Obama pal/star rapper Kanye West: Homophobe spewing fa**ot slurs

Kanye West Ever Since Lyrics Genius

Ahhh....the left is just missing all these homophobic slurs by famous people who influence our youth.

Rapper Kanye West....a friend of Obamas and Obama said "I love his music"....spews "fa**ot" in his lyrics. Along with the mandatory N word.

Chalk this up to another homophobe...who the left wing outrage artists happened to miss.

A pizza joint in rural Indiana? Protest and shut them down!!!!

A world famous musician who influences tens of millions of our youth and whose music is "loved" by our president? Weeeeeeeeell.......we arent too worried about that. Nothing to see here.

Fucking pathetic hypocrites.
Wait a sec u said they were pals?

I thought Obama called him a jackass? I know your hero says Obama calls him, but did you know your hero is a narcissist? He's probably lying.

So, one probably lies and we all know Obama does.

Kanye West Ever Since Lyrics Genius

Ahhh....the left is just missing all these homophobic slurs by famous people who influence our youth.

Rapper Kanye West....a friend of Obamas and Obama said "I love his music"....spews "fa**ot" in his lyrics. Along with the mandatory N word.

Chalk this up to another homophobe...who the left wing outrage artists happened to miss.

A pizza joint in rural Indiana? Protest and shut them down!!!!

A world famous musician who influences tens of millions of our youth and whose music is "loved" by our president? Weeeeeeeeell.......we arent too worried about that. Nothing to see here.

Fucking pathetic hypocrites.
Wait a sec u said they were pals?

I thought Obama called him a jackass? I know your hero says Obama calls him, but did you know your hero is a narcissist? He's probably lying.

So, one probably lies and we all know Obama does.

Why do your believe everything Kanye says? You must really admire him.
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What is funny is that Eminem has been publicly criticized and even sued for the use of homophobic slurs (which he uses for the simple purpose of pissing people off) and why has this rapper the only one getting shit on for it? Could it be that he is....white?
What is funny is that Eminem has been publicly criticized and even sued for the use of homophobic slurs (which he uses for the simple purpose of pissing people off) and why has this rapper the only one getting shit on for it? Could it be that he is....white?

Yep. A left winger in my Jay Z thread said blacks can say faggot...and its ok. He said we arent "in the know" to understand their definition of faggot is different.

So...I suppose white.folks can redefine "ni&&er" and say it...and just say our version is different and you have to.be in the know to know.
Its funny how lefties like to just call everyone who disagree with them ignorant but then say shit as profoundly ignorant as that. Haha yeah i suppose they could. One thing i ll give the right wing is that at they refrain from "ignorant/race card/ignorant/race card/rinse and repeat" tactics. It gets so old when everything you say is retorted with "well your a white fucking racist idiot homophobe! You close minded fuck how dare you think differently than me!" The double standard hypocrisy is staggering. And do you know how you know its racism? I'm Hispanic, and I keep getting called a white racist for my beliefs...lol okay...ignorant stereotyping much?

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