Obama’s Security Breach In Libya Ignored By Media; Calls for Cong. Investigation


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Obama’s Security Breach In Libya Ignored By Media; Calls for Cong. Investigation

1. All attention must be given to the more-than-strong suggestions that the Libyan attack didn’t “just happen” to have happened on September 11 – the commemorative day of the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City – but were planned well-in-advance

2. Reports from a number of knowledgeable sources are being widely-circulated regarding the United States State Department’s having received knowledge of the attack in Benghazi as early as September 9 – two days before the four Americans were killed.

3. That’s “the story”. There were also similar reports that the attack in Cairo was revealed prior to its occurrence

4, The knowledgeable sources report that no warning was given to persons in the U.S. Embassies in Cairo or Benghazi after the State Department was warned.

5 In Libya, there were approximately 30 people in the main consulate building who could have been warned but weren’t.


6. Pressure is increasing for Congress to conduct its own independent investigation into last week’s attacks on diplomatic posts in Egypt and Libya as lawmakers and even Libya’s president dispute the Obama administration’s assertion that the attacks were merely mob violence spawned by an offensive film.

7 An FBI team is on the ground investigating in Libya, where the attack left four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens dead, and the State Department has said it wants to wait until agents complete their inquiry before saying more.

8 But restlessness is growing on Capitol Hill, where one senator said the Obama administration explanation “defies common sense,” and where senators from both parties have said the attack on a diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, has the marks of a terrorist attack.

9. But Libyan President Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf contradicted her, telling CBS’ “Face the Nation” program that the way the attack in Benghazi was carried out “leaves us with no doubt that this was preplanned.”
Read more: Skeptics say Middle East attacks organized - Washington Times Skeptics say Middle East attacks organized - Washington Times
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Read more: Skeptics say Middle East attacks organized - Washington Times Skeptics say Middle East attacks organized - Washington Times
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What fun...ok, Republicans...bring on the dog and pony show before elections. That'll show Obama.
I got this mental picture of a black Dutch boy quickly running out of fingers at the leaking dike wall.
["Treat the press as enemy collaborators." John McCain failed to do that. Interestingly enough, McCain vainly thought the press would be fair and friendly to him. George W Bush, a mild mannered, polite sort of guy probably didn't even realize that if he accidentally walked into the editors room of the NYT they would have treated him the same way the Libyans treated Ambassador Chris Stevens. Fortunately, Mr Bush would have had the usual twelve person Secret Service detail that Valerie Jarret has and David Brock probably has as well, but Ambassador Stevens did not. Eight Marines held off repeated, determined attacks by some 300 to 500 Japanese soldiers, Guadalcanal, the night of October 24-25th, 1942.]

""So how do you feel about your new position with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)?” asked Media Bistro of Jonathan Allen. “Certainly excited. I’m happy to go to work for someone who inspires me and who I admire. I’m hopeful I can advance the Democratic Party’s goals and obviously, the congresswoman’s goals,” Jonathan Allen replied.

Jonathan Allen is now the Politico’s senior Washington correspondent.

This is the week when Democrats and the Arab street both erupted in frenzies over otherwise obscure YouTube videos, with our media tripping over itself to provide excuses for both.

On September 11, 2012, as North Africa blew up and the American Embassy in Cairo started apologizing for everything, the Romney team finally sent out a statement, but embargoed it till midnight because they had promised not to go negative on September 11th.

I guarantee you a member of the media sent it to Team Obama and I guarantee you it was no coincidence the White House put as much distance as possible between them and the Embassy before the expected release of the Romney statement at midnight. By the time Mitt Romney decided he had to lift the embargo early, the Obama camp had pivoted around him and the media was ready to pounce with “ROMNEY SCREWED UP!!!!”

Treat the Press as Enemy Collaborators | RedState

This wouldn't even be possible without the media's collusion helping to make better and ready, all things Barack. Sadly, its happening right before our eyes. Enjoy.

Our President’s Priorities | Power Line
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There's never been a more deceitful, misleading, LYING administration than the Barry Soetoro administration.

If allowed to continue, this bunch of anti American, socialist, marxists would ruin this country.

They all belong in prison.
There's never been a more deceitful, misleading, LYING administration than the Barry Soetoro administration.

If allowed to continue, this bunch of anti American, socialist, marxists would ruin this country.

They all belong in prison.

Yeah Obama sucks at being prez but he isn't anti-American, he isn't a true socialist or Marxist and both the Dems and the GOP have done their fair share of ruining the country. If Obama is a socialist, then please name me a country that has a leader who is not a socialist or one who isn't a socialist to the degree that Obama is.
You folks sure fell for that line when describing Obama, I've seen the exact description at least 100 times just on these boards and from around a hundred different people and all are from the right!
What fun...ok, Republicans...bring on the dog and pony show before elections. That'll show Obama.

What dog and pony show? Can you honestly say that you think that the American people have been given the truth about what happened in Libya? What happened to the 32 people that survived the Libyan assault? Don't you find it strange that we've not heard anything about their condition let alone seen them interviewed by the press? We deserve to know if our consulate was attacked by Libyans or foreign fighters as the Libyan president maintains. We should be able to know whether this was preventable.
It's up to the host country to provide security for foreign embassies first and foremost. If there was a concern in Libya, the government there should have sent troops to protect the US embassy. The US requested Marines at the Sudan Embassy for more protection there and the government there said "no"! Not all governments will allow the marines or whomever to control security. And if the Lybians had concerns and indeed did notify the US, they still had an obligation to send more protection until the US had a chance to respond to the supposed warnings.
The host countries are muslim theocracies. They have no interest in providing security and when they do, the security itself will turn on the diplomats and kill them.
What fun...ok, Republicans...bring on the dog and pony show before elections. That'll show Obama.

This is what I mean when I say Obamaroids got a big boost that the Libyans executed the Ambassador and three others and didn't hold them hostage, they started sweeping it under the rug before the funeral
It's up to the host country to provide security for foreign embassies first and foremost. If there was a concern in Libya, the government there should have sent troops to protect the US embassy. The US requested Marines at the Sudan Embassy for more protection there and the government there said "no"! Not all governments will allow the marines or whomever to control security. And if the Lybians had concerns and indeed did notify the US, they still had an obligation to send more protection until the US had a chance to respond to the supposed warnings.

Inside the Embassy? Really? You think that, for example, Russian troops are INSIDE the US embassy in Moscow providing security for us?

It's up to the host country to provide security for foreign embassies first and foremost. If there was a concern in Libya, the government there should have sent troops to protect the US embassy. The US requested Marines at the Sudan Embassy for more protection there and the government there said "no"! Not all governments will allow the marines or whomever to control security. And if the Lybians had concerns and indeed did notify the US, they still had an obligation to send more protection until the US had a chance to respond to the supposed warnings.

Did it occur to you that if the Sudanese denied our ability to protect our embassy, then we should probably close the embassy and leave the country?
And if the Libyans let us know they had concerns it is OUR governments obligation to protect OUR people.
What fun...ok, Republicans...bring on the dog and pony show before elections. That'll show Obama.

What dog and pony show? Can you honestly say that you think that the American people have been given the truth about what happened in Libya? What happened to the 32 people that survived the Libyan assault? Don't you find it strange that we've not heard anything about their condition let alone seen them interviewed by the press? We deserve to know if our consulate was attacked by Libyans or foreign fighters as the Libyan president maintains. We should be able to know whether this was preventable.

Very interesting Vel. What about the 32 survivors? Were they brought back to the states? Have any since died? We need honest reporting!
It's up to the host country to provide security for foreign embassies first and foremost. If there was a concern in Libya, the government there should have sent troops to protect the US embassy. The US requested Marines at the Sudan Embassy for more protection there and the government there said "no"! Not all governments will allow the marines or whomever to control security. And if the Lybians had concerns and indeed did notify the US, they still had an obligation to send more protection until the US had a chance to respond to the supposed warnings.

What right does the Sudanese have to say "no" to Marines coming in and securing our soil at the Embassy? There was no comment from the State Department.
There's never been a more deceitful, misleading, LYING administration than the Barry Soetoro administration.

If allowed to continue, this bunch of anti American, socialist, marxists would ruin this country.

They all belong in prison.

Yeah Obama sucks at being prez but he isn't anti-American, he isn't a true socialist or Marxist and both the Dems and the GOP have done their fair share of ruining the country. If Obama is a socialist, then please name me a country that has a leader who is not a socialist or one who isn't a socialist to the degree that Obama is.
You folks sure fell for that line when describing Obama, I've seen the exact description at least 100 times just on these boards and from around a hundred different people and all are from the right!

Please dig your head out of your ass and listen... this is SOCIALISM...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoqI5PSRcXM]Obama-Spread the wealth around - YouTube[/ame]


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