Obama mentor Bill Ayers: "My bombings were totally different from Boston bombings"

That Ayers, and those who selected him as keynote speaker, would use the blood of those who died at Kent State to justify his terrorist attacks is beyond sick.
Oh, they're the 'good' kind of Terrorists. Man, wtf happened to Democrats? As long as they're Communist Democrats, all is well. Bunch of nutters.
Yes, Bill Ayers is right up there with third trimester abortion. The libs want it, but they do not want to talk about the bloody facts, or see the bloody results. Just as morbid, just as sick, Bill Ayers and third trimester abortion have a lot of blood on the floor.....
I don't care if he was never convicted. he got off on a technicality. the point Is he is guilty and he has even admitted it. yet Obama still associates with him
Targeted NOBODY. "Extreme vandalism". Meanwhilie, the FBI had agents as LEADERS of the SDS who blew up buildings. I know, because Hobart College caught one, FBI undercover head of NY SDS, blew up our ROTC building, suspected of Kent State ROTC firebombing also, got lots of people arrested...agent provocateur.

Already 10 google pages of BS orgs, institutes, bloggers, rags, chrlatans of all kinds lockstep blaring this hate speak/propaganda.

Again baloney. When the townhouse exploded their target was a dance at Fort Dix. They blew up three of their own.

On March 6, 1970, during preparations for the bombing of a Non-Commissioned Officers’ (NCO) dance at the Fort Dix U.S. Army base and for Butler Library at Columbia University,[2] there was an explosion in a Greenwich Village safe house when the nail bomb being constructed prematurely detonated for unknown reasons. WUO members Diana Oughton, Ted Gold, and Terry Robbins died in the explosion. Cathy Wilkerson and Kathy Boudin escaped unharmed

Weather Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sheer incompetence ( blowing three of their own up and part of a NYC block) is not a defense for premeditated murder.
For those of you who are unaware the Weather Underground trained in Al Fatah camps in the Middle East to learn about bombs and weaponry. They also established ties with the IRA.

Report from the 94th Congress on the Weather Underground


BTW this is a Congressional report written by:

James O Eastland (D)

John Little McClellan (D)

Philip Aloysius Hart (D)

Edward Kennedy ( D)

Birch Bayh (D)

Quentin Northrup Burdick (D)

Robert Carlyle Byrd (D)

John Varick Tunney (D)

James Strom Thurmond (D)

William Lloyd Scott (R)

Roman L. Hruska (R)

More at link, most were Democrats who wrote this report about the Weather Underground and the other groups they established. This is not left or right wing BS it is truth which is buried and forgotten to make these DOMESTIC TERRORISTS like Ayers, Dhorn and conviced murders look like kittens today.
From Prairie Fire:


Sort of lays it on the line with this paragraph:


Oh and just for you franco calling it "vandalism".


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Targeted NOBODY. "Extreme vandalism". Meanwhilie, the FBI had agents as LEADERS of the SDS who blew up buildings. I know, because Hobart College caught one, FBI undercover head of NY SDS, blew up our ROTC building, suspected of Kent State ROTC firebombing also, got lots of people arrested...agent provocateur.

Already 10 google pages of BS orgs, institutes, bloggers, rags, chrlatans of all kinds lockstep blaring this hate speak/propaganda.

well you must love the liberals....they are such sweet people.
CaféAuLait;7201561 said:
If you can Tiny read this report here from Senator Ed Kennedy among others who state that Dhorn and Ayers were extremists, domestic terrorists, going to Cuba, the Middle East for training and get this, they were selling guns to kill people.

All in the congressional report here:


Hey thanks for that link. I'll definitely study that tomorrow.
CaféAuLait;7201561 said:
If you can Tiny read this report here from Senator Ed Kennedy among others who state that Dhorn and Ayers were extremists, domestic terrorists, going to Cuba, the Middle East for training and get this, they were selling guns to kill people.

All in the congressional report here:


Hey thanks for that link. I'll definitely study that tomorrow.

Anytime! Dhorn and Ayers were also maintaining contact with the Hanoi government ( according to the congressional report above ) to learn guerrilla warfare. So between trips to Cuba and the Middle East to learn about bombing Ayers, Dhorn and others were learning guerrilla warfare tactics from a nation we were engaged in a war with.

Their constant communique's about overthrowing the US government were just as bad if not worse than those I read from militia groups the left say are dangerous to the US today.

Their motto was smoke pot, fuck ingest LSD and use these drugs to subvert the minds of kids they wished to convert to their ways and have them fight the fight with them. Total SCUM.

All of such written by at least ten democratic senators to include Ed Kennedy.
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This congressional report brings up a fact I was unaware of, we'll, many really but the on I find of high interest is the new federal wire tapping law was not the only reason the government dropped the charges. Since the members of the Weather Underground were traveling to Vietnam, the Middle East, and Cuba the Feds had culled information on their militant activities through other means. When Ayers, Dhorn and others were at trial Judge Hoffman ordered that the government disclose "state secrets" ( IOW spying on Vietnam, Cuba, and the Middle East) The government maintained that such information would impinge and or endanger America and refused to release the information on state secrets. So the charges were withdrawn so the US would not have to offer such up to enemies of the US at the time.

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