Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’

I've heard you quite clearly call for ending fossil fuel electricity generation. Implying that there is no way to make it cleaner. And also insinuating that YOU have alternatives. Which you don't truely.. Also you endlessly hit up OIL and it's assoc. industries.. You and Obama want to tax and regulate these out of existence.

Problem is your "plan" is senseless and dangerous.. Too many political pundits GUESSING what energy generation is.. Or assuming that wind is EVEN marketable.

Grid operators NEED contracts that state WHEN AND HOW MUCH.. Wind farmers can't even guess what they will have 20 minutes from now -- nevermind next Tuesday.. It's you my partisian friend who doesn't have a clue what you're selling..

You have your head so far up the ass of the incumbents -- coal, oil and nuke who have written the rules to reward the dirtiest, filthiest, most poisonous, most destructive, most addictive fuels from hell, you cannot see any sunlight.

If you have a smart grid that can buy and sell, you have an energy marketplace. You turn every American into an energy entrepreneur, every home into a power plant. It doesn't matter what wind farmers can predict. When the wind is calm they are buyers, when the wind is blowing they a sellers.

You are a dinosaur LOST on a one way dingy dirt road to extinction.

And THERE it is... You answered your own question of what you are tearing down..

A mighty ad hominem puff of wind --- some misguided wisdom about wind farmers being both buyers and sellers -- and putting grandma in the energy biz instead of Big Fossil.

I missed a teachable moment a couple posts back when you juxtasuperimposed Eisenhower and the potential wind barrons of North Dakota. The issue of building them a trunk line for their junk is just economics and physics --- not really political.. You see, those expensive power hiways would be there to carry energy largely ONE WAY (buyers only at one end) and if the primary sourcing is wind -- engineering dictates that you have to SIZE that trunk line for MAX generation. With wind -- you get MAX generation perhaps 40 days a year. The rest of the time, that massive chunk of copper and sweat gets to carry about 35% of the wind fields ratings. Somedays --- it carries virtually nothing. Now MAYBE --- if you got those Dakota fracking fields involved, they could burn a large chunk of nat gas in Dakota generators to even out that load. 65% of the load most days.

(Not to mention that short of superconduction -- the "disassociation of electrons" (very Sic) would STILL be a problem on a high capacity, long haul grid thus lowering the average efficacy of wind field from 35% or so to more like 25% or so by the time it reached Chicago.)

That would like Eisenhower coming to a group of engineers and demanding that every mile of the InterStates be able to pass an ARMORED division 3 wide in both directions. And that capability would be used ??? Maybe NEVER???

You got nothing to PUT on an expanded grid that a civilized society can use to sustain itself and grow.. AFTER -- you tear everything down that you don't want to fix. That's the problem...

Your only hope is to stamp your feet, whine loudly, subvert the economic and engineering realities and MAKE IT a political problem.

We have reached an impasse. I can't help recalling Oscar Wilde when listening to you. "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing."

You continue to forget that the only way dirty energy can continue to exist is through major malfeasance of the market. If We, the People don't continue to pay the heavy price of their externalities, they would be priced out of the market. I believe in a market based energy policy, you believe in socialism.
We have reached an impasse. I can't help recalling Oscar Wilde when listening to you. "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing."

You continue to forget that the only way dirty energy can continue to exist is through major malfeasance of the market. If We, the People don't continue to pay the heavy price of their externalities, they would be priced out of the market. I believe in a market based energy policy, you believe in socialism.
Strange you authoritarian central planner lolberal nutbars give not one single shit about the externalities of your pious go-goodery.

Did I say strange?...I meant pathetic.
Hey, if the shoe fits wear it. Its supposed to be about 113 today, so I'm sort of wondering who doesn't believe in global warming? Shall we throw evolution into the mix too? Were we all placed here by God and this same God is giving us a touch of warmth because we asked for it?
We have reached an impasse. I can't help recalling Oscar Wilde when listening to you. "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing."

You continue to forget that the only way dirty energy can continue to exist is through major malfeasance of the market. If We, the People don't continue to pay the heavy price of their externalities, they would be priced out of the market. I believe in a market based energy policy, you believe in socialism.
Strange you authoritarian central planner lolberal nutbars give not one single shit about the externalities of your pious go-goodery.

Did I say strange?...I meant pathetic.

Thanks for adding your usual...an incoherent Ebonic sentence...

Maybe the butler can explain to you how a market is supposed to work.

Or you can continue to pay to clean up after your beloved dirty energy barons and wipe their asses in worship...
this sums up Obama and all you in the man made global warming aka climate changing cult...Obama does remind me of Jim Jones and we saw what happened to 900 of his followers..ALL DEAD
a lot of links in article at site


President Embraces Flat Earth Science... and Economics

By Clark Judge - June 27, 2013

On Tuesday President Obama joined the Flat Earth Society.

That’s not how he put it, of course. Just the opposite. He said, “We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society,” i.e. those not prepared to join him in embracing radical anti-fossil fuel policies.

Put another way, he meant forget about Congress. Congress has repeatedly rejected legislation to authorize what Mr. Obama announced yesterday he would do anyway, essentially by decree. For example, the administration backed a cap and trade bill in 2010. Designed to limit the use of coal and oil, it was so unpopular in that year’s overwhelmingly Democratic Congress that Majority Leader Harry Reid ultimately withdrew it. The issue was not overcoming a filibuster. Reid knew that the bill would have lost an up and down vote on the Senate floor.

Of course, the president was also saying that opponents of anti-climate change legislation are so ignorant of science that they aren’t worth talking to. Who is the truly ignorant one?

Hasn’t anyone told the president that the average global temperature has not increased in fifteen years? As Pacific Research Institute senior fellow Steven Hayward reported recently in The Weekly Standard:

After two decades of steady and substantial global temperature increase from 1980 to 1998, the pause in warming is causing a crisis for the climate crusade. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. The recent temperature record is falling distinctly to the very low end of the range predicted by the climate models and may soon fall out of it, which means the models are wrong, or, at the very least, something is going on that supposedly “settled” science hasn’t been able to settle.

Just last week, Germany’s Spiegle Online International posted an interview with Hans von Storch, professor at the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and among Germany’s most renowned climate scientist. Storch said:

If things continue as they have been, in five years, at the latest, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models. A 20-year pause in global warming does not occur in a single modeled scenario. But even today, we are finding it very difficult to reconcile actual temperature trends with our expectations.

all of it here

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Print Article
We have reached an impasse. I can't help recalling Oscar Wilde when listening to you. "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing."

You continue to forget that the only way dirty energy can continue to exist is through major malfeasance of the market. If We, the People don't continue to pay the heavy price of their externalities, they would be priced out of the market. I believe in a market based energy policy, you believe in socialism.
Strange you authoritarian central planner lolberal nutbars give not one single shit about the externalities of your pious go-goodery.

Did I say strange?...I meant pathetic.

Thanks for adding your usual...an incoherent Ebonic sentence...

Maybe the butler can explain to you how a market is supposed to work.

Or you can continue to pay to clean up after your beloved dirty energy barons and wipe their asses in worship...
Eat shit, you sanctimonious asshole.

Fact is that authoritarian konw-it-all dickweeds like you still don't give a shit about the externalities of your do-gooding "solutions" imposed upon (as in not freely accepted by) the marketplace.

And that's the fact, jackass.
I surmise Obama is sending a strong signal to the citizens who voted FOR the green energy agenda and policies candidate Obama articulated. Many of those supporters doubt his commitment to that green energy agenda and policies. I support him taking on these ignorant flat earthers who will NEVER, EVER support green energy or work with Obama even if he tried to pass laws they support. Obama needs to use the bully pulpit like strong liberal leaders like Give 'em hell Harry did. These flat earthers need to be called exactly what they are. These are the same House Republican leaders and Congressman who pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

If you talk to these retards for more than a few minutes, you will realize they not only deny climate changes, they don't even believe toxins, carcinogens and pollution causes harm to human, fish and foul.

You need to grow a brain and a spine.

You're a moron. There are no laws that skeptics support. Why should we pass laws to solve a non-problem? Your petulant whining doesn't impress anyone. You can't make your case, so you hurl insults. AGW cult members are all the same.

Ironic, a reply from one of the VERY morons who doesn't even believe toxins, carcinogens and pollution causes harm to human, fish and foul.

I have never said any such thing, dipstick. What I have said is that there comes a point where further reductions in emissions produce no detectable improvement in health or the environment. Environmental retards like you refuse to acknowledge this iron law because you aren't really interested in solving a problem. What you really want to use environmental issues to advance their socialist agenda.

In short, environmentalists like you are little different from the boot-licking stormtroopers of the Nazi era. You don't give a damn about people. You would impose astronomical costs on poor people for the sake of your pernicious agenda.
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Obama is directing his laser beam focus away from that 3 letters work J-O-B-S and now is going to save the planet from AGW
Obama is directing his laser beam focus away from that 3 letters work J-O-B-S and now is going to save the planet from AGW

he doesn't care about J-O-B-S so he has to have something like calling the people he Represents names to bullshit his base with..and as we see some eat it up..
He also doesn't CARE this will cost the American people JOBS..

he's a real piece of shit
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You have your head so far up the ass of the incumbents -- coal, oil and nuke who have written the rules to reward the dirtiest, filthiest, most poisonous, most destructive, most addictive fuels from hell, you cannot see any sunlight.

If you have a smart grid that can buy and sell, you have an energy marketplace. You turn every American into an energy entrepreneur, every home into a power plant. It doesn't matter what wind farmers can predict. When the wind is calm they are buyers, when the wind is blowing they a sellers.

You are a dinosaur LOST on a one way dingy dirt road to extinction.

And THERE it is... You answered your own question of what you are tearing down..

A mighty ad hominem puff of wind --- some misguided wisdom about wind farmers being both buyers and sellers -- and putting grandma in the energy biz instead of Big Fossil.

I missed a teachable moment a couple posts back when you juxtasuperimposed Eisenhower and the potential wind barrons of North Dakota. The issue of building them a trunk line for their junk is just economics and physics --- not really political.. You see, those expensive power hiways would be there to carry energy largely ONE WAY (buyers only at one end) and if the primary sourcing is wind -- engineering dictates that you have to SIZE that trunk line for MAX generation. With wind -- you get MAX generation perhaps 40 days a year. The rest of the time, that massive chunk of copper and sweat gets to carry about 35% of the wind fields ratings. Somedays --- it carries virtually nothing. Now MAYBE --- if you got those Dakota fracking fields involved, they could burn a large chunk of nat gas in Dakota generators to even out that load. 65% of the load most days.

(Not to mention that short of superconduction -- the "disassociation of electrons" (very Sic) would STILL be a problem on a high capacity, long haul grid thus lowering the average efficacy of wind field from 35% or so to more like 25% or so by the time it reached Chicago.)

That would like Eisenhower coming to a group of engineers and demanding that every mile of the InterStates be able to pass an ARMORED division 3 wide in both directions. And that capability would be used ??? Maybe NEVER???

You got nothing to PUT on an expanded grid that a civilized society can use to sustain itself and grow.. AFTER -- you tear everything down that you don't want to fix. That's the problem...

Your only hope is to stamp your feet, whine loudly, subvert the economic and engineering realities and MAKE IT a political problem.

We have reached an impasse. I can't help recalling Oscar Wilde when listening to you. "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing."

You continue to forget that the only way dirty energy can continue to exist is through major malfeasance of the market. If We, the People don't continue to pay the heavy price of their externalities, they would be priced out of the market. I believe in a market based energy policy, you believe in socialism.

"Dirty energy" will exist until the engineering and economics bring us a replacement. THat has not happened. We best get on with allowing the market to work and ideas to FLOW, rather than politically expedient solutions dictated from on high. AND doing the best we can to mitigate the current damage.

Dam near everyone would like to say goodbye to coal and stick it to the oil barrons.

I'm just not willing to FORCE cheezy unworkable solutions on a public DESPARATE for a change. I suppose you are..

No socialism involved. EVERYONE should get the tax treatment for R&D and corporate reinvestments and EVERYONE should get absolutely ZERO tax benefit for PRODUCTION of products that already exist in the market.. Read that carefully. Because I fear you'll screw that up as well..

I'm not at an impasse.. I'm looking every day at new ideas and workable solutions.
Obama is directing his laser beam focus away from that 3 letters work J-O-B-S and now is going to save the planet from AGW

he doesn't care about J-O-B-S so he has to have something like calling the people he Represents names to bullshit his base with..and as we see some eat it up..
He also doesn't CARE this will cost the American people JOBS..

he's a real piece of shit

Worse than costing jobs TODAY -- is making fatally flawed top-down decisions on energy systems that won't carry America into the 21st century as an international competitor.

The future just literally got dimmer since this clown got his POTUS jacket..

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