Obama: Naive or Liar? NSA Leak Reveals Obama Wrong Either Way


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
NSA Leaks Contradict What Obama Promised The Public About Russia’s Election Meddling

"Leaked NSA documents revealing that Russia engaged in election-related hacking efforts just days before the election directly contradict what former President Barack Obama told the American public.

Speaking at a year-end news conference in December, Obama told the public that Russian interference in the election ceased after he told Russian President Vladimir Putin to “cut it out” in early September. Russia’s cyberattacks stopped after warnings of “serious consequences” if they continued, Obama said.

“The president made it sound like that worked,” The New York Times
reported at the time, noting Obama’s claim that “we did not see further tampering of the election process.”

But NSA documents
published by The Intercept on Monday revealed that as late as October 31 or November 1, hackers launched an election-related spearfishing operation “targeting U.S. local government organizations.”

In other words, Russia was still tampering with the American electoral process after Obama said they ceased doing so. The documents’ authenticity have been confirmed by U.S. officials.."

Obama bragged how he stepped up, told Putin to back off, and the supposed interference / Russian hacking stopped...yet the truth is Putin did not hesitate to ignore Barry, and the attempted hacking continued.

This pretty much kills the snowflake delusion /fiction that anyone - to include our enemies - took Barry seriously when he thumped his chest and threatened them. Barry's Syrian Red Line had already showed them he wasn't going to do shit.
NSA Leaks Contradict What Obama Promised The Public About Russia’s Election Meddling

"Leaked NSA documents revealing that Russia engaged in election-related hacking efforts just days before the election directly contradict what former President Barack Obama told the American public.

Speaking at a year-end news conference in December, Obama told the public that Russian interference in the election ceased after he told Russian President Vladimir Putin to “cut it out” in early September. Russia’s cyberattacks stopped after warnings of “serious consequences” if they continued, Obama said.

“The president made it sound like that worked,” The New York Times
reported at the time, noting Obama’s claim that “we did not see further tampering of the election process.”

But NSA documents
published by The Intercept on Monday revealed that as late as October 31 or November 1, hackers launched an election-related spearfishing operation “targeting U.S. local government organizations.”

In other words, Russia was still tampering with the American electoral process after Obama said they ceased doing so. The documents’ authenticity have been confirmed by U.S. officials.."

Obama bragged how he stepped up, told Putin to back off, and the supposed interference / Russian hacking stopped...yet the truth is Putin did not hesitate to ignore Barry, and the attempted hacking continued.

This pretty much kills the snowflake delusion /fiction that anyone - to include our enemies - took Barry seriously when he thumped his chest and threatened them. Barry's Syrian Red Line had already showed them he wasn't going to do shit.
amazing how you show the feces of trump people interfering in our election to smell like perfume ,,blame obama ??lol Will the repub stink ever cease to stink up America?
NSA Leaks Contradict What Obama Promised The Public About Russia’s Election Meddling

"Leaked NSA documents revealing that Russia engaged in election-related hacking efforts just days before the election directly contradict what former President Barack Obama told the American public.

Speaking at a year-end news conference in December, Obama told the public that Russian interference in the election ceased after he told Russian President Vladimir Putin to “cut it out” in early September. Russia’s cyberattacks stopped after warnings of “serious consequences” if they continued, Obama said.

“The president made it sound like that worked,” The New York Times
reported at the time, noting Obama’s claim that “we did not see further tampering of the election process.”

But NSA documents
published by The Intercept on Monday revealed that as late as October 31 or November 1, hackers launched an election-related spearfishing operation “targeting U.S. local government organizations.”

In other words, Russia was still tampering with the American electoral process after Obama said they ceased doing so. The documents’ authenticity have been confirmed by U.S. officials.."

Obama bragged how he stepped up, told Putin to back off, and the supposed interference / Russian hacking stopped...yet the truth is Putin did not hesitate to ignore Barry, and the attempted hacking continued.

This pretty much kills the snowflake delusion /fiction that anyone - to include our enemies - took Barry seriously when he thumped his chest and threatened them. Barry's Syrian Red Line had already showed them he wasn't going to do shit.
amazing how you show the feces of trump people interfering in our election to smell like perfume ,,blame obama ??lol Will the repub stink ever cease to stink up America?
Will you ever stop lying about it?
amazing how you show the feces of trump people interfering in our election to smell like perfume ,,blame obama ??lol Will the repub stink ever cease to stink up America?
Obama was the one who thumped his chest and declared he 'handled Putin'. The released NSA documents showed either Barry lied or Putin played / ignored him. Sad how you have to drag Trump into the mix to defend Obama.
amazing how you show the feces of trump people interfering in our election to smell like perfume ,,blame obama ??lol Will the repub stink ever cease to stink up America?
Obama was the one who thumped his chest and declared he 'handled Putin'. The released NSA documents showed either Barry lied or Putin played / ignored him. Sad how you have to drag Trump into the mix to defend Obama.
pardon me for mentioning trump but he's president not obama and all of what you posted was either over stated or mis stated Trump is like a castrated midget
no infrastructure
no wall
no tax reform
no health care change
no immigration ban
To date there is no evidence at all of Russia even hacking one polling station or even one voting machine. Pretty much anything you hear these days is based on speculation and innuendo.

Obama always was a liar.....and that's the only thing that has been proven over the last 2 years.
To date there is no evidence at all of Russia even hacking one polling station or even one voting machine. Pretty much anything you hear these days is based on speculation and innuendo.

Obama always was a liar.....and that's the only thing that has been proven over the last 2 years.
liar ? Obama?? lol If so your king of lies and bullshit,trump, makes obama look like a baby

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