Obama persecuted Filmmaker still rots in jail-


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
I went back through an entire thread here where the LIBRUL LYNCH MOB demanded this poor man's death in some cases, wanted him to rot in a prison, to be labeled a terrorist.. etc etc.. I brought it back in to date to show just how CRAZY and out of control libruls are.. if they had of had their way, that man would be dead or handed over to the animals who killed our Ambassador.. The thread is titled, "Filmmaker outted by Government." Go read it and you'll see just how disgusting these libs are here..

Meanwhile, this man rots in jail, no bail.. no hearing until the FRIDAY AFTER THE ELECTION.. How convenient, no?

The same LYNCH MOB libs here also came back just the past couple of weeks claiming Obama never blamed the film and yet we have an entire thread with 48 pages of PROOF that he most certainly did.. Obama merely said the word and his Zombies were in a blood lust.. LOL

From the article:

only an idiot would believe that the police swooped down in the darkness and collected him for any reason other than that his video had incurred the disfavor of rabid Islamists — and of Team Obama, which needed a timely post-Benghazi scapegoat.
Never mind Americans’ constitutional rights to say whatever the heck they want about Islam — or any religion.

Remember all of the debates we had with LIBRULS who didn't give a damn about this mans rights or freedom of speech??
How frightening is it that a segment of our society would have killed this man without due process or protection under the law?

This is the face of liberalism.. and of a MANIACAL President who feeds off of his Zombie followers.

Thank God Tuesday is 3 days away!! MITT ROMNEY/PAUL RYAN 2012
How frightening is it that a segment of our society would have killed this man without due process or protection under the law?

This is the face of liberalism.. and of a MANIACAL President who feeds off of his Zombie followers.

Thank God Tuesday is 3 days away!! MITT ROMNEY/PAUL RYAN 2012

Where were you on Awlaki?
Did Obama and Eric Holder go after and arrest the Black Panthers? Why no.. they didn't.. Perhaps if they had made a movie calling ridiculing Mohamed they would be rotting also.
Not only did he violate his probabtion, but he did it in a way that generated international publicity. By all means, keep on with your fantasy about how Obama is out to get him. :cuckoo:
This latest fail has been brought to you by: LadyDumbSlinger -- slinging the dumb on USMB since Feb 2011.
From the article:

only an idiot would believe that the police swooped down in the darkness and collected him for any reason other than that his video had incurred the disfavor of rabid Islamists — and of Team Obama, which needed a timely post-Benghazi scapegoat.

All of a sudden this guy has parole violations.
It's perfect for the government.Most of the country was led to believe this guy was responsible for what happened so they say lock him up and throw away the key.
The WH knew all along they had this guy by the balls knowing all along he wasn't the real reason behind the attacks.
From the article:

only an idiot would believe that the police swooped down in the darkness and collected him for any reason other than that his video had incurred the disfavor of rabid Islamists — and of Team Obama, which needed a timely post-Benghazi scapegoat.

All of a sudden this guy has parole violations.
It's perfect for the government.Most of the country was led to believe this guy was responsible for what happened so they say lock him up and throw away the key.
The WH knew all along they had this guy by the balls knowing all along he wasn't the real reason behind the attacks.

He won't get away with it, even if he wins re-election, WHICH HE WILL NOT. A lot of back room talk about impeachment.. A LOT.

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