Obama Represents?

Who does Obama represent?

I feel he represents the socialists on the left only.
You’re entitled to your ‘feelings,’ regardless how ridiculous and wrong.

There are no ‘socialists,’ left, right, or center; you clearly have no idea what a ‘socialist’ is and are clueless to the fact that American liberals are in no way ‘socialist.’

Obama is no different than Bush or Clinton before him: a mainstream centrist whose primary concern is safeguarding the interests of the corporate elite and preserving the authority of the MIC; that the left hates Obama as much as the right, if not more so, is proof of that.

And at least the left hates Obama for relatively legitimate reasons.


Obama represents the Parasitocracy, which has taken over the power institutions in the U.S.

...No, a social parasite is not, strictly speaking, a "loafer" or a "charity case." Loafing is a man's free choice; charity is yours. A parasite, on the other hand, is a person who demands -- and what is more, who believes -- that others must provide for him what he cannot provide, or chooses not to provide, for himself.

This more precise definition is no mere academic exercise. It reveals the subtleties of parasitism that have allowed it to evolve into the parasitocracy that has devoured most of the developed world. For it is now clear that being unproductive, though often true of parasites, is not their essence. What is essential is the parasite's presumption that the productivity of others -- their toil, time, and achievement -- ought to be at his or her disposal. ...

Articles: Parasitocracy
Which of your fellow Americans do you consider "parasites"? The physically disabled? The mentally challenged? The elderly? Children living in poverty?

What a grand view the smug and feckless have from way over there on the Right.

How noble of you to use unfortunate people as Poster Victims while the Reactionary Liberal Elite plunder the wealth and income of average Americans.
A call for wage fairness? Perhaps a "living wage" or an increase in minimum wages? Perhaps you would advocate collective bargaining. Rights for all workers in order to redress the disparity?

Or is the reality more like a smear, a kick and a spit-laden gowl to "get a job" when there are no jobs to get?
Obama represents the Parasitocracy, which has taken over the power institutions in the U.S.

...No, a social parasite is not, strictly speaking, a "loafer" or a "charity case." Loafing is a man's free choice; charity is yours. A parasite, on the other hand, is a person who demands -- and what is more, who believes -- that others must provide for him what he cannot provide, or chooses not to provide, for himself.

This more precise definition is no mere academic exercise. It reveals the subtleties of parasitism that have allowed it to evolve into the parasitocracy that has devoured most of the developed world. For it is now clear that being unproductive, though often true of parasites, is not their essence. What is essential is the parasite's presumption that the productivity of others -- their toil, time, and achievement -- ought to be at his or her disposal. ...

Articles: Parasitocracy
Which of your fellow Americans do you consider "parasites"? The physically disabled? The mentally challenged? The elderly? Children living in poverty?

What a grand view the smug and feckless have from way over there on the Right.

The thousands of deadbeat pieces of shit that jam my ER everyday and sponge off the rest of us. Anymore questions?
So you would be in favor of affordable health care if for no other reason but to provide primary care and clear the ER for actual emergencies?
Obama represents the Parasitocracy, which has taken over the power institutions in the U.S.

...No, a social parasite is not, strictly speaking, a "loafer" or a "charity case." Loafing is a man's free choice; charity is yours. A parasite, on the other hand, is a person who demands -- and what is more, who believes -- that others must provide for him what he cannot provide, or chooses not to provide, for himself.

This more precise definition is no mere academic exercise. It reveals the subtleties of parasitism that have allowed it to evolve into the parasitocracy that has devoured most of the developed world. For it is now clear that being unproductive, though often true of parasites, is not their essence. What is essential is the parasite's presumption that the productivity of others -- their toil, time, and achievement -- ought to be at his or her disposal. ...

Articles: Parasitocracy
Which of your fellow Americans do you consider "parasites"? The physically disabled? The mentally challenged? The elderly? Children living in poverty?

What a grand view the smug and feckless have from way over there on the Right.

The lazy.
Which of your fellow Americans do you consider "parasites"? The physically disabled? The mentally challenged? The elderly? Children living in poverty?

What a grand view the smug and feckless have from way over there on the Right.

The thousands of deadbeat pieces of shit that jam my ER everyday and sponge off the rest of us. Anymore questions?
So you would be in favor of affordable health care if for no other reason but to provide primary care and clear the ER for actual emergencies?

We used to have that before Amabo care fucked it up.
Who does Obama represent?

I feel he represents the socialists on the left only.

When he is not sucking up to radical left in his party...it is then
Himself and his growing ego
Sad thing, he really believes his own bullshit or
as the staffers like to call him - 'Obam-me"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyL4l6h-oDo]A Beautiful Mind or Colossal Head - YouTube[/ame]
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Who does Obama represent?

I feel he represents the socialists on the left only.

When you're that far off the right hand cliff you can't see he's a centrist. -- often right of center.

Man, you are wa-aaay out there on the fringe.
Well of course, the balance of powers requires that he acts or at least appears center

When the democrats had control of all branches his first two years, they ran as far left as they could.

Of course, they lost the House for it.

His last state of union speech was a leftist wishlist
Perhaps Obama represents what the conservatives have been urging Black and poor people to do for some time now. Get an education, get off welfare, get a job and make something of yourself.
The thousands of deadbeat pieces of shit that jam my ER everyday and sponge off the rest of us. Anymore questions?
So you would be in favor of affordable health care if for no other reason but to provide primary care and clear the ER for actual emergencies?

We used to have that before Amabo care fucked it up.
Oh! Such a lie! It seems the Republican response to the cry for national healthcare was to send the indigent to the emergency room because they could get car ether, don't ya know! And that turns out to be the most expensive care around. Why? Because the hospital will charge insurance carriers and they pass those costs along to the policy holders like you and me.
Obama represents the Parasitocracy, which has taken over the power institutions in the U.S.

...No, a social parasite is not, strictly speaking, a "loafer" or a "charity case." Loafing is a man's free choice; charity is yours. A parasite, on the other hand, is a person who demands -- and what is more, who believes -- that others must provide for him what he cannot provide, or chooses not to provide, for himself.

This more precise definition is no mere academic exercise. It reveals the subtleties of parasitism that have allowed it to evolve into the parasitocracy that has devoured most of the developed world. For it is now clear that being unproductive, though often true of parasites, is not their essence. What is essential is the parasite's presumption that the productivity of others -- their toil, time, and achievement -- ought to be at his or her disposal. ...

Articles: Parasitocracy
Which of your fellow Americans do you consider "parasites"? The physically disabled? The mentally challenged? The elderly? Children living in poverty?

What a grand view the smug and feckless have from way over there on the Right.

The lazy.
Who can make that call?
Who does Obama represent?

I feel he represents the socialists on the left only.
What a nutball you are. It is easy to see who Obama represents. He represents women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, college age students, government workers, union workers, the middle class and the poor. And how do I know he represents these voting blocks? I know he represents them because the TP and the conservatives have driven all of these groups out of their party. That's right nutball, THE REPUBLICANS HAVE ADOPTED POLICIES THAT HAVE DRIVEN EVERY ONE OF THESE VOTING BLOCS OUT OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. They may not like Obama that much but they DAMN sure hate the republican party. They know that IF they vote republican they will be voting against their best interests. Here is a hint for you stone heads: You win elections by drawing people INTO your party, not AWAY from it. Once, when members of the right still deserved respect, they referred to their party as "The Party of the Big Tent" meaning that everyone was welcome. You have become the party of the pup tent and you have slowly but surely driven everyone out of your party who isn't as crazy as you are.
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Who does Obama represent?

I feel he represents the socialists on the left only.

Make an argument. Cite actual policy language. Explain things like his re-appointment of Ben Bernanke, noted free market Friedmanite monetarist to the Fed. Explain why he cut aid to states during his recession, whereas Reagan kept the gravy train open during his.

As it stands you're just engaging in empty bumper stickers. You might be right, but you've not given us any argument that could launch a discussion.

Let us know that you understand the difference between Keynes (who believed in markets and private property) and Marx (who did not). Let us know you're not just someone who is repeating talking points from the Republican Media Complex.

People on the Left think that Reagan destroyed the middle class through trade liberalization and his war on middle class programs and Labor regulations. People on the Left believe that Reagan's faith in unregulated financial markets (adhered to by Clinton) played a major roll in the derivative debacle that helped sink the global economy. But these are just talking points in the absence of arguments. So please - take down the bumper sticker and let us know why you arrived at a given conclusion.

Cite policy language, not Rush Limbaugh's interpretation of a policy he never read either. Give us some indication that you've carefully analyzed this stuff for yourself. (FYI: I happen to share you belief to some extent, but you've launched such a vague potshot that its hard to know exactly why you think he is a socialist).

His single policy achievement is ObamaCare, which was developed by the Heritage Foundation - a rightwing think tank. Obama took the right's health care plan as a compromise (rather than doing what Hillary did in 1994, which used only Liberal ideas). You will recall that Bob Dole campaigned on an embryonic version of ObamaCare as a counter to HillaryCare, and Romney foisted it on Massachusetts (where it has brought down health costs on middle class families despite the initial scare stories).

ObamaCare was offered in response to the fact that Health Care costs had been growing far above the rate of inflation. This is because Health Insurance corporations had divided the country into fixed no-compete zones where they could raise premiums and diminish services without being disciplined by market competition (someone willing to do it better and cheaper). That is, because Health Care was so expensive and broken, it was bankrupting middle class families who were losing their capacity to consume at the needed levels to sustain job growth. Yes, we can argue about whether or not it will work, but it's working for Massachusetts. ObamaCare may not work, but we won't know until it is fully enacted. Remember: Reagan predicted that Medicare would lead to pure socialism across different industries. He also predicted an immediate end to for-profit medicine. And the Rightwing message system created a gazillion talking points and fake facts. But Medicare survived and became immensely popular with Republican seniors. Now the right cannot compete in Florida without promising Conservative seniors that they will not touch their Social Security or Medicare. Also: contrary to the Right's scare stories, Medicare didn't lead to pure socialism; nor did it lead to an end of for profit medicine. In fact, the USA not only has the highest Health Care profits in the world, but the highest in history by an unprecedented margin. So you'll forgive us if we need more substance from your socialist talking points.

But the point remains. ObamaCare was a Conservative Policy because it centered around private insurance markets. The "socialists" on the Left wanted single payer medicare for all - but Obama walked away from the Public Option. He fought Pelosi on this because he wanted to preserve the power of private insurance markets, which had a major role in writing the legislation.

(What happened to the Rightwing voter? When I was a kid they could cite policy and historical fact like chapter and verse. Now they repeat tired talking points from Limbaugh. Makes it hard to have any kind of discussion.)

(FYI: I hate ObamaCare. I think it merely feeds individuals into a broken health insurance market, one that has destroyed market competition through decades of intensive lobbying. Once the Public Option died, the dems should have killed it.)

Anyway, please say something interesting about this topic. Enlighten us. Give us a new angle. Help us understand what you think apart from spoon fed talking points.

Lastly, maybe you should try to provide some historical context, so we can understand why you give a pass to your own heroes. For instance, Bush, with Medicare Part D, created the greatest entitlement expansion since LBJ. Also, please watch the following video. Bush clearly states that he wants to put poor people without means into homes. He clearly states that he wants government to help them with their downpayment and ensure that they get massive loans. Don't take my word for it. Listen to the actual words of your Party's president. Had Obama said anything close to this, the Right would say he was to the Left of Karl Marx.

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Barry Soetoro represents all radicals, liars, and people that think the government owes them something for nothing.

The only people yet supporting him are the truly retarded, the absolute die hard leftist party hacks who love his radical agenda, and the low information voters. In other words, those who also hate America and our constitution.
Barry Soetoro represents all radicals, liars, and people that think the government owes them something for nothing.

The only people yet supporting him are the truly retarded, the absolute die hard leftist party hacks who love his radical agenda, and the low information voters. In other words, those who also hate America and our constitution.

A ted cruz supporter from Minnesota! Probably means you are a bachmann supporter also. Apparently you are easily fooled. According to what I have read and heard it is fairly obvious that cruz is slightly smarter than perry and much, much dumber that george w. And we saw where george w. took us. If cruz and a dead guy were running I would vote for the dead guy. He would have a smaller chance of damaging this country.
Barry Soetoro represents all radicals, liars, and people that think the government owes them something for nothing.

The only people yet supporting him are the truly retarded, the absolute die hard leftist party hacks who love his radical agenda, and the low information voters. In other words, those who also hate America and our constitution.

why didn't you capitalize it then you scholar you? :eusa_eh: :lol:

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