Obama Plans To Tightly Control Strikes On Syria


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
So when a US Jet is shot down he can not blame it on his Generals, I am not sure he has thought this out to the end game.
He will go it alone LMAO


Pentagon Prepares To Unveil Syria War Plans As "Broad Coalition" Crumbles

day after US ambassador to The UN Samantha Powers stated, "we will not do the airstrikes alone if the president decides to do the airstrikes," and Russia warned, "bombing Syria without the cooperation of Damascus can have destructive practical consequences on the humanitarian situation in Syria," it appears President Obama's grand strategy to combat IS via a 'broad coalition' of allies is flailing. While the WSJ reports, The Pentagon is preparing war plans in Syria that would include an intensive initial wave of strikes against Islamic State targets, Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier explained today that providing air support or sending ground troops to fight Islamic State is "out of the question for us." For now, it appears, the only nation involved in the 'broad coalition' is France. Why? Because as we said yesterday, this is merely over fears of more BNPs. "A key component of this would be allied participation," said a U.S. official; does '1' ally count?

And other nations are faltering...

Foreign ministers meeting with Mr. Kerry Friday appeared split on whether to push the war on Islamic State into Syria.

The narrow focus of the U.S. government on Islamic State militants has hampered diplomatic efforts at building up a coalition, particularly among Arab countries. Some Arab diplomats have said the U.S. should focus on attacking the Assad regime as well as extremist groups.

None of Washington's Middle Eastern allies have publicly committed to participation in military operations against Islamic State, and administration officials have tried to deflect questions about how far Arab leaders may be willing to go to support the effort.

Other nations in the region have privately raised questions about the depth of the American commitment to push back Islamic State, worried that the U.S. will pull out too quickly, and not press long enough to permanently weaken the militants.

As Russia warns...

Pentagon Prepares To Unveil Syria War Plans As Broad Coalition Crumbles Zero Hedge
I swear that if Harper backs air strikes with Obama against Assad I will lead riots.

They better not try to do this shit. This is really pissing me off.
So you've got a man with no military experience micro managing an important air campaign. What could possibly go wrong?
Frankly it's creepy. IT was bad enough when Obama personally went through files and decided whom to kill in drone strikes. Now he's taking command of the military ala Hitler. Will he appear in uniform next?
So you've got a man with no military experience micro managing an important air campaign. What could possibly go wrong?
Frankly it's creepy. IT was bad enough when Obama personally went through files and decided whom to kill in drone strikes. Now he's taking command of the military ala Hitler. Will he appear in uniform next?
With a chest full of medals like his idol and namesake Saddam Hussein.
I swear that if Harper backs air strikes with Obama against Assad I will lead riots.

They better not try to do this shit. This is really pissing me off.

I'll bet the Mounties are shakin' in their boots, eh!

Ah they wouldn't be yet. You know we all come in here and play against each other left and right. Most are just fools. Some of us are deadly serious. Just for fun though I would like to point out I do know how to lead riots because I used to be a mega left winger in the old days. Some fun.

For me I'm on an edge up here. Harper crossed the line for me backing Svoboda and Right Sector against Yanukovych.

I'm stuck now though. Hate my leader that I helped and drove up his success or turn coat to Justin. I do wish Jack was alive. Would have made my choice very easy.
So you've got a man with no military experience micro managing an important air campaign. What could possibly go wrong?
Frankly it's creepy. IT was bad enough when Obama personally went through files and decided whom to kill in drone strikes. Now he's taking command of the military ala Hitler. Will he appear in uniform next?

Sadly I do believe the answer is yes. I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy here Rabbi.
I swear that if Harper backs air strikes with Obama against Assad I will lead riots.

They better not try to do this shit. This is really pissing me off.

I'll bet the Mounties are shakin' in their boots, eh!

Ah they wouldn't be yet. You know we all come in here and play against each other left and right. Most are just fools. Some of us are deadly serious. Just for fun though I would like to point out I do know how to lead riots because I used to be a mega left winger in the old days. Some fun.

For me I'm on an edge up here. Harper crossed the line for me backing Svoboda and Right Sector against Yanukovych.

I'm stuck now though. Hate my leader that I helped and drove up his success or turn coat to Justin. I do wish Jack was alive. Would have made my choice very easy.

You forgot something very important.

I don't believe you when you talk about your exploits and how you are an important piece of the Canadian political puzzle. For you to tell me about something you have done or threaten that you will do is pointless. I wish I had a nickel for every time you posted some threat or ultimatum here.

I wonder if anyone here believes you. What do you think?
Anyone that does not realize that U.S. airstrikes in Syria are extremely complex tactically, strategically and political is a moron.

The President requiring his personal approval of every target is appropriate. He will be held responsible to the results.

It is not unusual at all for Presidents to require this level of control during limited military actions.
Doesn't the military resent this? being told when where how ...to bomb? or not bomb?......

Reading the news every day is unbelievable ..... the psychopath in the White House is totally out of his mind...every day brings a new shock! sending roops to "fight" Ebola......opening the borders........and now the military needs the President's approval to open fire?????? bomb this ..noooooooooo....bomb that .....noooooooooooooooo...don't bomb at all.

It's amazing it's a joke and it's tragic too. Sad times for the once great USA...
Anyone that does not realize that U.S. airstrikes in Syria are extremely complex tactically, strategically and political is a moron.

The President requiring his personal approval of every target is appropriate. He will be held responsible to the results.

It is not unusual at all for Presidents to require this level of control during limited military actions.

LOL,total bullshit.

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