David Kicks Goliath In The Nuts

No. In spite of Wilson. Wilson argued for forgiveness but the other nations refused.

You must have gone to school in Moscow. Because I can’t imagine any American School letting anyone pass with that much misinformation.
Utter nonsense, the Eurotrash wanted to return to the balance of power dynamic with a significantly weakened Germany, Wilson is the one who demanded excessive reparations and total blame for Germany. He only went himself because Col. House couldn't get the job done. Try harder.
Utter nonsense, the Eurotrash wanted to return to the balance of power dynamic with a significantly weakened Germany, Wilson is the one who demanded excessive reparations and total blame for Germany. He only went himself because Col. House couldn't get the job done. Try harder.

In Germany, the 14 Points became a symbol of the promised basis of the peace after the war, and throughout the interwar period it was common in Germany to attack the Treaty of Versailles as an illegitimate treaty with the argument being made the Treaty of Versailles was contrary to the 14 Points

I read the book that paragraph is based on. You should try reading my friend. Although such free books are liable to be hard to find in Moscow Tovarich.
In Germany, the 14 Points became a symbol of the promised basis of the peace after the war, and throughout the interwar period it was common in Germany to attack the Treaty of Versailles as an illegitimate treaty with the argument being made the Treaty of Versailles was contrary to the 14 Points

I read the book that paragraph is based on. You should try reading my friend. Although such free books are liable to be hard to find in Moscow Tovarich.
Don't be silly. Wilson made his position quite clear in the beginning, Germany had to pay. Lo and behold, that is exactly what happened. He was nothing more than the typical progressive hypocrite. You rubes are funny. Wilson also promised American neutrality during the war, only to break it, he promised to keep America out of the war, only to enter it. The results literally speak for themselves, not the false bluster of a hypocrite and liar.
In Germany, the 14 Points became a symbol of the promised basis of the peace after the war, and throughout the interwar period it was common in Germany to attack the Treaty of Versailles as an illegitimate treaty with the argument being made the Treaty of Versailles was contrary to the 14 Points

I read the book that paragraph is based on. You should try reading my friend. Although such free books are liable to be hard to find in Moscow Tovarich.

Forget your garbage propaganda books for Gullible Americans .

Germany was re-armed and economically strengthened by the US banks and industrialists and they effectively brought Hitler to power .And to a great extent supported by the UK equivalents .
Strange how the Jewish people never mention that .
FDR threatened to bring in legislation to gaol all of the involved American bankers and industrialists who were effectively all traitors .
Much better than your spurious garbage
My ass was on the line for nine years in the Army. My ass trained to fight the Russians. My ass opposed the dictatorial thugs, and fought their minions before.

As long as Ukraine wants to fight. I say give them all the weapons and equipment they need. Or want.
Why don’t you join them? You self describe as a trained hero.
For the Administration it is a delicate balancing act. Sending billions in weapons but warning, “don’t kick em in the nuts.” Obviously, we want to encourage Ukraine, but the fear of destabilizing the oil market during an election year is only logical. You will not get reelected on $9 a gallon gasoline. How could that ever be explained to the Reich wing mental midget maudlin multitudes?

But Ukraine attacked the oil refineries anyway, during the hold up of American aid due to Republican grandstanding.

It appears Russia’s hydrocarbon market is sufficiently isolated from the world market. And the Ukrainians have a long-term attack strategy for Russian refineries. This is the hole in the oligarch’s shoe as the refineries are private property and not state property. There’s never a Communist regime around when you really need one! Vladimir Putin vows to defend the oil refineries, but hasn’t managed to defend one yet. There are not enough radar sets or missile batteries. That’s the legacy of the Soviet Military for you; great with parades but lousy with inventory.

The war in Ukraine has ramped up. Moses Johnson, and his ilk in Congress tried to take it off the front page for 6 months, in order to kiss Israels ass, and ended up putting Trumps trial on the front page instead. Now they have a candidate thats a convicted felon. A majority of Americans, and Israelis that support Biden more than they do Netanyahu. And now Ukraine is getting the weapons, and in just two weeks have already stopped Putin dead in his tracks.

Both the people of Israel, and Ukraine know who is helping and who isn't.
Here comes WWIII thanks to morons, like you.
An antiwar and humanitarian answer for you is in the fact that Russia owns the 'power to escalate' and will continue to do just that X's ten or twenty.

This has to end! As we speak, young Ukrainian men are drowning in attempts to swim across rivers to escape the draft that is viewed as certain death.

Do the Ukrainian people still want to fight America's grandiose war against Russia?
The war is unwinnable for Ukraine. Even if by some miracle they defeat the Russians, Putin can always resort to nuclear weapons.

Compromise and negotiations are the way to end the war. Or maybe you prefer an even larger mountain of dead bodies?
The war is unwinnable for Ukraine. Even if by some miracle they defeat the Russians, Putin can always resort to nuclear weapons.

Compromise and negotiations are the way to end the war. Or maybe you prefer an even larger mountain of dead bodies?
The duck is a Chinese stooge. Anything that helps them he is all for.
The war is unwinnable for Ukraine. Even if by some miracle they defeat the Russians, Putin can always resort to nuclear weapons.
Yes, of course. But there are definite signs out there that America isn't going to allow it to slip away easily. I think that pretty well guarantees that Russia will eventually go nuclear.
We can at least contemplate how Russia can do that without America accepting the challenge and responding wiith 'everything'.
Compromise and negotiations are the way to end the war. Or maybe you prefer an even larger mountain of dead bodies?
I'm completely all for ending the war but ..............

Appreciate that America has as much at stake as does Russia and China. Brinkmanship isn't risked without that factor.

If Russia wins then America is fully aware that it can take it's place in the line as second.

Forget the MIC, that's not the cause or America's motivation.
Yes, of course. But there are definite signs out there that America isn't going to allow it to slip away easily. I think that pretty well guarantees that Russia will eventually go nuclear.
We can at least contemplate how Russia can do that without America accepting the challenge and responding wiith 'everything'.

I'm completely all for ending the war but ..............

Appreciate that America has as much at stake as does Russia and China. Brinkmanship isn't risked without that factor.

If Russia wins then America is fully aware that it can take it's place in the line as second.

Forget the MIC, that's not the cause or America's motivation.
The borders in the Donbas region are of little concern to the U.S. The U.S. can accept an independent Ukraine outside of NATO.

This war does not serve American interests.

Russia is not our primary enemy any longer.
The duck is a Chinese stooge. Anything that helps them he is all for.
I definitely want to see China and Russia neutralize US power. That is because all they want is peaceful coexistence.

That isn't possible if America can maintain the 'power to escalate' that has traditionally been America's.

The MAD threat has already negated America's ability in respect to nulcear weapons. I suspect that Iran is now in the process of doing the same in the ME with their non-nuclear threat. Do you agree?

The borders in the Donbas region are of little concern to the U.S. The U.S. can accept an independent Ukraine outside of NATO.

This war does not serve American interests.
America's interests are both military and economic superiority and the combined might of Russia and Chiina are going to take that as theirs. That's the reason why your main enemy is both, and the combined Brics.
Russia is not our primary enemy any longer.
China is much more manageable as America's foe, without Russia's and the Brics alliance. That's the entire reason for the Ukraine proxy war.
America's interests are both military and economic superiority and the combined might of Russia and Chiina are going to take that as theirs. That's the reason why your main enemy is both, and the combined Brics.

China is much more manageable as America's foe, without Russia's and the Brics alliance. That's the entire reason for the Ukraine proxy war.
China is America’s primary foe. There was no reason to push Russia into China’s arms.

Did you say you support the genocidal CCP regime?

China is America’s primary foe. There was no reason to push Russia into China’s arms.
Reason or no reason, that's beside any point. China and Russia and several Brics nations are united and the primary reason for that is US aggression and further aggression.
Reason or no reason, that's beside any point. China and Russia and several Brics nations are united and the primary reason for that is US aggression and further aggression.
Defeat of Russia in the Ukraine is literally both Russia's and America's future.
If it goes nuclear, nobody gets a future.

If you can't understand that, place your bets on all of Russia's nuclear weapons being duds!

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