Obama Meets With Pro-Hezbollah Groups Ahead of Mideast Trip


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Obama Meets With Pro-Hezbollah Groups Ahead of Mideast Trip

March 12, 2013
By Ryan Mauro

On Monday, President Obama prepared for his trip to the Middle East by meeting with around 10 Muslim and Arab officials that provided him with “recommendations.” The attendees included representatives from the Muslim Public Affairs Council and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, two anti-Israel groups with a record of pro-Hezbollah advocacy. The meeting came four days after his meeting with Jewish leaders.


The meeting took place in the Roosevelt Room near the Oval Office and also involved unidentified national security officials and Valerie Jarrett, the senior adviser who was a keynote speaker at the 2009 annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America, a group with Muslim Brotherhood origins. The meeting apparently wasn’t all good news for the invitees. The president of ADC, Warren David, complained that President Obama has let down many Arab-Americans with his Middle East policy and said he left with a “bittersweet feeling.”


Monday’s chat shows the influence these groups have had in the past and, most importantly, the influence they will have for the next four years.

Obama Meets With Pro-Hezbollah Groups Ahead of Mideast Trip

Really, some people should think before posting.

Here's a hint: Don't you think it's a good idea to know what everyone's up to before you go on your trip?

Really, some people should think before posting.

Here's a hint: Don't you think it's a good idea to know what everyone's up to before you go on your trip?

That's why we have the CIA, Ya Old bitty...


Uh....yeah? Hizbollah is now the dominant political power in Lebanon, so why shouldn't the President meet with their supporters in advance of a trip to that region? Like them or not, they ARE a major player and cannot be simply ignored.
Uh....yeah? Hizbollah is now the dominant political power in Lebanon, so why shouldn't the President meet with their supporters in advance of a trip to that region? Like them or not, they ARE a major player and cannot be simply ignored.
Besides, they have a lot in common (like hating Jews).
Uh....yeah? Hizbollah is now the dominant political power in Lebanon, so why shouldn't the President meet with their supporters in advance of a trip to that region? Like them or not, they ARE a major player and cannot be simply ignored.
Besides, they have a lot in common (like hating Jews).

Obama hates Jews? Prove it. I dare you. Prove or retract it.

Every President has more flexibility in a second term because he doesn't have to worry about re-election. That's just a fact, not an indication of something nefarious.

And, by the way, for you fans of term limits, the same thing applies to members of Congress or state legislatures who no longer have to stand for re-election.

Think about the implications of THAT for a moment.
Uh....yeah? Hizbollah is now the dominant political power in Lebanon, so why shouldn't the President meet with their supporters in advance of a trip to that region? Like them or not, they ARE a major player and cannot be simply ignored.
Besides, they have a lot in common (like hating Jews).

Obama hates Jews? Prove it. I dare you. Prove or retract it.
He also hates Christians. He mocked the Bible, and said he would "stand with the Muslims". Let the tree be known by the fruit that it bears.

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