Obama Out Disrespecting Folks- China Furious At "Disrespectful" Nicorette-Chewing Obama

Then there is the economy. After the GOP nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression, and the market went on a straight down slide from October '08 to March '09, down to 6650, the President's actions resulted in a market today that has set records, and currently is at 17,500+. And the employment picture, while still dismal, is below 6%, when the GOP was done in 2008, we were losing 500,000+ jobs a month, and headed for Great Depression unemployment figures.

This accomplished in spite of the GOP doing all in it's power to destroy the economy because they were and are far more interested in making the President look bad, than in the welfare of this nation.

Holy fuck, the stupid hurts.

there is that rabid die hard cult members in that 30% something who still approves of him

the old moldy rocks is one of those. lol
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It is sad when a president has to leave the country in order to feel they are relevant at the end of their lame duck term.
The Chinese are sitting there thinking, I don't get it? This guy is president of the US? We know English and Chinese. He knows Constitutional Law?
The Chinese are sitting there thinking, I don't get it? This guy is president of the US? We know English and Chinese. He knows Constitutional Law?
More thinking they can just run over this moron and nothing will ever happen. Much like Russia and ISIS. We have a door mat president who will bow down and suck any dick thrown in his face. We have a whore in the whitehouse that will take anything the world throws at her in hopes she can become a star. How many dicks does this asshole have to suck before the democrats actually get tired of it? Or will they? This may just be the democrat way.
A person that has addictions like that, that can't even suspend their habit for a few hours, that person must have other more serious addictions.

I want him to have a mental health checkup. We the people needs to DEMAND it happen. He is certainly has mental problems on top of not having any class, manners, or knows the traditions of what a President of our United States should be.

just like Corpse-man

the biggest embarrassment ever Representing us and our country
He's not crazy. I've met a few people like him. He's nothing special.
The Chinese are sitting there thinking, I don't get it? This guy is president of the US? We know English and Chinese. He knows Constitutional Law?
More thinking they can just run over this moron and nothing will ever happen. Much like Russia and ISIS. We have a door mat president who will bow down and suck any dick thrown in his face. We have a whore in the whitehouse that will take anything the world throws at her in hopes she can become a star. How many dicks does this asshole have to suck before the democrats actually get tired of it? Or will they? This may just be the democrat way.

Actually when we read the posts of a person so classless as to call a woman they have never met a "whore" and to keep harping on "dick sucking" it only makes us think of another homosexual conservative living in frustration about his inability to perform the acts he keeps harping on...
The Chinese are sitting there thinking, I don't get it? This guy is president of the US? We know English and Chinese. He knows Constitutional Law?
More thinking they can just run over this moron and nothing will ever happen. Much like Russia and ISIS. We have a door mat president who will bow down and suck any dick thrown in his face. We have a whore in the whitehouse that will take anything the world throws at her in hopes she can become a star. How many dicks does this asshole have to suck before the democrats actually get tired of it? Or will they? This may just be the democrat way.

Actually when we read the posts of a person so classless as to call a woman they have never met a "whore" and to keep harping on "dick sucking" it only makes us think of another homosexual conservative living in frustration about his inability to perform the acts he keeps harping on...
The woman we have met is obie. She keeps whoring herself out to foreign leaders like if she only could present her asshole more prominantly that will make them love her.

Most women have no problem equating him like a whore, they aren't like that and would never act like she does.
Liberals can say whatever they like. obola disgusted the Chinese. They shoved him over to the side. Then to make him the utter fool had him agree to giving away the American store. If that's not enough his nose was rubbed in his own shit when at the last minute, after the fool made a televised announcement, the Chinese refused to sign the emissions agreement. obola can put it in his bong and smoke it.
Another non issue the drama queens can harp on.
Yeah, but they keep coming back.

He just doesn't know how to show the proper reverence for his office. I really honestly feel he despises the American people.

Yeah, this is more like it...


You silliy bastards are already choking on the fact that he is a two term President. Not only that, after Bush let the illegal population soar from 7.5 million to 11.7 million, during the years the President has been in office it has gone down slightly, to 11.5 million. Yes, you people love to lie about the President letting illegals flood into the nation, but it is just the opposite. He has effectively stemmed the tide.


Then there is the economy. After the GOP nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression, and the market went on a straight down slide from October '08 to March '09, down to 6650, the President's actions resulted in a market today that has set records, and currently is at 17,500+. And the employment picture, while still dismal, is below 6%, when the GOP was done in 2008, we were losing 500,000+ jobs a month, and headed for Great Depression unemployment figures.

This accomplished in spite of the GOP doing all in it's power to destroy the economy because they were and are far more interested in making the President look bad, than in the welfare of this nation.

You remind me of them mouse and the last act of defiance.

Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress on January 3rd 2007. At that time, the DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77, the GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%, the unemployment rate was 4.6% and George Bush’s economic policies set a record of 52 straight months of job growth. January 3rd, 2007 was also the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee. By no coincidence, the economy crashed 15 months later in banking and financial service industries. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fiascos dumped five to six TRILLION dollars of toxic loans on the economy. Bush knew that this was far too risky; he asked Congress 17 times to stop Fannie & Freddie. Anytime there was an attempt to reform Fannie and Freddie, Obama and the democrats fought against it. Budgets do not come from the White House, they come from Congress. The party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party. Democrats also controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011. If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was a 2007 deficit, which was the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.

Putin always looks like so much more of a badass than Obama when they are in the same picture/ video.

You forget that he's just a little guy. He's barely five feet tall.

The Internet says five foot seven


He apparently uses what he's got very, very well

That is indeed what his trainer has reported. Obama takes it where the sun don't shine like the best San Francisco could offer.


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