Obama needs to be tried for war crimes

Those who can't read, blame it on those who can.

No Great Git, I was making a refutation that sailed over your head. Congress never declared war on Iraq, which is all your quoted article mentions.

I mean, DUH.

The House passed a use of the military force resolution on Oct 10, 2002. The Senate pass a war resolution on Oct 11, 2002. Bush signed it on Oct 16, 2002.

And that was not a declaration of war.

This country has not declared war since 1941. Maybe you should come back when you start to understand this grownup stuff.

Go ahead and tell the thousands of Americans that lost their lives that they weren't fighting in wars.

Of course, if it wasn't a war though. Then I guess Bush didn't get us into an illegal war after all.
The House passed a use of the military force resolution on Oct 10, 2002. The Senate pass a war resolution on Oct 11, 2002. Bush signed it on Oct 16, 2002.

And that was not a declaration of war.

This country has not declared war since 1941. Maybe you should come back when you start to understand this grownup stuff.

Go ahead and tell the thousands of Americans that lost their lives that they weren't fighting in wars.

Of course, if it wasn't a war though. Then I guess Bush didn't get us into an illegal war after all.

All you're doing is trying to weasel out of your own words and now, to wrap your own weasel words in dead soldiers. Go fuck yourself, troll.
See, this is the irrational vitriol / self righteous indignation of liberals I was talking about. They call for Bush's head while Obama is allowed to do whatever he wants. Thanks Poet for volunteering to play the stooge.

Oh, you're welcome. Glad that I could accommodate. Not that it smacks of irrational vitriol or self righteous indignation by a long shot, but rather of truth. What the fuck does what President Obama is doing presently, have any bearing on what President Bush did? Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Nothing more than the right's "sour grapes" for blowing November's election, by backing a flawed candidate with no real chance of re-taking the White House, and worse, being flabbergasted when he lost in an electoral landslide. What you should do is refute my post, with documentation.

Poet these fuckin idiots are not going to back one statement they make, simply because they can't. While we can offer up tons of info on how the POS Bush DID lie, they can just sit here and call us liberal boot-licking whores. They have no real intelligence, so arguing with them is a waste of time, TRUST me.

You're absolutely 100% correct. The OP has been destroyed over and over, and yet they keep coming back as if the have their fingers in their ears going Lalalalalalalala. I can't hear you...lalalalalalala. :cuckoo:
Where and to whom does the "theater of war" extend? Does it extend to our "ally" countries? Does it extend to 16 year old Americans? Think about what you are saying and what those in the ME must think about such words.

I understand your point, and obviously I don't think any president should be able to bomb any place he likes. However, if there were actual instances where the moonbat messiah, Bush, or anyone else committed a gross violation of international war crimes law there would be consequences. No one in our government, or any other government has raised a compelling case that "war crimes" have been committed.

Now has obozo been quilty of murder through his orders? I would say emphatically YES. I would say every president who has ever sat in office during every conflict we've been involved in has probably issued orders that led to the death of someone who didn't deserve it. I don't like it of course, but I don't expect perfection from men.

That's the pragmatic view. My point is that the pragmatic view applies only to liberal presidents for liberals.

Indeed, had that Romney creature won the election (excuse me I just barfed a little), and a drone strike happened in Yemen taking out a bearded flea bitten jihadist asshole during the inauguration the media would have condemned the "attack" and called for Romney's impeachment. Even though the ink was still moist on the moonbat messiah's signature.

That's how the left has operated all my life, and according to everyone older than me, their lives too. Liberals are never culpable for their offenses, and if there's any repercussions from the public, all efforts will be made to blame the opposition. I had a bed wetter tell me a few months ago that NIXON started the Vietnam War. All I could do was laugh in his idiotic face and walk away.

Again, that was another problem that could have been prevented by keeping the lead in paint.
Oh, you're welcome. Glad that I could accommodate. Not that it smacks of irrational vitriol or self righteous indignation by a long shot, but rather of truth. What the fuck does what President Obama is doing presently, have any bearing on what President Bush did? Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Nothing more than the right's "sour grapes" for blowing November's election, by backing a flawed candidate with no real chance of re-taking the White House, and worse, being flabbergasted when he lost in an electoral landslide. What you should do is refute my post, with documentation.

Poet these fuckin idiots are not going to back one statement they make, simply because they can't. While we can offer up tons of info on how the POS Bush DID lie, they can just sit here and call us liberal boot-licking whores. They have no real intelligence, so arguing with them is a waste of time, TRUST me.

You're absolutely 100% correct. The OP has been destroyed over and over, and yet they keep coming back as if the have their fingers in their ears going Lalalalalalalala. I can't hear you...lalalalalalala. :cuckoo:

I disagree Boo, the OP hasn't been "destroyed". He's demonstrated the bias when it comes to acts of war waged by Bush and the moonbat messiah.

Like I said before, I abhor that obama thing, I can't believe he didn't starve to death in a Malaysian gutter with the whore that birthed him. Somehow it became the POTUS in spite of all logic and reason.

That said I can't condemn the decisions he makes with the information that hits his desk that we're not privy to. I suspect he only makes these choices because he knows the people giving this info to him, and advising him to kill these assholes are infinitely more qualified to be POTUS than he is to be an ice cream man.

So while he's doing THE SAME SHIT that "POS BUSH" did, bed wetters won't utter a peep about it. Drone strikes have increased, gitmo isn't only still open, it's become an increasingly mindless goatfuck with ZERO solutions being advanced, we're LOSING in Afghanistan because we don't have a sane strategy, the middle east and the Korean peninsula are so unstable God Himself needs to come down and unfuck it but are bed wetters allowing ANY responsibility to be laid at the feet of their messiah?

Poet these fuckin idiots are not going to back one statement they make, simply because they can't. While we can offer up tons of info on how the POS Bush DID lie, they can just sit here and call us liberal boot-licking whores. They have no real intelligence, so arguing with them is a waste of time, TRUST me.

You're absolutely 100% correct. The OP has been destroyed over and over, and yet they keep coming back as if the have their fingers in their ears going Lalalalalalalala. I can't hear you...lalalalalalala. :cuckoo:

I disagree Boo, the OP hasn't been "destroyed". He's demonstrated the bias when it comes to acts of war waged by Bush and the moonbat messiah.

Like I said before, I abhor that obama thing, I can't believe he didn't starve to death in a Malaysian gutter with the whore that birthed him. Somehow it became the POTUS in spite of all logic and reason.

That said I can't condemn the decisions he makes with the information that hits his desk that we're not privy to. I suspect he only makes these choices because he knows the people giving this info to him, and advising him to kill these assholes are infinitely more qualified to be POTUS than he is to be an ice cream man.

So while he's doing THE SAME SHIT that "POS BUSH" did, bed wetters won't utter a peep about it. Drone strikes have increased, gitmo isn't only still open, it's become an increasingly mindless goatfuck with ZERO solutions being advanced, we're LOSING in Afghanistan because we don't have a sane strategy, the middle east and the Korean peninsula are so unstable God Himself needs to come down and unfuck it but are bed wetters allowing ANY responsibility to be laid at the feet of their messiah?


The Nato strike was carried out under the rules of engagement. The enemy combatants were fighting in a residentual area hiding amoung the civilians. I would no more call for Bushes impeachment over a combat stike that killied civilans than I would call for Obama's.

The OP was DOA anyhow, blinded by hate.
You're absolutely 100% correct. The OP has been destroyed over and over, and yet they keep coming back as if the have their fingers in their ears going Lalalalalalalala. I can't hear you...lalalalalalala. :cuckoo:

I disagree Boo, the OP hasn't been "destroyed". He's demonstrated the bias when it comes to acts of war waged by Bush and the moonbat messiah.

Like I said before, I abhor that obama thing, I can't believe he didn't starve to death in a Malaysian gutter with the whore that birthed him. Somehow it became the POTUS in spite of all logic and reason.

That said I can't condemn the decisions he makes with the information that hits his desk that we're not privy to. I suspect he only makes these choices because he knows the people giving this info to him, and advising him to kill these assholes are infinitely more qualified to be POTUS than he is to be an ice cream man.

So while he's doing THE SAME SHIT that "POS BUSH" did, bed wetters won't utter a peep about it. Drone strikes have increased, gitmo isn't only still open, it's become an increasingly mindless goatfuck with ZERO solutions being advanced, we're LOSING in Afghanistan because we don't have a sane strategy, the middle east and the Korean peninsula are so unstable God Himself needs to come down and unfuck it but are bed wetters allowing ANY responsibility to be laid at the feet of their messiah?


The Nato strike was carried out under the rules of engagement. The enemy combatants were fighting in a residentual area hiding amoung the civilians. I would no more call for Bushes impeachment over a combat stike that killied civilans than I would call for Obama's.

The OP was DOA anyhow, blinded by hate.

It's all semantics. The effect of what Bush and Obama are doing are virtually the same. Just b/c you window dress it with NATO doesn't change what's going on. We had a coalition with Iraq too. Oh, but yea, that was Bush though. You really just prove my point. Your screen name is so fitting.
You're absolutely 100% correct. The OP has been destroyed over and over, and yet they keep coming back as if the have their fingers in their ears going Lalalalalalalala. I can't hear you...lalalalalalala. :cuckoo:

I disagree Boo, the OP hasn't been "destroyed". He's demonstrated the bias when it comes to acts of war waged by Bush and the moonbat messiah.

Like I said before, I abhor that obama thing, I can't believe he didn't starve to death in a Malaysian gutter with the whore that birthed him. Somehow it became the POTUS in spite of all logic and reason.

That said I can't condemn the decisions he makes with the information that hits his desk that we're not privy to. I suspect he only makes these choices because he knows the people giving this info to him, and advising him to kill these assholes are infinitely more qualified to be POTUS than he is to be an ice cream man.

So while he's doing THE SAME SHIT that "POS BUSH" did, bed wetters won't utter a peep about it. Drone strikes have increased, gitmo isn't only still open, it's become an increasingly mindless goatfuck with ZERO solutions being advanced, we're LOSING in Afghanistan because we don't have a sane strategy, the middle east and the Korean peninsula are so unstable God Himself needs to come down and unfuck it but are bed wetters allowing ANY responsibility to be laid at the feet of their messiah?


The Nato strike was carried out under the rules of engagement. The enemy combatants were fighting in a residentual area hiding amoung the civilians. I would no more call for Bushes impeachment over a combat stike that killied civilans than I would call for Obama's.

The OP was DOA anyhow, blinded by hate.

Where is the rule of engagement spelled out for killing civilians? Would you feel the same way if the prick was hiding in you house and NATO blew your family away? No, I think you would think differently. The only reason you are indifferent is that they are brown people living 1/2 a world away. And you are more then willing to trade humanity for the allusion of safety. Before WW2 people with your way of thinking didn't have control. Then WW2 where civilian target became the norm terrorism in the name of freedom. YOU and your ilk that think this way are the problem. Think about Boston. if that crime was carried out by those in the ME what crime have they committed that we have not? If we kill their children because of some "rules of engagement" then that certainly puts ours at risk. It is a terrible shame what we did to Dresden, Berlin, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, all civilian targets.

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