Obama nominates Wal-Mart's Burwell as budget chief


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
I suggest Preparation H for the liberals, this has to hurt.

News from The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama on Monday nominated Wal-Mart's Sylvia Mathews Burwell as his next budget chief, thrusting her into the center of Washington's heated partisan budget battles.
There has been an email circulating for months about how government should seek advice from Walmart on how to run things. I thought most liberals hated WalMart, so this ought to go over real well.
Eh not so much. She used to head the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation which is a great philanthropic organization. Then she took over the Wal-Mart foundation. Don't know much about it but it can't be all bad judging by her record despite it being associated with Wal-Mart. Have to learn more about her before I can have a solid opinion. Hope she knows a lot about budgets.
Eh not so much. She used to head the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation which is a great philanthropic organization. Then she took over the Wal-Mart foundation. Don't know much about it but it can't be all bad judging by her record despite it being associated with Wal-Mart. Have to learn more about her before I can have a solid opinion. Hope she knows a lot about budgets.

Eh, according to left wing liberals WalMart is the great satan. According to left wing liberals the money used for the WalMart Philanthropic organiztion is stolen money from the workers.
Eh not so much. She used to head the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation which is a great philanthropic organization. Then she took over the Wal-Mart foundation. Don't know much about it but it can't be all bad judging by her record despite it being associated with Wal-Mart. Have to learn more about her before I can have a solid opinion. Hope she knows a lot about budgets.

Eh, according to left wing liberals WalMart is the great satan. According to left wing liberals the money used for the WalMart Philanthropic organiztion is stolen money from the workers.

Well Wal-mart has destroyed many a small business, so I can see how they've endeared themselves to republicans.
Eh not so much. She used to head the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation which is a great philanthropic organization. Then she took over the Wal-Mart foundation. Don't know much about it but it can't be all bad judging by her record despite it being associated with Wal-Mart. Have to learn more about her before I can have a solid opinion. Hope she knows a lot about budgets.

Eh, according to left wing liberals WalMart is the great satan. According to left wing liberals the money used for the WalMart Philanthropic organiztion is stolen money from the workers.

Well Wal-mart has destroyed many a small business, so I can see how they've endeared themselves to republicans.

name one they destroyed.
Eh, according to left wing liberals WalMart is the great satan. According to left wing liberals the money used for the WalMart Philanthropic organiztion is stolen money from the workers.

Well Wal-mart has destroyed many a small business, so I can see how they've endeared themselves to republicans.

name one they destroyed.

Really? You've never heard of a Wal-mart popping up in a town and lowering their prices below that of their competitors to drive them out?

Well shoot. Maybe I'm wrong and they're not well known for that.
Eh, according to left wing liberals WalMart is the great satan. According to left wing liberals the money used for the WalMart Philanthropic organiztion is stolen money from the workers.

Well Wal-mart has destroyed many a small business, so I can see how they've endeared themselves to republicans.

name one they destroyed.

freewill, go play with yourself. :lol: You have made a statement worthy of a bigreb or a Crusader Frank. Gott in himmel, man.
Eh, according to left wing liberals WalMart is the great satan. According to left wing liberals the money used for the WalMart Philanthropic organiztion is stolen money from the workers.

Well Wal-mart has destroyed many a small business, so I can see how they've endeared themselves to republicans.

name one they destroyed.

You're kidding right? How can you not know that the big box stores having been putting people out of business since the 80s? Living in another country?

Good news that maybe that's changing...

Eh not so much. She used to head the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation which is a great philanthropic organization. Then she took over the Wal-Mart foundation. Don't know much about it but it can't be all bad judging by her record despite it being associated with Wal-Mart. Have to learn more about her before I can have a solid opinion. Hope she knows a lot about budgets.

Eh, according to left wing liberals WalMart is the great satan. According to left wing liberals the money used for the WalMart Philanthropic organiztion is stolen money from the workers.
if obama touches it, it has been cleansed of all sins and is pure and will be accepted by the liberal toads.
Well Wal-mart has destroyed many a small business, so I can see how they've endeared themselves to republicans.

name one they destroyed.

Really? You've never heard of a Wal-mart popping up in a town and lowering their prices below that of their competitors to drive them out?

Well shoot. Maybe I'm wrong and they're not well known for that.

The one that poped up in my area attracked businesses. I don't know of one that went out of business was because it could not compete. Why is it that the left wants to pretend to care for the poor yet the one place where they actually do get the best price the left cares. As if they cared about some small business who charges too much.
Eh not so much. She used to head the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation which is a great philanthropic organization. Then she took over the Wal-Mart foundation. Don't know much about it but it can't be all bad judging by her record despite it being associated with Wal-Mart. Have to learn more about her before I can have a solid opinion. Hope she knows a lot about budgets.

Eh, according to left wing liberals WalMart is the great satan. According to left wing liberals the money used for the WalMart Philanthropic organiztion is stolen money from the workers.
if obama touches it, it has been cleansed of all sins and is pure and will be accepted by the liberal toads.

Yes, they will accept it, thus why I suggested Prepration H for after they do.
name one they destroyed.

freewill, go play with yourself. :lol: You have made a statement worthy of a bigreb or a Crusader Frank. Gott in himmel, man.

Apparently I've given too much rep for the day. Called in sick and been on here too long. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow.

So let me see here. You are going to positively rep him for a deragatory post about me simply asking you to prove what YOU said as fact. Certainly you believe what you were told, to that there is no doubt. But obviously you don't personally know of one business shut because of WalMart. That is what was asked that was not answered.
name one they destroyed.

freewill, go play with yourself. :lol: You have made a statement worthy of a bigreb or a Crusader Frank. Gott in himmel, man.

I have no problem being in their company at least they are honest.

BTW, you and your friend have yet to name one.

A september 2012 article

In 2006, months before a Walmart store was opened in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago's West side, researchers counted 306 businesses in the surrounding area. Two years after the Walmart opened, 82 of those businesses had closed.

That some businesses, particularly small businesses, would close after a large retailer moves into the neighborhood is to be expected. But, as the researchers found, the pattern and severity of those closures was far from typical. The closer a business was to the new Walmart store, the more likely it was to close.
Radiating Death: How Walmart Displaces Nearby Small Businesses - Nate Berg - The Atlantic Cities

That's what 2 seconds of searching the internet will find you.
So let me see here. You are going to positively rep him for a deragatory post about me simply asking you to prove what YOU said as fact. Certainly you believe what you were told, to that there is no doubt. But obviously you don't personally know of one business shut because of WalMart. That is what was asked that was not answered.

Eh he was the first to agree with me. And it made me chuckle.

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