Obama Praises 'BLM' Again: ‘Sometimes Progress Is A Little Uncomfortable’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama Defends Black Lives Matter: ‘Sometimes Progress Is A Little Uncomfortable’
LINK: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/12/21/obama-defends-black-lives-matter-sometimes-progress-little-uncomfortable/

With Racial Tensions at it's highest in decades, President Obama continues with his divisive Presidency, once again praising Black Lives Matter. BLM is the racist, violent group that forced a white Democratic Party Representative to APOLOGIZE for suggesting that ALL lives matter and who called for the murder of all whites and police. Instead of rebuking them Obama has had their members to the WH twice to praise them for their actions.

In this article, 'President Obama says Black Lives Matter, the controversial protest movement currently stoking anti-cop hatred in America, is still a force for good.'


Remember when Obama promised he would not engage in any divisive acts / behavior as President and that his election as President was pretty much a sign that racism was 'dead'?

yeah we know about it asshole

our live have been uncomfortable for the last seven years with your thuggish actions and the support of these terrorist groups you have unleashed on us starting with those OWSers and now with the thug group the BLM.

That's why we need to VOTE OUT THIS PROGRSSIVE PARTY come 2016 and no more of them. NO to Hillary, Bernie and what's his name that guy O'Mally
So he supports innocent peoples lives being burned to the ground?
He supports calls to kill cops?
No wonder he sent aides to MB funeral before the facts even came out..
No kidding Blues:

When I saw the ugly of his crowing to be the king (President) and how nasty and downright hateful it was. I knew right then this man HATED us and everything we stand for. why people fell for his spew of he's going to transform our country, I'm still trying to figure that one out. as we see what he's transformed on us is more hate, division, nasty and on on. it's been miserable with that community agitating thug having a NATIONAL stage as President.
You can always count on BreitPhart to lie about what the President said.

"But in other cases, an issue like Black Lives Matter and the question of whether, you know, the criminal justice system applies equally to everybody, that's been an issue in the African-American community, and to some degree in the Latino community, for decades. There's no black family that hasn't had a conversation around the kitchen table about driving while black and being profiled or being stopped.

I think really what's changed over the last several years is the pervasiveness of smartphones and the visuals that suddenly have sparked a conversation about how we can deal with it. And although it's uncomfortable sometimes, I actually think that over the long term it's how, in Dr. King's word, you get a disinfectant by applying sunlight to it, and people see, you know what? This is a true problem, and as a consequence we've been able to have conversations that might not have happened 20, 30, 40 years ago, with police chiefs who genuinely want to do the right thing, law enforcement who recognize that they are going to be able to deal with crime more effectively if they've got the trust of the communities.

You know, during that process there's going to be some noise and some discomfort, but I am absolutely confident that over the long term, it leads to a fair, more just, healthier America. Sometimes progress is a little uncomfortable."

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