Obama Out Disrespecting Folks- China Furious At "Disrespectful" Nicorette-Chewing Obama


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO- Seems the old fool has to cope with his lack of smokes and cheap whiskey while 'on the clock'.



"The chew seen around the world," as President Obama chomped on Nicorette gum during the recent APEC summit ceremonies, has sparked outrage in China, describing his behavior as "rude" and "inappropriate."

More Humiliation China Furious At Disrespectful Nicorette-Chewing Obama Zero Hedge

* * *

Not the first time...


Just because they moved up to the white house doesn't mean they have any class.
Putin always looks like so much more of a badass than Obama when they are in the same picture/ video.

Seems the Chinese government, yes, the same one Obama enables, has gone to great length to hide the shameful behavior of our dear POTUS



President Obama Slammed For Chewing Gum In Beijing
By Jim Acosta and Matthew Hoye, CNN

Beijing (CNN) -- In a rare, joint news conference with the global news media inside the heart of Beijing, U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jingping pledged cooperation on a range of common interests as they concluded an unusually colorful economic summit.

Obama drew howls in the Chinese media when he was seen chewing gum as he entered Monday night's festivities.

Russian President Vladimir Putin earned a few cringes of his own when he placed a shawl around the shoulders of China's first lady in an apparent act of chivalry. She promptly removed the garment, creating such a stir the incident was removed from China's state-run news outlets.

Chinese censors attempted to further block coverage of the story by blacking out a portion of a CNN segment on the incident on the network's "Anderson Cooper 360" program.

President Obama slammed for chewing gum in Beijing - WPEC-TV CBS12 News News - Top Stories
I couldn't believe he did something this freaking stupid. I know. I know.
I shouldn't be surprised AGAIN.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Couldn't he have just parked the nicorette at the back of his mouth and sucked on it?
Wow. The President chewed some gum. Whoop de doo. Impeachment proceeding immediatly.
Perhaps he'll choke on it! One can only hope!

You silliy bastards are already choking on the fact that he is a two term President. Not only that, after Bush let the illegal population soar from 7.5 million to 11.7 million, during the years the President has been in office it has gone down slightly, to 11.5 million. Yes, you people love to lie about the President letting illegals flood into the nation, but it is just the opposite. He has effectively stemmed the tide.
Then there is the economy. After the GOP nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression, and the market went on a straight down slide from October '08 to March '09, down to 6650, the President's actions resulted in a market today that has set records, and currently is at 17,500+. And the employment picture, while still dismal, is below 6%, when the GOP was done in 2008, we were losing 500,000+ jobs a month, and headed for Great Depression unemployment figures.

This accomplished in spite of the GOP doing all in it's power to destroy the economy because they were and are far more interested in making the President look bad, than in the welfare of this nation.
A person that has addictions like that, that can't even suspend their habit for a few hours, that person must have other more serious addictions.
Then there is the economy. After the GOP nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression, and the market went on a straight down slide from October '08 to March '09, down to 6650, the President's actions resulted in a market today that has set records, and currently is at 17,500+. And the employment picture, while still dismal, is below 6%, when the GOP was done in 2008, we were losing 500,000+ jobs a month, and headed for Great Depression unemployment figures.

This accomplished in spite of the GOP doing all in it's power to destroy the economy because they were and are far more interested in making the President look bad, than in the welfare of this nation.
Another Grubercrat chimes in with the party line.
A person that has addictions like that, that can't even suspend their habit for a few hours, that person must have other more serious addictions.

I want him to have a mental health checkup. We the people needs to DEMAND it happen. He is certainly has mental problems on top of not having any class, manners, or knows the traditions of what a President of our United States should be.

just like Corpse-man

the biggest embarrassment ever Representing us and our country
Then there is the economy. After the GOP nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression, and the market went on a straight down slide from October '08 to March '09, down to 6650, the President's actions resulted in a market today that has set records, and currently is at 17,500+. And the employment picture, while still dismal, is below 6%, when the GOP was done in 2008, we were losing 500,000+ jobs a month, and headed for Great Depression unemployment figures.

This accomplished in spite of the GOP doing all in it's power to destroy the economy because they were and are far more interested in making the President look bad, than in the welfare of this nation.

Holy fuck, the stupid hurts.
A person that has addictions like that, that can't even suspend their habit for a few hours, that person must have other more serious addictions.

I want him to have a mental health checkup. We the people needs to DEMAND it happen. He is certainly has mental problems on top of not having any class, manners, or knows the traditions of what a President of our United States should be.

just like Corpse-man

the biggest embarrassment ever Representing us and our country
Biden and the Cabinet should declare him "incapacitated".

Biden with a stroke could do better than Obama.

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