Obama linked to Assassination of Journalist

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012

Vault 7 Wikileaks information reveals the technology available to cause a plane or car to crash. There has long been a suspicion that Barack Obama had something to do with the death of Journalist Michael Hastings because of his criticism and investigation into Obama's surveillance of American citizens (wiretapping, spying). Just before he died and in fear for his life, Michael Hastings knocked on his neighbor's door, Jordanna Hastings. He told her that he was too afraid to drive his own car, that he was scared and wanted to get out of town. Clearly Michael Hastings was in fear for his own life and didn't trust the Obama administration.

BOMBSHELL – Obama Linked to Assassination of Journalist. It’s Worse Than Imagined. - Tea Party News
Michael Hastings was an outspoken critic of Obama long before his untimely death. He railed in print against Obama, the Democrat Party, and the burgeoning surveillance state we were all living in.

During an investigation into the Justice Department by multiple reporters in 2013, Hastings deemed the infringement upon the freedom of the press by Obama to effectively be a “war” on journalism. His last published article was entitled, “Why Democrats Love to Spy On Americans.” It was published on June 7 by Buzzfeed.

Hastings’s fiery car crash happened on June 18 in Los Angeles. Hastings made contact with Wikileaks before he got into his own car after being refused the loan of his neighbor’s vehicle because it was in need of repair.

The email he sent to Julian Assange’s group appeared to have been written by a man fearing for his life. Hastings told WikiLeaks the FBI was investigating him.

The neighbor, Jordanna Thigpen, said Michael Hastings knocked on her door around midnight and said he was too afraid to drive his own car and wanted to leave town immediately. Thigpen said he was “scared” and in a hurry to get away from his home.

The Vault#7 WikiLeaks documents also maintain the CIA, and presumably other federal intelligence agencies, can also remotely hack into planes to carry out remote assassinations. How long has the federal government possessed such technology?
If a President uses his power to force his own men to murder a civilian such as Journalist Michael Hastings would that cause people to consider that he was insane?

Hitler was insane. We know that he had people within the communities of Germany assassinated so there is precedent for it.

A senior EU Diplomat was concerned enough to say his government felt Obama should be removed from office (impeached) because they believed he was insane. I have to concur. I believe he is.

EU DIPLOMAT: My Govt 'Believes Obama Mentally Unwell'... - Tea Party News
“Had a senior EU diplomat, old friend, ask me today, “How does your impeachment work? My government believes Obama is quite mentally unwell.””

What is striking is that the ‘senior EU diplomat’ said it was the opinion of his/her government, not his/her personal opinion, that Obama was considered a candidate for removal from office for insanity.
Obama's war on the press is well documented even among the mainstream media sycophants who protect him.

The issue here is how much the intelligence services are in control of themselves. Obama doesn't need to be in on any of this. It isn't so hard to manipulate Presidents and politicians. Who is actually controlling all of this? A president? Perhaps he's in on it, but why would they trust a career politician? The politicians get manipulated too much, it's not hard when you dangle cash in front of their faces. Obama wants to be president? Well, hey, we'll put you in as president, you can do what you like here and there, but this, you look the other way.
Obama's war on the press is well documented even among the mainstream media sycophants who protect him.

The issue here is how much the intelligence services are in control of themselves. Obama doesn't need to be in on any of this. It isn't so hard to manipulate Presidents and politicians. Who is actually controlling all of this? A president? Perhaps he's in on it, but why would they trust a career politician? The politicians get manipulated too much, it's not hard when you dangle cash in front of their faces. Obama wants to be president? Well, hey, we'll put you in as president, you can do what you like here and there, but this, you look the other way.
You've got a problem here. Obama had motive to want Michael Hastings dead and right before his death you've got Hastings in a panic, in fear for his life and not wanting to drive his own car! Clearly Hastings had inside info on Vault 7 and could even be a contributor of Vault 7 considering that Assange does get intell from people while protecting their identities. In this case, it didn't work. Hastings is dead.
Obama's war on the press is well documented even among the mainstream media sycophants who protect him.

The issue here is how much the intelligence services are in control of themselves. Obama doesn't need to be in on any of this. It isn't so hard to manipulate Presidents and politicians. Who is actually controlling all of this? A president? Perhaps he's in on it, but why would they trust a career politician? The politicians get manipulated too much, it's not hard when you dangle cash in front of their faces. Obama wants to be president? Well, hey, we'll put you in as president, you can do what you like here and there, but this, you look the other way.
You've got a problem here. Obama had motive to want Michael Hastings dead and right before his death you've got Hastings in a panic, in fear for his life and not wanting to drive his own car! Clearly Hastings had inside info on Vault 7 and could even be a contributor of Vault 7 considering that Assange does get intell from people while protecting their identities. In this case, it didn't work. Hastings is dead.

Was he the ONLY person who wanted Obama dead? Did the intelligence services not want him dead? Who had more to lose, the intelligence services or Obama?

There are many possibilities. I'm not saying what happened, I just presented a potential argument. Hastings is dead. Who did it? The answer is you don't know and I don't know, let's not pretend we do.

Vault 7 Wikileaks information reveals the technology available to cause a plane or car to crash. There has long been a suspicion that Barack Obama had something to do with the death of Journalist Michael Hastings because of his criticism and investigation into Obama's surveillance of American citizens (wiretapping, spying). Just before he died and in fear for his life, Michael Hastings knocked on his neighbor's door, Jordanna Hastings. He told her that he was too afraid to drive his own car, that he was scared and wanted to get out of town. Clearly Michael Hastings was in fear for his own life and didn't trust the Obama administration.

BOMBSHELL – Obama Linked to Assassination of Journalist. It’s Worse Than Imagined. - Tea Party News
Michael Hastings was an outspoken critic of Obama long before his untimely death. He railed in print against Obama, the Democrat Party, and the burgeoning surveillance state we were all living in.

During an investigation into the Justice Department by multiple reporters in 2013, Hastings deemed the infringement upon the freedom of the press by Obama to effectively be a “war” on journalism. His last published article was entitled, “Why Democrats Love to Spy On Americans.” It was published on June 7 by Buzzfeed.

Hastings’s fiery car crash happened on June 18 in Los Angeles. Hastings made contact with Wikileaks before he got into his own car after being refused the loan of his neighbor’s vehicle because it was in need of repair.

The email he sent to Julian Assange’s group appeared to have been written by a man fearing for his life. Hastings told WikiLeaks the FBI was investigating him.

The neighbor, Jordanna Thigpen, said Michael Hastings knocked on her door around midnight and said he was too afraid to drive his own car and wanted to leave town immediately. Thigpen said he was “scared” and in a hurry to get away from his home.

The Vault#7 WikiLeaks documents also maintain the CIA, and presumably other federal intelligence agencies, can also remotely hack into planes to carry out remote assassinations. How long has the federal government possessed such technology?
This must be true news. It comes from Tea Party News. Everyone knows they are a giant in the world of reliable and non-fake conspiracy news nonsense.
I have seen quite a few posts/threads mentioning that many posters are leaving USMB.
I think it has do with with all the completely wacky threads based on nutjob resources that are filled with crazy conjecture.
Maybe USMB should change it's name to US Conspiracy Board, it would certainly be more appropriate and accurate. :2up:
I have seen quite a few posts/threads mentioning that many posters are leaving USMB.
I think it has do with with all the completely wacky threads based on nutjob resources that are filled with crazy conjecture.
Maybe USMB should change it's name to US Conspiracy Board, it would certainly be more appropriate and accurate. :2up:
We always hear that "many posters are leaving USMB"...it's just the standard whining from those not getting their way.....just like the thread the other day about how the mods are so unfair.

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