

We sat on our hands and saw two world wars overtake us. The costs to win those wars was much, much, higher than if we had stepped up earlier.

It’s pretty obvious you didn’t learn the lessons of history. Nor did you learn the lessons of the school yard. When a bully is starting out is the easiest and most efficient time to stop him. Not when he eventually gets to you.

But as for corrupt. You would be hard pressed to find a place on earth more corrupt than the Russians.
Nobody is perfect. Even our founding documents state we are searching for a more perfect union.

We sat on our hands and saw two world wars overtake us. The costs to win those wars was much, much, higher than if we had stepped up earlier.

It’s pretty obvious you didn’t learn the lessons of history. Nor did you learn the lessons of the school yard. When a bully is starting out is the easiest and most efficient time to stop him. Not when he eventually gets to you.

But as for corrupt. You would be hard pressed to find a place on earth more corrupt than the Russians.
Wrong, we involved ourselves with corrupt colonial Eurotrash and put ourselves into peril. Then that scumbag Democrat Wilson and his idiotic 14 Points set the stage for WWII. All of which did nothing for America. Try harder.
Wrong, we involved ourselves with corrupt colonial Eurotrash and put ourselves into peril. Then that scumbag Democrat Wilson and his idiotic 14 Points set the stage for WWII. All of which did nothing for America. Try harder.

The fourteen points were not followed after War One. You should have paid more attention in class.
The fourteen points were not followed after War One. You should have paid more attention in class.
Germany was saddled with the blame and outrageous reparations because of Wilson. That set the stage for the rise of Hitler. Why weren't the 14 points enacted? Only because Wilson fell ill. You're an apologist for abject failure.
Germany was saddled with the blame and outrageous reparations because of Wilson. That set the stage for the rise of Hitler. Why weren't the 14 points enacted? Only because Wilson fell ill. You're an apologist for abject failure.

No. In spite of Wilson. Wilson argued for forgiveness but the other nations refused.

You must have gone to school in Moscow. Because I can’t imagine any American School letting anyone pass with that much misinformation.

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