Obama mentor Bill Ayers: "My bombings were totally different from Boston bombings"

Yeah.. it's about as different as targeting men and targeting women.

You're full of shit. It's the difference between targeting people and targeting property.

Yeah right let one of your precious abortion clinics get bombed and lets see if you say it's just property. Liberals would go nuts.

I'm out of rep but I'll pos rep you later for this excellent point. Liberals would be screaming their heads off if abortion clinics got bombed.

After all, abortion mills aren't "just property" to left wingers; they are shrines to their liberalism.

Holy places to the left.
You're full of shit. It's the difference between targeting people and targeting property.

Yeah right let one of your precious abortion clinics get bombed and lets see if you say it's just property. Liberals would go nuts.

In the early 1990s, anti-abortion extremists concluded that murdering providers was the only way to stop abortion. The first provider was murdered in 1993. Since then, there have been seven subsequent murders and numerous attempted murders of clinic staff and physicians, several of which occurred in their own homes. In 2009, NAF member Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed in his church in Wichita, Kansas.

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Murders and Shootings

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Anthrax Attacks

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Arsons and Bombings

Yeah and the liberal outrage was enormous, went on for months. Seven deaths in forty years in an occupation that does nothing but murder innocent babies. With all the nut caes in the world that's not a big number, and don't put words in my mouth i'm not saying the killings were justified. Those doctors will answer to all those children when they die. Judt like the supporters of abortion.
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You're full of shit. It's the difference between targeting people and targeting property.

Yeah right let one of your precious abortion clinics get bombed and lets see if you say it's just property. Liberals would go nuts.

In the early 1990s, anti-abortion extremists concluded that murdering providers was the only way to stop abortion. The first provider was murdered in 1993. Since then, there have been seven subsequent murders and numerous attempted murders of clinic staff and physicians, several of which occurred in their own homes. In 2009, NAF member Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed in his church in Wichita, Kansas.

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Murders and Shootings

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Anthrax Attacks

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Arsons and Bombings

Funny, I don't see you counting Kermit Gosnell's victims.......
Sorry bout that,

1. If anyone in America needs a cap up his ass its Ayers.
2. Or maybe a mid-morning *drone surprise*.

What's the difference between Bill Ayers and Tim McVeigh? Answer: McVeigh was executed.
What's the difference between Bill Ayers and Tim McVeigh? Answer: McVeigh was executed.

No difference, they are both terrorist, but the liberals will defend Ayers, it's sad and sick.

Ayers is guilty of as many murders as the Boston bombers. The bomb he was making killed his own nut case comrades including his girlfriend and (according to testimony) was intended to be used on Ft. Dix Soldiers. In NY a person is guilty of felony murder if his partner(s) in crime are killed during commission of a felony (making a bomb). Somehow Ayers got hold of a friendly federal judge who dismissed every one of about a thousand felonies because of alleged illegal surveillance by the FBI. He didn't do a week in jail.
If it hadn't been for the bungling of the FBI and DOJ the fruit cake would be behind bars. Regardless of what he claims a terrorist is still a terrorist. As for the Messiah, the company one keeps is a reflection of ones character and true beliefs.
Yeah right let one of your precious abortion clinics get bombed and lets see if you say it's just property. Liberals would go nuts.

In the early 1990s, anti-abortion extremists concluded that murdering providers was the only way to stop abortion. The first provider was murdered in 1993. Since then, there have been seven subsequent murders and numerous attempted murders of clinic staff and physicians, several of which occurred in their own homes. In 2009, NAF member Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed in his church in Wichita, Kansas.

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Murders and Shootings

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Anthrax Attacks

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Arsons and Bombings

Funny, I don't see you counting Kermit Gosnell's victims.......

The point is there has been plenty of violence against abortion clinics and I have yet to see Liberals go nuts.
In the early 1990s, anti-abortion extremists concluded that murdering providers was the only way to stop abortion. The first provider was murdered in 1993. Since then, there have been seven subsequent murders and numerous attempted murders of clinic staff and physicians, several of which occurred in their own homes. In 2009, NAF member Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed in his church in Wichita, Kansas.

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Murders and Shootings

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Anthrax Attacks

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Arsons and Bombings

Funny, I don't see you counting Kermit Gosnell's victims.......

The point is there has been plenty of violence against abortion clinics and I have yet to see Liberals go nuts.

Great justification, you know those that commit violence against need to be punished just as Ayers does. Funny how you justify violence.
Funny, I don't see you counting Kermit Gosnell's victims.......

The point is there has been plenty of violence against abortion clinics and I have yet to see Liberals go nuts.

Great justification, you know those that commit violence against need to be punished just as Ayers does. Funny how you justify violence.

Understand violent behavior and justifying it is two different things.

Lumping the WUO and Radical Islamics together is like lumping the Irgun in with the PLO.
The point is there has been plenty of violence against abortion clinics and I have yet to see Liberals go nuts.

Great justification, you know those that commit violence against need to be punished just as Ayers does. Funny how you justify violence.

Understand violent behavior and justifying it is two different things.

Lumping the WUO and Radical Islamics together is like lumping the Irgun in with the PLO.

Terrorist are terrorist, keep justifying, it's fine by me.
Lets clear the air about Ayers. Does the Marxist philosophy that "the end justifies the means" extend to the modern left revolutionaries? Can terrorism and murder and about ten thousand felonies be justified if it's "for the greater good"? Was Ayers really a hero to the left? Let's hear it.
Lets clear the air about Ayers. Does the Marxist philosophy that "the end justifies the means" extend to the modern left revolutionaries? Can terrorism and murder and about ten thousand felonies be justified if it's "for the greater good"? Was Ayers really a hero to the left? Let's hear it.

A hero to the left he was, a terrorist he remains. As for "the end justifies the means" it remains the center argument justifying terrorist acts inflicted by a minority against the majority. Whom is it that stands in judgement as to what the "greater good" is? Is it right that the person who works should be given little in reward for their physical and mental anguish for the benefit of those that sit idle?
The point is there has been plenty of violence against abortion clinics and I have yet to see Liberals go nuts.

Great justification, you know those that commit violence against need to be punished just as Ayers does. Funny how you justify violence.

Understand violent behavior and justifying it is two different things.

Lumping the WUO and Radical Islamics together is like lumping the Irgun in with the PLO.

Yet, they trained with radical Islam, (Al Fatah) when they traveled to the Middle East they also traveled to Cuba and also to Vietnam to learn guerilla warfare tactics. See the congressional report by none other than Senator Teddy Kennedy and company. A report which called the WUO the most violent terrorist orginization and an extreme danger to the US.

They also had ties to the IRA as well Castro. Dhorn traveled to Cuba regularly, under Ayers direction.

The point is there has been plenty of violence against abortion clinics and I have yet to see Liberals go nuts.

Great justification, you know those that commit violence against need to be punished just as Ayers does. Funny how you justify violence.

Understand violent behavior and justifying it is two different things.

Lumping the WUO and Radical Islamics together is like lumping the Irgun in with the PLO.

and the problem with that is ?

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