German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock - is she a good Foreign Minister - in general?

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock - is she a good Foreign Minister - in general?

  • very good

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • good

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • neither good nor bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • very bad

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • I cannot say

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do not know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I did not even know her name

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have often read of her

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • she seems to be popular

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • other

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
4 voteres only
You should have explained more clearly that this was only for international culinary experts .
I personally best love the Polish and Romanian varieties .
Romanian Mititie are excellent-- spicey with garlic .
Bockwurst is not in the same league .
Like Annalena it is the WURST .
rofl .

By the way, Russian: What do you think about to leave the Oblast Kaliningrad with all of your people and to install there "the European nature park Baltica" and to forbid all human beings of this planet to enter this region anymore. You have more than enough land which you are not able to use in an adequate way.
As a compromise we try to convince the Ukraine to give you the areas of their country which you have illegally invaded and we will try to convince the NATO to make the uninvaded Ukraine to a NATO member so you are not able to attack this rest any longer - and to be sure not to be attacked from this rest.
But first you have to bring Lukashenko and his leading criminals to the international court and to leave also Belarus with all of your soldiers and let the people of Belarus go their own free way. And what to do with Putin and his criminals and how to bring this Rumpelstiltskin and his criminal gang to the international court is also not clear now.

This is a not certified message from a friend of Mr. Ärmel, the free and faithful servant of king Alfons of Lummerland.

good plan!

By the way, Russian: What do you think about to leave the Oblast Kaliningrad with all of your people and to install there "the European nature park Baltica" and to forbid all human beings of this planet to enter this region anymore. You have more than enough land which you are not able to use in an adequate way.
As a compromise we try to convince the Ukraine to give you the areas of their country which you have illegally invaded and we will try to convince the NATO to make the uninvaded Ukraine to a NATO member so you are not able to attack this rest any longer - and to be sure not to be attacked from this rest.
But first you have to bring Lukashenko and his leading criminals to the international court and to leave also Belarus with all of your soldiers and let the people of Belarus go their own free way. And what to do with Putin and his criminals and how to bring this Rumpelstiltskin and his criminal gang to the international court is also not clear now.

This is a not certified message from a friend of Mr. Ärmel, the free and faithful servant of king Alfons of Lummerland.

Baerbock gets better every day!
Baerbock gets better every day!
Not really. It was totally stupid from her to start to work against the chancellor in the totally superflous "Taurus" discussion. Some questions have nothing to do with agreements but with logic.
Not really. It was totally stupid from her to start to work against the chancellor in the totally superflous "Taurus" discussion. Some questions have nothing to do with agreements but with logic.

i still think that she is Ok
i still think that she is Ok

Laut Steuerzahlerbund sind beispielsweise im ersten vollen Regierungsjahr der Ampel 2022 die Kosten für Fotografen, Friseure und Visagisten um fast 80 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gestiegen – auf rund 1,5 Millionen Euro. Mit 137.000 Euro schlägt dabei eine Maskenbildnerin im Auftrag des Auswärtigen Amtes unter Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock zu Buche.


According to the Taxpayers' Association, the costs for photographers, hairdressers and make-up artists, for example, rose by almost 80 per cent in the first full year of the Ampel 2022 government compared to the previous year - to around 1.5 million euros. A [female] make-up artist commissioned by the Federal Foreign Office under Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock cost 137,000 euros.

€ 137,000 are about 50 grenades in the size 155 mm. The only problem is to place them under the ass of Putin as a salute to hell when Putin will arrive there. He's not an average devil - he's the Russian president. He should knock loud when he will come home. She should grant him that.

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The Germs hysterically afraid of Dear Uncle P again .

You should not have killed 30 million Russians should you , Germy people .
All that rape and pillage was also a bad move .

So look out little Germs . They might be coming to say Hello once they have dealt with your fellow Nazis in Odessa ..

Baerbock hopes to run for Chancellor again in the next elections. Taking the current popularity of her party into consideration, do you think she would have any chance or would rather be some random ant on the floor be elected?


Baerbock hopes to run for Chancellor again in the next elections. Taking the current popularity of her party into consideration, do you think she would have any chance or would rather be some random ant on the floor be elected?

no great chance ….
"Ukraine has succeeded in turning swastika into a symbol of freedom" - Berbock
When asked by journalists about the admissibility of the use of symbols of the Third Reich by the Ukrainian military, German Foreign Minister Berbock said that Ukraine had managed to "rehabilitate the swastika in the eyes of the free world".

When will these bastards finally declare Hitler an innocent victim of Stalin, who drove a poor artist to suicide?
"Ukraine has succeeded in turning swastika into a symbol of freedom" - Berbock
When asked by journalists about the admissibility of the use of symbols of the Third Reich by the Ukrainian military, German Foreign Minister Berbock said that Ukraine had managed to "rehabilitate the swastika in the eyes of the free world".

When will these bastards finally declare Hitler an innocent victim of Stalin, who drove a poor artist to suicide?
do you have a link for it?

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