Obama mentor Bill Ayers: "My bombings were totally different from Boston bombings"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
When these old, burned-out hippies and terrorists keep quiet long enough, we tend to forget about them, and about how crazy they really were.

Unless and until they pop up a generation or two later, and start writing silly articles that remind us.


Bill Ayers: My Bombings Were Totally Different Than Boston Bombings - Katie Pavlich

Bill Ayers: My Bombings Were Totally Different Than Boston Bombings

by Katie Pavlich | May 06, 2013

Over the weekend unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the same guy who bombed the Capitol and the Pentagon, tried to distance himself from the radical Muslim Boston bombers by saying the kind of bombing he did is totally different than the kind of bombing he did back in the day.

Bill Ayers says people can’t equate the bombings that he and others in the Weather Underground did 40 or so years ago with the April 15 twin bombings in Boston that killed three people.

Ayers, a keynote speaker at Saturday’s annual May 4 commemoration of the National Guard shootings at Kent State in 1970 that left four students dead, spoke briefly after giving his talk before an estimated 350 people on the university’s Commons.

There is no relationship at all between what Weather Underground members did and the bombings that two brothers allegedly committed on April 15 in Massachusetts, Ayers said in response to a reporter’s question. No one died in the Weather Underground bombings.

“How different is the shooting in Connecticut from shooting at a hunting range?” Ayers said. “Just because they use the same thing, there’s no relationship at all.”
Hard to fathom how so many Democrats can worship this cretin. 'Keynote Speaker?' Boo Democrats.

It never ceases to amaze me how Democrats just love their terrorists and traitors.

What galls me is that Democrats could so embrace this man and his wife when they actually had a dedication in their book "Prairie Fire" to one person that I would have assumed Democrats would loathe.

Sirhan Sirhan. Bobby Kennedy's assassin.
Targeted NOBODY. "Extreme vandalism". Meanwhilie, the FBI had agents as LEADERS of the SDS who blew up buildings. I know, because Hobart College caught one, FBI undercover head of NY SDS, blew up our ROTC building, suspected of Kent State ROTC firebombing also, got lots of people arrested...agent provocateur.

Already 10 google pages of BS orgs, institutes, bloggers, rags, chrlatans of all kinds lockstep blaring this hate speak/propaganda.
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When these old, burned-out hippies and terrorists keep quiet long enough, we tend to forget about them, and about how crazy they really were.

Unless and until they pop up a generation or two later, and start writing silly articles that remind us.


Bill Ayers: My Bombings Were Totally Different Than Boston Bombings - Katie Pavlich

Bill Ayers: My Bombings Were Totally Different Than Boston Bombings

by Katie Pavlich | May 06, 2013

Over the weekend unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the same guy who bombed the Capitol and the Pentagon, tried to distance himself from the radical Muslim Boston bombers by saying the kind of bombing he did is totally different than the kind of bombing he did back in the day.

Bill Ayers says people can’t equate the bombings that he and others in the Weather Underground did 40 or so years ago with the April 15 twin bombings in Boston that killed three people.

Ayers, a keynote speaker at Saturday’s annual May 4 commemoration of the National Guard shootings at Kent State in 1970 that left four students dead, spoke briefly after giving his talk before an estimated 350 people on the university’s Commons.

There is no relationship at all between what Weather Underground members did and the bombings that two brothers allegedly committed on April 15 in Massachusetts, Ayers said in response to a reporter’s question. No one died in the Weather Underground bombings.

“How different is the shooting in Connecticut from shooting at a hunting range?” Ayers said. “Just because they use the same thing, there’s no relationship at all.”

Ayers and Dohrn and the Weather Underground only wanted to overthrow the US government.

How is that supposed to make me feel better about their bombings?
Targeted NOBODY. "Extreme vandalism". Meanwhilie, the FBI had agents as LEADERS of the SDS who blew up buildings. I know, because Hobart College caught one, FBI undercover head of NY SDS, blew up our ROTC building, suspected of Kent State ROTC firebombing also, got lots of people arrested...agent provocateur.

Already 10 google pages of BS orgs, institutes, bloggers, rags, chrlatans of all kinds lockstep blaring this hate speak/propaganda.

Oh give it up franco. Stop with the lies. Prairie Fire laid out their communist revolutionary manifesto.

They wrote the damn thing. They were revolutionaries.

Targeted NOBODY. "Extreme vandalism". Meanwhilie, the FBI had agents as LEADERS of the SDS who blew up buildings. I know, because Hobart College caught one, FBI undercover head of NY SDS, blew up our ROTC building, suspected of Kent State ROTC firebombing also, got lots of people arrested...agent provocateur.

Already 10 google pages of BS orgs, institutes, bloggers, rags, chrlatans of all kinds lockstep blaring this hate speak/propaganda.
Well shades of the Black Sheep Squadron! They should've recruited Emily Post for the job. :rolleyes:
Ayers' group targeted officers and their wives, who were attending a dance at the Officer's Club on Fort Dix. Dozens would have been killed had the idiots not blown themselves up before they could make it to the base.

The difference is that more people would have died had Ayers' group been successful in the Fort Dix bombing attempt.

They also had different reasons, neither of which are justified or excusable.

The biggest difference is that Ayers remained free because of a technicality. Apparently, government can do what it wants now and worrying about technicalities and rights are a thing of the past.
Three people were killed by a Weatherman bomb. All three "victims" were the bomb-makers themselves. They blew themselves up in the process of building a bomb. Hoist by their own petard, as it were.

All other Weatherman bombings were preceded by the Weathermen giving early warnings to give time for the buildings to be evacuated. No one was ever killed by their bombs, save the aforementioned bombers.

However, these were terrorist bombings intended to protest America's overseas entanglements, and in that respect they were identical to the Boston bombing.
Three people were killed by a Weatherman bomb. All three "victims" were the bomb-makers themselves. They blew themselves up in the process of building a bomb. Hoist by their own petard, as it were.

All other Weatherman bombings were preceded by the Weathermen giving early warnings to give time for the buildings to be evacuated. No one was ever killed by their bombs, save the aforementioned bombers.

However, these were terrorist bombings intended to protest America's overseas entanglements, and in that respect they were identical to the Boston bombing.

^ Terrorist Supporter
Of course agreeing that they were different doesn't mean worshiping their means of protest. But in perspective the Ohio National Gaurd killed more innocent Americans than the WUO ever did.

Still trying to equate what the Radical Islamic terrorist do, that is target any and all Americans anywhere in the world, to what the WUO did? Still doesn't work.

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