Obama Organization Behind Wisconsin Demonstrations

Well, the demonstrations have been going on for three days, and will continue a lot longer. Ol' Ravin' Ryan is a lot closer to the truth than he knows.
You dumb asses. None of these images were from the video in my post. Now some of the signs, the worst of them, were not shown in context. Likely a Rovian trick. Show a picture of a sign, something that was not even at the demonstrations, something created by a right wingnut.

Can't admit you're wrong huh ?:lol:

Typical liberal, hell, you still think global warming is real........

The demonstrations in Wisconson are peaceful, and quite impressive.

A really impressive angry mob.....:eusa_whistle:
Well, the demonstrations have been going on for three days, and will continue a lot longer. Ol' Ravin' Ryan is a lot closer to the truth than he knows.
And the Statist Democrats/Unions/Obama will prove him correct.
Well, the demonstrations have been going on for three days, and will continue a lot longer. Ol' Ravin' Ryan is a lot closer to the truth than he knows.
And the kids will continue to not be educated. The parents will have to rearrange their schedules, too include missing work because their kids are not in school, while a bunch of morons guided by a corrupt union and inept president continue to claim they give a shit about the kids.

Liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:
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Well, the demonstrations have been going on for three days, and will continue a lot longer. Ol' Ravin' Ryan is a lot closer to the truth than he knows.
And the kids will continue to not be educated. The parents will have to rearrange their schedules, too include missing work because their kids are not in school, while a bunch of morons guided by a corrupt union and inept president continue to claim they give a shit about the kids.

Liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:

But those same teachers will continue to preach to those kids how wonderful Big Government is...and how they cannot be anyone without the help of the same government that is dragging this economy into the toilet, and ruining the chances of these kids of getting any meaningful job unless it is on the public dole...and sending continuing torpedoes into the private sector that is expected to foot the bill.

What a friggin' contradiction they preach.
Now we know why Obama wanted to unionize the TSA. So he can organize these public demonstrations.

He can cripple our airlines with something similar to this.

Now why would a President want to do that?

Because he's supports organized labor, socialism, Marxism. This is how they get the kind of government they want, through threats and thuggery.

I remember when Reagan fired the traffic-controllers over their strike. Obama will probably give speeches to support shutting down the airlines.
He was/is a union organizer. Did you expect anything else?

No hun. Problem is, this looks bad. Like he's trying to cause turmoil. That' not his damned job.

His job is to defend us from all enemies foreign and domestic but he seems to be helping them.

Not to mention that he's supposed to be president of all people in US, including the WI voters who made their choices clear last November. He and the DNC are not supposed to help those who would riot. He should not be encouraging state legislators to avoid doing what they were elected to do.
He was/is a union organizer. Did you expect anything else?

No hun. Problem is, this looks bad. Like he's trying to cause turmoil. That' not his damned job.

His job is to defend us from all enemies foreign and domestic but he seems to be helping them.

Not to mention that he's supposed to be president of all people in US, including the WI voters who made their choices clear last November. He and the DNC are not supposed to help those who would riot. He should not be encouraging state legislators to avoid doing what they were elected to do.

Obama doesn't believe in Democracy the way we do. To him the unions/organized-labor/communists have more importance then the rest of us. He's been spending trillions propping them up around the world. Everyone is wondering where all of that money went. Obama just opened up the federal feeding trough and it appears unions were the greatest beneficiaries.

He's hired a quarter of a million new government employees and unionized them. As the unions in the private-sector shrink Obama expands them in the public-sector. Just think, Obama can shut our government down. Seems he can shut down state governments too. Harry Reid is looking forward to a shutdown. I think one is in the works for next month. Mark my words. I work in the DOD and these jerks are playing politics. I have bills to pay. Do you think they care? Nope.
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Now we know why Obama wanted to unionize the TSA. So he can organize these public demonstrations.

He can cripple our airlines with something similar to this.

Now why would a President want to do that?

Because he's supports organized labor, socialism, Marxism. This is how they get the kind of government they want, through threats and thuggery.

I remember when Reagan fired the traffic-controllers over their strike. Obama will probably give speeches to support shutting down the airlines.

Correct me if i'm wrond MW, but it appears Barry O is utilizing the unions as a partisan tool .....

I doubt anyone would argue there's a great action/words disconnect in this mans potus tenure

which is looking like nothing more than Wall streets employee of the month....

If you look at the crowd many of the are wearing their trademark Commie Red sweatshirts. Who knows where they're from or what other organizations they belong to.
(Gee, Mudd-Butt.....how did they manage to Shanghi those trademark Commie Red sweatshirts from the RNC??? :eusa_eh: )​
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I wonder if intentionally causing anarchy is an impeachable offense, or just worthy of a bitch-slapping.
Stealing a quote from an unknown source, "Obama spends more time in bed with unions then with Michelle."
Obama has not realized that the states do not have their own printing presses to continue to pay for public employee perks.
Shameful, but perfectly consistent with Obama's MO.
Yeah....right.....KUDOS for Corporate America's long-term-strategy of moving operations, offshore, right???

"Governors in both parties are slashing once-untouchable programs, including those covering education, health care for the poor and aid to local governments. Some states, such as Illinois, have passed major tax increases.

States face a collective budget deficit of $175 billion through 2013. Many experts say state tax revenue will not fully recover until the nation returns to full employment, which is not likely for several years."

$ $ $ $

At least America's bankers aren't wasting any assets on job-creation ventures!!!!

He was/is a union organizer. Did you expect anything else?

No hun. Problem is, this looks bad. Like he's trying to cause turmoil. That' not his damned job.

His job is to defend us from all enemies foreign and domestic but he seems to be helping them.

Not to mention that he's supposed to be president of all people in US, including the WI voters who made their choices clear last November. He and the DNC are not supposed to help those who would riot. He should not be encouraging state legislators to avoid doing what they were elected to do.
This is going to blow up in Obama's face, big time.

Everything he has been trying to claim himself to be in the last month or so is fully proving to be complete BS.......He's showing his true colors as nothing more than a far left wing community organizing hack who is way in over his head.
Obama has not realized that the states do not have their own printing presses to continue to pay for public employee perks.
Funny thing is the heath care plans these teachers are getting have been demonized by the left and may soon be illegal. Remember the expensive health plans for Fat-Cats?
On Barrack Obama's own site he's organizing the riots and demonstrations going on in Madison Wisconsin, and others in Ohio and Indiana.

This Egyptian style protest points the finger directly at the President. He was in Madison today giving a speech, so it's getting hard for him to claim innocence.

This is the first time I've ever seen a President of the United States that was a troublemaker.

That's all he is after all. A community organizer out to stir shit up.

Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA State Page

If you look at the crowd many of the are wearing their trademark Commie Red sweatshirts. Who knows where they're from or what other organizations they belong to.


Obama claimed today that the state is attacking them, but it looks like the unions are attacking the state.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Rep. Paul Ryan On Wisconsin Protests: "Like Cairo Moved To Madison"

The biggest question is why now? Why when the Middle East is on fire these unions feel they have to strike? Well, here's why.


The Democratic National Committee's Organizing for America arm -- the remnant of the 2008 Obama campaign -- is playing an active role in organizing protests against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's attempt to strip most public employees of collective bargaining rights.

OfA, as the campaign group is known, has been criticized at times for staying out of local issues like same-sex marraige, but it's riding to the aide of the public sector unions who hoping to persuade some Republican legislators to oppose Walker's plan. And while Obama may have his difference with teachers unions, OfA's engagement with the fight -- and Obama's own clear stance against Walker -- mean that he's remaining loyal to key Democratic Party allies at what is, for them, a very dangerous moment.

OfA Wisconsin's field efforts include filling buses and building turnout for the rallies this week in Madison, organizing 15 rapid response phone banks urging supporters to call their state legislators, and working on planning and producing rallies, a Democratic Party official in Washington said.

DNC playing role in Wisconsin protests - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com
They had a vote on the issue but Democrats left the capital and couldn't be found. It was similar to the battle that went on in Texas when Democrats refused to vote on a bill and held up in a hotel in Oklahoma.

Breaking News.

Wisconsin State Senators found in Illinois hotel.

Budget Battle: Democrats Who Left State are Located | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News
I wonder if this falls under high crimes and misdemeanors for overseeing organizations fomenting civil unrest and interfering with the proper operation of a state government.
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