Obama publicly reveals GENESIS 2:2 of Illuminati anti-Bible, Saturday night, May 9,09

Apr 6, 2009
GENESIS 2:2 of Illuminati anti-Bible revealed in public by Obama, Saturday night, May 9, 2009
Months after "Obama" revealed his FIRST name (1), he reveals 7/11 as the date he will detonate the bomb tied to his fake suicide bomber chest. (2)
Simultaneously he releases to the audience the lines of GENESIS 2:2 in the Illuminati anti-Bible.

The HORRIBLE TRUTH about "Obama"'s public revelation
The illuminati themselves confirm what was predicted by End Times Prophet: there are only a few words left and they all belong to one book. In fact they all belong to one chapter. (3)

(1) Google "Steve X" obama
All results in first page, as of today, are legit.

(2) Google: Nixon, Obama fake suicide bombers. First two results in first page (incl. illuminati religion blog) are legit.

(3) The only lines not yet written in the anti-Bible belong to
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ N:N
where _ is a character and N is the number you would expect from End Times Reductionism.
"Execution" of "Obama" II, alias "Hussein" II sentenced to death penalty by SCOTUS on ...

"Execution" of "Obama" II, alias "Hussein" II (1) of the anti-Bible's Obamanation of Desolation, (after being sentenced to death penalty by Supreme Court) scheduled for --/--/2012 (2) (Genesis 2:2 of anti-Bible).
And "Lady Gaga" alias "Amy Winehouse" will be singing a song about the math that day. (2)

(1) the same type of execution as the actor impersonating "captured" Hussein I of Iraq
Genesis 2:2 of anti-Bible - Google Search
First results
Obama publicly reveals GENESIS 2:2 of Illuminati anti-Bible ...

The Bible vs the Illuminati anti-Bible: GENESIS 2:2 of Illuminati anti ...
10 May 2009 ... Simultaneously he releases to the audience the lines of GENESIS 2:2 in the
Illuminati anti-Bible, another example that the Illuminati anti-Bible ...

The Bible vs the Illuminati anti-Bible

(2) Hussein I * Hussein II = Osama I * Osama (alias Obama) II
"Death" of "Amy Winehouse" alias "Lady Gaga" was an illuminati joke about the "Death" of "Osama Bin Laden" alias "Hussein Obama II" alias Barry Soetoro
"Death" of "Amy Winehouse" alias "Lady Gaga" was an illuminati joke about the "Death"

"Execution" of "Obama" II, alias "Hussein" II sentenced to death penalty by SCOTUS on

poster Carl Von Awesomwitz replies:
You guys loving laugh, but when Obama self-detonates and ushers in the race war and the presidency of Hillary Clinton, you'll loving wish that you hadn't posted lame "Kyoon is mentally ill lolz" comments in his well crafted and thought provoking threads you loving fuxs.

I Miss Kyoon - The Something Awful Forums
04-06-2009, 04:40 PM

29 June 2012
Lance Armstrong. Usain Bolt, "Hussein Obama II" accused and stripped - first of six acts June 29 2012

Last Prophet predicted 2004 that the greatest cycling champion ever, Lance Armstrong, would be executed the same way as Marion Jones:
- first: falsely accused of doping, as may others before, as part of the agenda behind the illuminati doping conspiracy; (1)
- second: all major TITLES erased from the official medals table, which is also part of the "Rewrite History" agenda pushed to the utter limits.

In 2007 Last Prophet explained that Usain Bolt would be executed the same way as Lance Armstrong.
In 2008 after Usain Bolt set his world records at the Beijing Olympics, Last Prophet explained that Usain Bolt became the fastest man ever AND FOREVER.

Last Prophet explained immediately after the illuminati were forced to use plan B for the 2008 "election" and have "Obama" play counterfeit president and have him detonate as fake suicide bomber (like Nixon) later, that illuminati actor "Obama" would be executed the same way (2) as the two greatest sports champions ever, Armstrong and Bolt:
- accused of all sort of crimes (forging birth certificazte; murdering his "granny", etc);
- stripped of his title, i.e. Hillary Clinton declared 44th president and successor of GW Bush.

All this part also of the supervised ethnic civil war script, to be launched together with the collapse of banks and anihilation of savings and pension funds of human cattle.

The first of these six acts (accusation, titles stripping of Armstrong, Bolt and "Obama") timely took place (3) on June 29, 2012, hours before the start of the Tour de France.
The next five acts won't take as long as the first did. Actually they are all scheduled for 2012.

(1) Doping Conspiracy - Destroy Natural Sports Icons, sell "Drugs is better" Hoax: Lance Armstrong not Usain Bolt will be summarily executed first
(2) Rewrite History: Suicide Obomber and Miss California v Usain Bolt - FAILLUMINATI stripping medals
(3) Lance Armstrong to face charges from U.S. Anti-Doping Agency
June 29, 2012
Lance Armstrong to face charges from U.S. Anti-Doping Agency | Cycling | Other Sports | The Seattle Times

August 24, 2012 - second act out of six - Lance Armstrong stripped of his Tour de France Titles
Armstrong to Be Stripped of Tour Titles, Banned - Businessweek
So, this is a New World Order conspiracy to ruin Lance Armstong's life, then? And this has been planned for millennia?

Today at 7 PM GMT Usain Bolt at 100 m of Brussels Van Damme meeting.
Censored by global illuminati media as all other appearances except for the Olympics
Blake looking to upstage Bolt in Brussels - Sport LIVE

It could be the last chance to see the fastest man ever and forever, before the illuminati stage the next and third act out of six.
Samsung Diamond League
Six acts
Lance Armstrong accused 29 June 2012 - stripped of his Tour de France titles 24 August 2012
Usain Bolt accused ? - stripped of his Olympics and World titles ?
"Hussein Obama II" accused ? - stripped of his 44th presidential title ?

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