
Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Edward Klein ^
The talk in Democratic Party circles is that Barack Obama has told Joe Biden that he is prepared to endorse him for president if, in return, Biden promises to let Obama have a final say in the choice of his vice presidential running mate. According to these Democratic sources, Biden is mulling over the president’s conditional offer of support. In addition, there is speculation among top Democratic sources that Obama has another quid pro quo for his endorsement: he wants Biden to choose an African American as his vice presidential running mate. In this scenario, which Obama has not yet...

Emanuel? Now that, would be a laugh.
Now that is strange I was "lurking a Biden site today and they were all talking up that mayor of Chicago. Rauhm or whatever that brillo heads name is.
Joe Biden: You know, I remember as a child, watching television in 1925, there wasnt much on back then, just captain kangaroo, rex trailer, and some goofy looking ventrilaquist with his bisexual dummy, but hey, back then, we thought it was the greatest thing ever, and Television just couldnt get any better.
I hope Biden does enter the race. He will give the Dems and the DNC someone to support.

He's been VP for eight years and is way more qualified to be POTUS than that POS Hildebeast will ever be.

Hope he runs.
obammy wants moochelle to run as Bidens VPOTUS?

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